I think as far as the first part, im sure you are unconfortable, I would be too, You could discuss this with your boss, or deal with it i guess. Now the second part I would ask myself why is it this friend i need to hold on too. I think if you are true with yourself you kind of either like making your husband a little jealous. Or there really are feelings there that you arent ready to deal with, or are and now is the time. But its too late. This relationship is over and you need to move on. Your choice is made and now you have to live with it, I know if my husband couldnt let go of his ex regardless of what happened Id tell him to fix it now, me or her, Case Closed. No second fiddle for me. you can sugar coat this all you want but its wrong. And if you dont stop it now it will destroy what you have sooner or later. But hey just my point of view.