I have zero interest in defending Catholics or the Church

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They’re suspended until November 14th. I don’t think we’re getting an answer anytime soon.
I have no problem defending my own stances as a Catholic individual
And, in my opinion I don’t think you are expected to do more than that. Unless we can make informed and credible presentations there is nothing to be gained by speaking out. I have my own views of the Church and am very happy with them. But when I am blasted for something the Pope or the Church has done there’s very little I can say, in fact virtually nothing, that is going to change the other person’s mind. I remain a steadfast adherent, if I may use the word, of Catholicism. But I cannot intelligently defend the institution or the Pope from their many detractors. Someone else far more able and qualified must do that if and when it is necessary.
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I am 100% Catholic. But I defend not the Church… Why should I…?
I cant judge why you feel no need to defend The Church. I do not defend The Church every time the chance arises. For the most part, I do in real life. But If I had to stop and defend The Church every time I read a negative comment about The Church by someone online, then I would constantly be stressed and waste way more time online then God would probably want me to. Not to mention my wife.

With that said, If you are talking about something similar as to why I do not defend The Church every time online, I get it. But if it is a just “indifference” I would say this… I do not understand because I love The Church. I also love my wife. Insult my wife, I get mad. Insult The Church, or God, which I also love, I get upset and I want to rush to its defense. In proportion to how it was insulted of course.

So, I would have to ask, do you really love The Church if it does not upset you, just a little, to the point where you feel the need to defend her once in awhile? I am not being accusing toward you, it is a real question that I do not know if you have asked yourself or not. And I am not asking you to answer me, you can keep the answer to yourself. Just my thoughts on your post. God bless
I feel the same way. I’ll defend straightforward things, like if they said we worship Mary and things like that, but when people say things like “Catholics are (insert negative adjective)”, I just don’t have the energy to defend it. Sometimes I’ll end the conversation with “I can see why you think that”. I think CAF/current events made me pretty disillusioned, it’s so politicised and everything’s about the right and left…far from the almost comforting influence the faith had on me growing up in a very materialistic/status-focused Asian culture. Now even in a dinner party with other Singaporeans, topics like Candace Owens and Trump are brought up when talking about Catholicism…good grief. It feels like Catholics are either left wing nuts or right wing nuts at this point. So there is some dissonance there. Someone could say something like “The church is oppressive” and I’ll shrug.

That being said, I’m aware that this is pretty dumb, and yours seem off too (with all due respect of course). Your reasoning seems to imply that you’re antagonising the Church and/or you feel antagonised by them. So you’re not defending them out of pettiness or spite.

Pot calling the kettle black, I know.
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Not everyone is called to do apologetics of course, but everyone is called to correct misinformation when the opportunity arises, if anything because we care about other people’s souls.
We’re a body part of the Church and it’s one of our responsibility to defend our faith and be proud of it.
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Well how can I claim to be Catholic if I am not a part of the Church?
Jesus wants us to be one just like Him and the Father are one.
So if I don’t defend the Church I am de facto not defending myself.
Now if someone misinterprets what the Church teaches or what the Pope said then it is our duty to present a cogent and informed defense for it.
And always by being charitable.

Obligations to defend Faith? Moral Theology
Hi! …got beat to the Scriptures passage–if we remain silent, how is our Faith demonstrated? Though Catholic Teaching does not command us to take on arms and kill/threaten those who have different views, we can, through even the simplest of acts, Stand for Christ and His Church: Quickly remove ourselves from such person/environment If the situation/person allows, address the issue Do not support the act/person in any way, shape, form Make it know that you are Catholic and offended by the act…
Is it wrong that I have no interest in defending Catholics or the Church? If this is wrong, please explain why.
If you consider yourself a member of the church, any attack on that church is an attack on you. Would you not stand up for your family or any of its members if they were attacked?
The choice to defend your church (or family) is entirely yours.
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Originally in scripture in 1 Pet:
13 Now who is there to harm you if you are zealous for what is right?
14 But even if you do suffer for righteousness’ sake, you will be blessed. Have no fear of them, nor be troubled,
15 but in your hearts reverence Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to make a defense to any one who calls you to account for the hope that is in you, yet do it with gentleness and reverence;
16 and keep your conscience clear, so that, when you are abused, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame.

Apologia referred to a legal defense in court as we were dragged before Roman courts. Which in some countries still occurs. Peter offers encouragement in doing what is right even if they suffer. Then and even now it can mean imprisonment or death. Russia until recently and China even now.

However by the first century it also took on the task of defending the church, being one with Christ as his body and bride, orthodoxy, and the sacraments, as can be seen in Ignatius Iranaeus etc against heresies.

So the defense is of the hope in Christ and his body the church, through the sacraments which extend the divine life to his bride.

Hope that helps.
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Not really. There are plenty of monastics and other religious who never engage in apologetics. Everyone has different callings. Read 1 Cor 12: 4-28
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The only reason a person should be Catholic is because they agree, as much as possible, with the Catholic Church. And this is why, for example, I’ve read the catechism through to the end. So to defend the Church’s teachings, at least, along with her right to be called true Church, as opposed to defending everything that her members may’ve done throughout her history, is to defend my own beliefs and the very source of most of them.
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Individuals in the Church or their actions are sometimes worthy of defense, sometimes not. We are never required to call evil good, etc. But the faith itself–including the truths about the Catholic Church as founded by Christ, the Pope succeeding in Peter’s role, etc.–always is, as the Church teaches:

Vatican II, Dignitatis Humanae
The disciple is bound by a grave obligation toward Christ, his Master, ever more fully to understand the truth received from Him, faithfully to proclaim it, and vigorously to defend it, never-be it understood-having recourse to means that are incompatible with the spirit of the Gospel.
The ability and obligation to do this comes from the sacrament of Confirmation:

Vatican II, Lumen Gentium
They are more perfectly bound to the Church by the sacrament of Confirmation, and the Holy Spirit endows them with special strength so that they are more strictly obliged to spread and defend the faith, both by word and by deed, as true witnesses of Christ.
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You would stil defend being a Christian, child of God and tell all Jesus is your Lord and Savour…right?
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