I Left The Whore Of Babylon

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Hi Voci, I do believe there are none in Rcc. I never saw one in the catholic church. O,h well at least they wrote it. Ill give them that much credit. 😃 God Bless
During mass there are three different, seperate readings from the bible. The missal is very full of scripture. Eventually, from what, I understand one who reads just the missal will cover the whole bible. After having been on this board do you really believe that Catholics don’t read the scripture?
👋 Spokenword,

While I am aware that there are no Bibles in the Catholic Church, what VociMike was saying is that while there is no Bible to “turn to Acts 5:1” there are missals. Go back and pick one up and look at it. It is packed full of Scripture. But part of the unity, we want everyone to read the same traslation if they want to read it instead of just hear it.
Seriously, saying the Catholic Church doesn’t have Bibles while true in and of itself, is to ignore the tons of Scripture that is read and sung every single Mass. Go look.

As for whether or not the “gospel” is taught I challenge you to the following.

Do you know the 4 steps of being a Christian?

“First, we acknowledge that we are all sinners in need of God’s forgiveness.

Secondly, we recognize that only God can save us.

The third step is that Jesus Christ died on the Cross for our sins and to bring us to God.

And the fourth and final step is that each individual accepts Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior to be saved.”

Would you agree?

Okay, go read this, please. Maybe you read it before, but please read it again. “How Do Catholics Hear the Gospel?”

God Bless,
While I am aware that there are no Bibles in the Catholic Church,
Hi Voci, I do believe there are none in Rcc. I never saw one in the catholic church.
I don’t know where you guys having been going to Church but there most certainly ARE Bibles in our Churches. First of all, there is the Book of the Gospels and the Lectionary. Now some Protestants will say that that is not the same as the Bible since it isn’t complete or “in order”. That is an accusation that backfires since the KJV is certainly not complete either and Martin Luther himself fooled around with the order of the books of the Bible. Even protestant bibles are sometimes sold in parts (i.e. New Testament, Psalms etc.). So completeness is not the defining characteristic.

You might be correct that many (not all) Catholic churches do not have the Bible as a seperate book in the pews. Neither do most Protestant churches - most people bring their own in my experience. 😉 In many Catholic Churches, there are Bibles in the pews right there with the missals and song books. This is probably not the most usual set up though.

In my own parish, besides the Book of the Gospels and the Lectionary, there are several Bibles in the Vestry, more in the office, even more in the conference area and at least one in every classroom (one for each student in the older grades). And that is a small, poor, rural parish. When I belonged to bigger, more affluent parishes, there were Bibles for free (or nominal cost) in the literature racks. It was very common for the Church or a specific groups (such as the KOC) to sell Bibles as a fundraiser too. Every family is expected to have at least one Bible at home. If we ever find out that one of our CCE kids has no Bible at home (many are extremely poor) one of our first priorities is to get one for the family.

You guys need to spend less time reading anti-Catholic propoganda and more time actually talking to and observing real Catholics before you make statements like that.
As a Catholic, I knew I could never confess to a priest the sin of an abortion! I was to embarrassed to tell a priest the sin that got me pregnant. How could I tell him this? Besides, I was convinced there was no forgiveness. Ten “Hail Mary’s” and an “Our Father” was not going to be enough for this sin!
Wow. She really was poorly catechised. If this is what she truly believed, it is no wonder she ended up in a Protestant church. It amazes me how poorly catechised people misrepresent the Church and how other poorly catechised people believe them!
Hi Voci, I do believe there are none in Rcc. I never saw one in the catholic church. O,h well at least they wrote it. Ill give them that much credit. 😃 God Bless
Then I just guess all those scripture readings in my missals at church don’t count as parts of the Bible. And even if I couldn’t read them the fact that they are read aloud to the whole church just doesn’t count I guess. Nor the fact that if you mosey into the church office and ask for one they will put it right there in your hand doesn’t count either… This is about THE lamest excuse to bash the Catholic Church… You can bury a person in Bibles and that doesn’t mean that they’re gonna live any better.

Spokenword…you really are getting cute with cracks like that. Is that what you learned in your evangelism course? You of all people know better and I expect better of ya. :rolleyes:
I won’t take anyone seriously who calls your church “the whore of Babylon”, and you don’t take anybody seriously who uses the term “unanimous concsent of the fathers”, okay?

Both slogans are equally contemptable.
This statement is just plain ridiculous! To equate the assertion that the Church Fathers were one in faith (which they were) to calling Catholics members of a “whore” is hardly “equally contemptible”. You need to reevaluate what is and what isn’t truly contemptible.
Hi Voci, I do believe there are none in Rcc. I never saw one in the catholic church. O,h well at least they wrote it. Ill give them that much credit. 😃 God Bless
Since the Mass is community praise and giving glory to God, it would be kind of self-defeating for anyone to pick up the Bible and read whatever section they want to read in Church–or whatever section someone on the pulpit decides they’re going to go over that day without thought to what the remainder of the Church is doing. That’s what is wondeful about the Catholic Mass. Everywhere in the world, all of our Churches are in unison…doesn’t matter what country I’m in; I may not understand the language, but I certainly understand the Mass and if prepared, I’ll know every word of the readings for that day.

But please don’t assume Catholics (at least not all Catholics) aren’t sitting at home reading their Bibles, doing Lectio Divina (and in our parish’s case, attending a holy hour with Lectio Divina), and even bringing them to the Church for after Mass. But individual reading of the Bible is not what Mass is for. Unless, of course, you’re there for yourself and not for God–then by all means, pick up that bible and read what you want.

As a Catholic, I knew I could never confess to a priest the sin of an abortion! I was to embarrassed to tell a priest the sin that got me pregnant. How could I tell him this? Besides, I was convinced there was no forgiveness. Ten “Hail Mary’s” and an “Our Father” was not going to be enough for this sin!
Unbelievable, just unbelievable. This isn’t just poor catechesis, this is deliberate misinterpretation. “Ten Hail Mary’s and an Our Father” are presented by implication as the ONLY “forgiveness” this woman would receive from the judgmental old priest and this woman cuts the ground from under her own feet with “not going to be enough for this sin”. . .hmmm, gee, confession to a priest (which she REFUSES TO EVEN DO) and a penance given by the priest (a specific one which she didn’t get and is only “assuming” would be inadequate", and “embarassment” KEEPING her from the sacrament are all the fault of the mean, nasty ol’ whore of Babylon.

This is just SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO wrong. This is such a poor attempt at self-justification by vilification that it leaves me shocked to the core, first that she is so wholly blinded by her own delusions and second that she projects those delusions onto Catholics and spreads them to those who will be further deluded and blinded. So very, very sad.
No Bibles in the Catholic Churches? I beg to differ.
Of course, important as the Bible is (word of God), we Catholics are blessed to have in OUR church the REAL PRESENCE of Jesus Christ, whom we receive lovingly, Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, in the sacrament of the Eucharist.

We not only get to hear the Word of God from the Bible, we get to RECEIVE the Lord Jesus Christ at Mass! Something no Protestant (yes, I know there are some who hold that their eucharist is some sort of presence, but they are in the minority), and more especially and more typically the “Bible only” Protestants have.

We’ll do just fine with our lectionary (which is just as complete as most KJVs) and our Eucharist Lord, thank you very much!
Church Militant:
Y’know… the whole thing could be a fake…there’s no way to contact her…but there’s just so many things wrong with all that. She says she couldn’t confess and abortion? Gee whiz… that’s what a priest IS for. That’s why we call it Reconcillaition. Sopmething just isn’t right in her testimony.

Have any of you thought of blogging your own real live Catholic testimony online?
Pax vobiscum,
I agree. It’s scripted and disingenuous in my opinion. The motive is impure as well - she’s bashing the Church.

Since the Mass is community praise and giving glory to God, it would be kind of self-defeating for anyone to pick up the Bible and read whatever section they want to read in Church–or whatever section someone on the pulpit decides they’re going to go over that day without thought to what the remainder of the Church is doing. That’s what is wondeful about the Catholic Mass. Everywhere in the world, all of our Churches are in unison…doesn’t matter what country I’m in; I may not understand the language, but I certainly understand the Mass and if prepared, I’ll know every word of the readings for that day.

But please don’t assume Catholics (at least not all Catholics) aren’t sitting at home reading their Bibles, doing Lectio Divina (and in our parish’s case, attending a holy hour with Lectio Divina), and even bringing them to the Church for after Mass. But individual reading of the Bible is not what Mass is for. Unless, of course, you’re there for yourself and not for God–then by all means, pick up that bible and read what you want.


Thank you. I couldn’t have said it any better myself. There is a proper time and a place for the Bible and then there is a proper time and place for the Weekday/Sunday missals that incorporate *all * of Scripture into the Liturgy of the Mass. To say or imply that the Catholic Church does not contain the Bible is truly one of the most disengenuous arguments I’ve ever heard.

Peace and Charity,
Church Militant:
Y’know… the whole thing could be a fake…there’s no way to contact her…but there’s just so many things wrong with all that. She says she couldn’t confess and abortion? Gee whiz… that’s what a priest IS for. That’s why we call it Reconcillaition. Sopmething just isn’t right in her testimony.

Have any of you thought of blogging your own real live Catholic testimony online?
Pax vobiscum,/QUOTE

Write in your search Former Catholics for Christ
I’m just curious as to why she couldn’t confess an abortion to a priest? I’ve done some pretty heinous things in my life, and have never felt unable to confess 'em. The priest(s) have always been very understanding and forgiving, and have actually come up with some pretty good and creative penances too. I feel sorry for this woman, I really do.

The part I thought was so typical was at the end. It was obvious that the Catholic hospital cured her son (probably for free), so in gratitude she blasts the Church and calls it a whore. I guess Jesus should have been glad about the lepers he cured that didn’t return to thank Him. At least they didn’t cuss Him out.
Hi Voci, I do believe there are none in Rcc. I never saw one in the catholic church. O,h well at least they wrote it. Ill give them that much credit. 😃 God Bless
As I asked, So now scripture isn’t scripture unless it’s printed on paper inside a book titled “Bible” (and preferably a KJV)?

Is it bibles you want, or Scripture? Does Scripture cease to become Scripture if it’s not in a book called “Holy Bible”? Missals are loaded with Scripture. Is that not enough? Is it not enough that we hear and read (and sing!) the Scriptures at every Mass? Are we disqualified if we have it organized, for liturgical purposes, in a different way then in the bible?

Do you read every word of the bible at every service? If not, are those who attend your services somehow better Christians because they’ve brought along extra Scripture that they don’t read in the service? Does that show that they love God more? If Catholics read, hear and sing 1000 words of Scripture at Mass from a missal, and protestants read, hear and sing 1000 words of Scripture at their services from a Bible, is the protestant Scripture somehow more truly the written word of God because it’s in a book called the bible, rather than a book called the missal?

What about the countless references to Scripture found in protestant writings? Are they less Scriptural because the referrer did not quote the entire bible, but only a small parts? Suppose I pick up a protestant theology book loaded with Scriptural references. Should I dismiss it because the entire bible has not been reproduced within its pages?

So I ask again, is it bibles that matter, or Scripture? Of course, as a Catholic I would then be tempted to ask, is it only the written revelation of God that matters, or is it the entire revelation? But that’s a different post.
That’s a tip-off. FCFC is Former Catholics for Christ, a truly vile bunch of anti-Catholics.
Has anyone else seen the bumper sticker that reads “Another recovering Catholic for Biblical Christianity”? What in the hell is THAT supposed to mean? While I’m sure most of you would consider me a “cafeteria Catholic” (something I have no problem with), stuff like this really pxxxxs me off! Okay, rant finished…

Shucks, I thought this was someone overcoming cohabitating with a promiscuous lover.
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