I have noticed something, Lets all Just Get along!

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I think most of the “anger” is simply the forum. Sometimes it is simply writing style. If the conversation was in person, body language would tell each other that it is not anger, but an earnest desire to share the truth. I always try to assume if a post “sounds” angry it is not the way the poster meant it to be. I assume Christian Charity and try to respond with Christian Charity. However, sometimes I go back and read my posts and think ouch, that didn’t sound like I meant it, but I pray others give me the benefit of the doubt as I try the benefit of the doubt (and sometimes fail) to others.

p.s. I also know that most of the “hit and run” people are doing what they do out of a sincere desire to save “those idol worshipping Catholics from hell and get them truly saved”. If I truly believed what they thought we believed, we would be going to Hell! And I think that sometimes the hit and run method is to protect themselves from being “sucked in by the lies of Satan”.
I have to say I take real exception to the word “hate” being thrown about so loosely here.

I don’t “hate” anyone here, but if they are dead to rights WRONG on a doctrinal issue where exactly is the “love” in just closing your eyes to that and pretending that “Just because we have our own version of the truth, and they have their own version of the truth, it is STILL the truth.”

Error can NOT be truth. If I say that Peter is the rock on which Christ founded his church and someone else says that Faith is the rock on which Jesus founded his church we CAN NOT both be correct. At least one of us does not believe in the truth.

Error persistently held in the face of the truth can damn you.

This is a Catholic apologetics forum, not a ecumenical support group.

As soon as I read your original post ~ I thought I would perhaps be reading this one later. 😦 Sorry RR ~ I have so many evangelical friends, but I just don’t think we could ever see eye to eye for the sake of the muslims, mostly because of the aggression of the fundamentalist attacks on us catholics. Plus, agreeing to the “basics” mostly means that us catholics have to sanitize our faith so we don’t offend protestants. I know that would be hard for me. Big ego here… :o
I get along with them fine. As long as they don’t say my church is the whore of babylon, the Pope is the anti-Christ, we worship Mary, are satanists etc. If they say those things then they are just asking for a fight and will get one.
Well thats just the thing, I have came to realize that we can’t help others ( Non-Christians), until we help ourselves ( Catholics, Protestants). I was just thinking about us calling eachother liars and saying that our religion is correct and they fill peoples head with lies, while the Islam nations are laughing at us because we as Christians can’t agree on nothing, and they’re all untied over there . If someone does call the catholic Church the “Whore of Babylon” or the Pope the “Anti-Christ”, then don’t stoop to their level and bash them back, if you called yourself true " Christian-Catholics", then you wouldn’t do this, because this is NOT what Jesus instructed us to do. He told us to love one another. That goes to the Protestants in here to, don’t bash the Catholic Church just because they don’t worship like you. Respect us as a part of the Body of Christ, and don’t try to “cut of off” the body of Christ because we have diffrent teachings than you. Well I think I have said all their is to say, so Bye.
  • posted this in a separate thread which has since “gone to the bottom of the pile” but it seems to bear repeating in this thread discussion as well*
In discussing ecumenical relations I found a piece written by Peter John Vere, JCL/M (Canon Law) in which he attempts to reconcile what the council fathers meant, the differences with regard to specific faiths, and defines ecumenism as:

"To address the issue, of course, we first have to understand how the Church defines ecumenism. Basically, ecumenism is the spiritual dialogue and activity in which the Church engages with other Christians. “Other Christians” in this context is understood to mean validly baptized non-Catholics.

This means, for example, that Catholic-Orthodox dialogue or Catholic-Anglican dialogue constitutes ecumenism, because both Anglicans and the Orthodox are validly baptized non-Catholic Christians. But ecumenism doesn’t cover Catholic-Islamic dialogue or Catholic-Hindu dialogue, because Muslims and Hindus don’t baptize in the name of the Holy Trinity. The Church describes this kind of spiritual activity with non-Christian religions as “interfaith dialogue.”

While we’re defining terms, we should note that when dealing with common worship among Catholics and other Christians, we must distinguish between communicatio in sacris (sharing in the sacraments), and the more general communicatio in spiritualibus (sharing in common prayer)…"

Some quotes from the Bible to keep in mind:

Gal. 5 15: But if you bite and devour one another, take heed or you will be consumed by one another.

St James 3:2: If anyone does not offend in word, he is a perfect man…
A very interesting thread. Thank you.

How about this?
Two people look to the sky. One says: It’s a sunny day.
The other says: It’s an overcast, cloudy day.

One is correct. One is in error…factually.
The thing is, at least both of them believe there is
a sun {Son}. They start with a common basis.

At least, together, they could address any person
who said: There is no such thing as a sun. {Son}.

A second thought.
I often think of the “gifts” mentioned in the letters of
St. Paul.
It seems to me that some individuals have the gift
of a fine mind, are both deeply and broadly read in
their own denomination. But often, they seem to
not be gifted in communicating with respect.
Their zeal overwhelms their charity…in which respect
I question the nature of the zeal.
So, to the zealous, how about re-reading Corinthians 13
[or is it Cor.2 ?13].
A final thought: How about the
line spoken by Paul Scofield, playing St. Thomas Moore,
as he addresses his friend, the Duke of Norfolk, who’s
trying to persuade Moore to go along with Henry VIII.
“for fellowship”:
“And what if you go to heaven for following your conscience,
and I go to hell for not following mine…will you come with
me? For fellowship?”
It’s worth remebering that inter or intra denominational friction or plain old fighting is probably stoked often by the enemy. Classic warfare tactics, infiltrate the enemy and divide and conquer.

THe Church has never fallen but it’s well documented members of all denominations have behaved pretty badly towards each other pretty much since day 1. St Paul was scandalised by what he saw as fractionalism and infighting! The apostles squabbled over who was greatest.

Accross the west there are a huge number of people who don’t have a problem with Christianity or other religions basic tenents. They do have a huge problem with the followers behaviour, especiallly towards thos who don’t follow their religion.

If I am tempted to say or write something uncharitable I try to think ‘isn’t that exactly what Satan wants’ - don’t always catch it in time though!:banghead:
I guess I miss the point. It looks to me like 90% of us are getting along pretty darn good. I have seen some very respectful people from all over the Catholic spectrum. Most other relgious affiliations all seem fairly polite.

I know there will always be those who come by just to find an arguement and the moderators do a good job weeding out those that go over the top.

Also, some peolpe may have anger issues or lack the maturity of years to respond in a more measured fashion. Such people may have an occasional lapse in charity and we should not judge too harshly.
Racer wrote: “This forum seems pretty tame to me.Take a look at this Former Catholics for Christ board”

I agree: this forum is pretty tame, and usually respectful. I spent some time on the “Former Catholics for Christ” message board and can confirm that, yes, that way lies madness. If you want to know what hate looks like, go there.

RomanRyan, I appreciate your sentiments, but I have to say that respectful debates and discussions are part of a mature faith. “Can’t we all just get along” is a nice thought, but ultimately rather immature and unsatisfying: a faith that is big enough to encompass all viewpoints without conflict is no faith at all. Truth is NOT relative, and Truth is worth defending. Need I remind you that Jesus said that He did not come to bring peace, but a sword, and that families would be divided because of Him? Truth has a way of doing that, you know. Ultimately Truth is a Somebody, not a something, and so when you say “Well, Just because we have our own version of the truth, and they have their own version of the truth, it is STILL the truth”, you have to understand that this is irrational: if, in doctrinal areas, there are two contradicting views, how can both be true? An Evangelical I know says that there is no hell—now, hell either exists or it doesn’t exist. It can’t both exist and not exist at the same time.

I know you mean well, but you are heading down the path of relativism here, and I won’t join you. If you merely wish to appeal for civility on this forum, why, then I’m in perfect agreement with you.

Again, if you think that this is a nasty forum, you haven’t seen much…
Overall this message board has been fairly tame. At times I have seen some heated debates go too far but that is to be expected. Some people get me fired up when I talk to them but that just makes me study more in hopes to find a rebuttal.

Some times while searching for that rebuttal I find out that I was wrong. So it is not always bad that such things occur.

You are right we should help ourselves but I do think that we should help others before us. We must be careful in doing this though because often times we think that we are helping when in fact we become more of a hindrance.

The most common reason that I get from agnostics as to why they do not follow the Christian faith is because of the behavior of the followers of the Christian faith.

Preach the gospel always and if necessary, use words. -Francis of Assisi
It seems to me that we do get along. As another poster said, “respectful debates and discussions are part of a mature faith”. In addition, scripture tells us that a loving father will admonish his son. Allowing someone to proceed in error is not an act of love, but of indifference. Helping someone to the fullness of truth and faith is an act of loving kindness.
ok people, you have convinced me to get over this gusshy, lovey, kinda thing. I guess we have to preach the TRUTH of the catholic church 1st.
:twocents: Here’s my two cents. Being born in a Catholic family has its challenges. So for almost 40 years, I am still defending my faith. I have learned more in the past five years to help defend me. Most people do not like talking about Religion because they are not comfortable with what other people will think of them. :o Hence, They do not mind making jokes though because this is accepted as humor, and everybody loves a good joke. 😦 The best thing I have done to defend my Catholic faith is to listen to people speak. I just show them the door, they have the choice of walking thru.:yup:
I am confused with the RCC being so ecumenical with the Muslims and Jews, stating that we three worship the same God…actually we do not. We Catholic Christians worship a Triune god.

All 3 religions do worship one God but the Jews and the Muslims deny Christ as being God and the Messias and also they deny the Holy Spirit as being anything or anyone.

If we as Catholics agree with the ‘same God’ belief in and as the Jews and Muslims worship and believe in , then we are actually denying both Christ and the Holy Spirit.

I have posed this question to both our local Bishop and my Parish priest but I received no answer from either one.

To worship at a mosque as did recently a Cardinal IMO is basically denying the Trinity is it not? To participate in Jewish religious services of worship is also denying the Trinity, is it not?

Have any thoughts on this…anyone???
Do not confuse debate and disagreement with animosity and hatred. This is quite natural for any discussion site that welcomes diverse viewpoints, although this is an essentially Catholic site. If you will notice, Catholics merely respond when Catholic teachings are questioned or attacked and surely it is the right and duty of any Catholic to clear up misconceptions about the Church, though to the credit of everyone, the tone of the discussions have been relatively civil.


I would suggest re-posting your question as a new thread.
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