I’ve heard, and seen, a lot of this type of problem in my 46 years, unfortunately. It is a major failure of our culture (and most cultures, I’m sorry to say), that men are not taught the first thing about how to treat women, and then when they get married, being as completely ignorant as they are, it causes friction and conflict.
This is not to let women completely off the hook, because oftentimes women are as clueless about men as men are about women, but by and large, IMHO, 98% of the problems in any given marriage are usually the fault of the male. We men just simply know very little about how men and women differ, and we have a too-generous dollop of self-centeredness on top of it, all of it frosted over with The Male Ego ™.
Several years ago, a fellow on another board was getting married, and asked for advice for a newly-married guy. (You can read the whole thread here:
Here’s what I told him:
"Off the cuff…
Always try to see things from her perspective.
When something goes wrong, offer her your sympathy, not your instruction—in other words, don’t try to “fix” the problem by lecturing about how to do it right the next time. She wants you to listen to her, not expound on your supposedly superior knowledge.
Never lie to to her. Ever.
Never yell at her. Ever.
You NEVER cheat on her. Ever.
Make it your goal to help her in things that need to be done around the house. It is not strictly her job to do the laundry, dishes, cleaning, etc. You live there, too, and you dirty just as many dishes and clothes as she does.
From this point forward, with the exception of God, she becomes the most important thing in your life. She comes first, and she is more important than your job, your friends, your boss, your car, your family, your hobbies, your mother, your opinions, and when you have them, your children. Your first obligation, and your first loyalty, is to her. If that is a sometimes painful choice to make, tough.
Do the things she wants to do or the things she asks you to, even if you don’t want to do them.
Know when to keep your mouth shut.
Never, ever, EVER make her look foolish or belittle her in front of other people.
Learn how to do things you never did before—how to bathe a child, change a dirty diaper, the proper way to wash pantyhose, to check the bathtub for razors before you step in, how to handle criticism of your choice in clothes, how to eat food you never ate before, how to sleep with another person instead of by yourself.
Make up your mind that you are in this for the rest of your life. Every marriage has rough spots, boring periods, financial pressures, emotional crises. You work through these things and you stay by her; you do not bail out when the going gets rough.
Be gentle, careful, and tremendously understanding with her when you have your first sexual encounter. You will probably want her to appear nude in a brightly-lit room, and she will want you to hold her in the pitch dark; this is because men are stimulated primarily by sight, and women, by touch. Women are also usually very self-conscious about their bodies. Do it her way. When you are more familiar with each other, she will loosen up and let you turn some lights on. Remember that you have the rest of your lives together for this.
Do not ogle attractive women. That is for single men; you are married now. There is no reason for you to go looking for cold cuts downtown when you have a banquet at home.
Be willing to go roller-skating with her after you have worked for ten hours and want only to collapse in front of the TV in a semi-comatose state. She hasn’t worked for ten hours, and she wants to get out of the house.
Listen to her when she is talking. Give her your complete and total attention. Uttering grunts from behind a newspaper does not count.
Take her advice when she offers it, and do not deride her opinions.
And finally, treat her always as Christ treats His Church. Be forgiving, be compassionate, be understanding, and always love her without condition.
Hope this helps! Congratulations!"
redtech, I don’t know if it would help you or not, but three books which I would highly recommend are listed below.
For you:
For your husband: