As a 21-year-old college student, I’m facing a moral dilemna concerning marijuana. I’ve been smoking it for about two years, thinking that I could reconcile smoking with my life as a Christian. Lately, however, my conscience has begun to convict me, and I can’t shake the notion that something needs to change. Here are two trains of thought: on the one hand, I really enjoy smoking. When I’ve got nothing else to do, it’s a great way to relax, listen to music, and laugh with friends. I’m in a fraternity where nearly everyone smokes pot, and I worry that I’d miss out on fun opportunities if I quit. In the past, I’ve assured myself that if I only smoke pot in moderation, it’s not different than having a glass of wine or a beer.
On the other, smoking pot clearly presents a few problems. My primary concern is my Christian witness to others. Even if I can personally reconcile my Christian beliefs with smoking, how well am I representing the faith to an “un-churched” person if I’m getting stoned? Secondly, I’m wondering whether or not an altered state of consciousness is inherently sinful. Lastly is the fact that smoking pot is obviously illegal, and the catechism itself condemns the use of illicit drugs as “gravely contrary to the moral law”.
I’ve prayed about this matter a lot, but I’m still confused. My dad smoked pot in college, both of my brothers smoke a lot, and nearly all of my friends smoke, so I have to develop a firm conviction eithe one way or the other. Can anyone offer any advice or encouragement? I’d especially like to hear from former or current marijuana or other drug users; if you quit, why did you do it? If you’re still smoking, how do you reconcile pot or other drugs with your faith? It’s easier to see where I’m coming from if you’ve been there. Thank you so much for the help!
God bless,
On the other, smoking pot clearly presents a few problems. My primary concern is my Christian witness to others. Even if I can personally reconcile my Christian beliefs with smoking, how well am I representing the faith to an “un-churched” person if I’m getting stoned? Secondly, I’m wondering whether or not an altered state of consciousness is inherently sinful. Lastly is the fact that smoking pot is obviously illegal, and the catechism itself condemns the use of illicit drugs as “gravely contrary to the moral law”.
I’ve prayed about this matter a lot, but I’m still confused. My dad smoked pot in college, both of my brothers smoke a lot, and nearly all of my friends smoke, so I have to develop a firm conviction eithe one way or the other. Can anyone offer any advice or encouragement? I’d especially like to hear from former or current marijuana or other drug users; if you quit, why did you do it? If you’re still smoking, how do you reconcile pot or other drugs with your faith? It’s easier to see where I’m coming from if you’ve been there. Thank you so much for the help!
God bless,