Roman Ryan appears to have the innocence of youth! It’s a beautiful thing, and can move mountains! Jesus loved John, the youngest. Pope John Paul II has made a great effort to address the youth. You are right, I agree with you about working together to help the world and further Christianity, unfortunately, it is difficult to work with people who insist that the Cathoilc Church is evil, pagan, that we worship the Pope and the Virgin Mary, they don’t agree with Apostolic Tradition, and although we have history and Scripture to show the validity of Catholic doctrine, and our “creed,” many Protestants refuse to accept it and decide to ignore the Scripture quotes and historical evidence we give. I enjoy debate, and it sometimes gets heated because we are dealing with the revealed Truth of God and his relationship with humanity. Although there are some heated debates in this forum, and some people choose to be less positive and “Yell out” their emotional arguments without any evidence, it is a positive thing because we are all practicing evangelization, something we are all called to, in one form or another. Maybe the unkind ppl will discover better methods while using this site to take into the “real world” For the record, most of my friends are Protestant,(including my very best friend) and I am respectful of her beliefs and love her, we pray together, have done Bible Study together, and she continues to believe in Faith alone,Bible alone, etc. while I patiently and respectfully explain Catholic Belifs when she asks. We have found a place where
Christ is the ruler in our friendship, the common ground. Although, I think she would really like it if I joined her nondenom church, just to make things easier

I don’t shy away from standing for the Truth when called upon. For instance, she has been suffering from serious health problems and some ladies in her Bible Study interpreted that if a person has enough faith they will be healed. This was troubling to her. I was able to point out Scripture of the spiritual benefits of suffering… and that the most faithful people in the Bible suffered greatly. I have also helped her understand Mary being a role model. Our friendship has been positive on many levels.
I think some Catholics act haughty in response to the hostile criticisms and verbal and written attacks anti-catholics spout out. Not necessarily out of pride, but knowing what Christ suffered and died for is being spit upon can be hard to take. If the Saints can die for the Truth, we can counteract the filth on the internet with Catholic apologetics. The only way for the Christianity to be one body in Christ is for it to be the Church Christ founded on the Apostles, the leader being Simon Peter… That
shouldn’t stop people from working together, but sometimes it does. If Chistians were truly unified under the one Universal Church, we would be a stronger force, no dout, and there wouldnt’ be so many Christians lost, running willy nilly misinterpreting Scripture to suit their needs.