Yes, we ask ourselves, what kind of spirit would publicly use the word “whore” to describe someone else’s religion, and then proceed to back it up? As soon as one hears such an epithet, the bells go off and they have to defend a major credibility problem of their own. It speaks so much more about their own attitude towards their fellow, and sadly casts doubt on the details of their story.Y’know… the whole thing could be a fake,
Not to mention that the passage she specifically references - Psalm 51 - is the responsorial psalm at least twice a year!!Maybe she didn’t pay much attention to Mass - there’s Bible there in more quantity than many Protestant churches I’ve attended.
How do you start a blog?Y’know… the whole thing could be a fake…there’s no way to contact her…but there’s just so many things wrong with all that. She says she couldn’t confess and abortion? Gee whiz… that’s what a priest IS for. That’s why we call it Reconcillaition. Sopmething just isn’t right in her testimony.
Have any of you thought of blogging your own real live Catholic testimony online?
Pax vobiscum,
You know, I’m sure that’s a part of it. One of the things I’ve really grown to appreciate about the Catholic faith is that we can talk about our faults and expect to not be judged. The forgiveness of God is wonderful, but I’m coming to realize that there’s nothing like hearing “you’re forgiven” from another human being. The Catholic Church makes us accountable to one another while setting up the circumstances that we must support eachother. It’s truly remarkable.Maybe, deep down, she was afraid of being judged. Of course, the priest would not have told anyone of her confession, but it still sounds like she was afraid of her priest’s opinion.
The passage is John 13 if that helps any.We must always confess our sins and be absolved to keep our feet clean…I don’t know, that just made sense to me for some reason. If some one could help me with that passage or explain what I’m trying to get at better
That feetwashing passage from John would have shocked contemporaries and certainly Peter as per usual lovingly was appaled at what Jesus wanted.I wanted to point something out that I discovered on Holy Thursday, I just could never find the thread for it…I can’t quote the passage(I think it might be in John, but I really am not sure), but when Jesus came to wash Peter’s feet at the Last Supper and Peter proclaimed that Jesus would never wash his feet, Jesus told him something that I again cannot quote (sorry, I can’t find my bible at the moment, but I’ll get back to you with the passage) about the servent and the master. Peter then responded that then he would want Jesus to not only wash his feet but his head and his body as well. Jesus replied that thought the body is already clean, but the feet can always use washing (again, I know I am not quoting this correctly, but I’m trying to get the general idea) This passage completely qualified confession for me. Jesus’ sacrifice DID forgive ALL sins, making our bodies (souls) clean, but though they are forgiven, we still sin on a regular basis, therefore our feet are dirty, and we must constantly wash them to keep them clean as well. We must always confess our sins and be absolved to keep our feet clean…I don’t know, that just made sense to me for some reason. If some one could help me with that passage or explain what I’m trying to get at better, I might make a little more sensethank guys
In Him,
I would leave the nose alone. It’s the rest of the face that would be attended to,Anyone who called the Bride of Christ a whore to my face would have a broken nose.![]()
Hi Voci, I do believe there are none in Rcc. I never saw one in the catholic church. O,h well at least they wrote it. Ill give them that much credit.She never opened a bible in a Catholic church “(you can just use the missal at Mass)”. :bigyikes:
So now scripture isn’t scripture unless it’s printed on paper inside a book titled “Bible” (and preferably a KJV)? WTITB?