I need advice on these issues


New member
First of all I am scrupulous and have mental illness but I really want advice if anyone has any.

I just went to confession and spilled my guts last Sunday but these are all things that happened this week.

my wife sometimes shows me sexual jokes and memes from Facebook, I confessed it but the priest didn’t say anything about it, would these be grave matter? she also showed me a sexual story from ancient Japan that outlines how suitors would go about sneaking into women’s bed chambers and had a old Japanese painting of I guess a mom catching a couple under the covers. would this be grave matter?

also on the way to work this morning I was going down a two lane east one way road and I was trying to pass a school bus before he came to a stop, I passed him on the left right about when he was about to stop and the stopsigns came out. does any of this sound mortal?

Also my brother across the street I really think he’s a great guy with my kids and all and plays outside with us and I workout and lift weights with him, but he listens to satanic music on his Bluetooth speakers and I was wondering if I am sinning by not avoiding him and his music, you can’t really make out all the words but I know exactly what kinda music it is because I used to listen to a lot of black metal and death metal, but my kids have no idea.

Is this also something of a sin to allow him to do what he wants? He’s not Catholic and doesn’t really have a sense of sin either.
First of all I am scrupulous and have mental illness but I really want advice if anyone has any.

I just went to confession and spilled my guts last Sunday but these are all things that happened this week.

my wife sometimes shows me sexual jokes and memes from Facebook, I confessed it but the priest didn’t say anything about it, would these be grave matter? she also showed me a sexual story from ancient Japan that outlines how suitors would go about sneaking into women’s bed chambers and had a old Japanese painting of I guess a mom catching a couple under the covers. would this be grave matter?

also on the way to work this morning I was going down a two lane east one way road and I was trying to pass a school bus before he came to a stop, I passed him on the left right about when he was about to stop and the stopsigns came out. does any of this sound mortal?

Also my brother across the street I really think he’s a great guy with my kids and all and plays outside with us and I workout and lift weights with him, but he listens to satanic music on his Bluetooth speakers and I was wondering if I am sinning by not avoiding him and his music, you can’t really make out all the words but I know exactly what kinda music it is because I used to listen to a lot of black metal and death metal, but my kids have no idea.

Is this also something of a sin to allow him to do what he wants? He’s not Catholic and doesn’t really have a sense of sin either.
You really need to be talking to a priest about any and all of these issues.

Some talking points, though:
  • You cannot help what other people show you.
  • You cannot help what other people do.
  • So far as I am aware, you are only prohibited (legally) from passing a school bus when the stop signs are out. It's not clear from your narrative whether they were out, or about to come out. No one except you knows what exactly was happening at that moment. Many times, in driving, we have to make snap judgments on a second's notice. Myself, I wouldn't worry about it. But talk to your priest if it is a concern for you.
I really don't suggest that scrupulous people, or people with mental illness, seek advice from strangers (who will almost invariably be non-expert lay people) on an online forum. Work with your priest and with your doctor. Be well and at peace.
Ok thanks for the help, I’ve been ruminating for the last 72 hours and its so hard not to ask for help from others, especially when you live in a small town with 1 priest and no friends to really talk to

Its hard because I’m on a new medication that I’m not sure works yet, and all that goes with it

I am trying to remember correctly but I remember that I was going down a 4 lane with a grass median, and we all stopped for the bus, well my thought was I better pass him up before his next stop because I’m gonna be late for work, well I think by the time I had actually passed him he was barely rolling and the signs were like coming out just as I was side by side with him I think 🤔