I need convincing in regards to marijuana...

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No, it is not easy. But I have suffered and am willing to suffer more, IF I know that it is what God is calling me to do. It would be easy and a “safe” decision to write off pot as sinful, attribute all the blessings and graces I have received because of it to the devil and his wiles, and even if I am wrong, can count on God to keep in mind my good intentions and hold me accountable only for what I “know” (or think I know) about His Will for me. I want to make this clear. I am WILLING to not use marijuana if it is sinful ( I am not convinced at this point, but am willing to be)

But because so many people, namely my husband and especially my young children are DIRECTLY AFFECTED by my mental state, I need to really think and pray this through. The consequences either way have the potential to be SEVERE! My children have suffered tremendously in the past by me, as a result of my sufferings.

I cringe to think of the chaos and drama they had to endure, with a mother who is mentally unstable, explosive and unpredictable. I am supposed to trust God to bring my children’s souls safely through the shark infested waters of potential abuse, a suicidal mother who can at times not even leave the house. And my husband through the inner torment of wondering while he is at work if things are okay at home, if his children are safe, and if today will be the day, that he might come home to a dead wife. The heartache of loving someone so much who is unable (though wants to) express love. The fear that he and the children may be left alone, because I had to be “put away” for a while.

Can I trust God to bring my family through this sort of trial? YES! YES! YES! I can and He has!! We have been graced beyond measure as a family, and have overcome much. Our love for eachother is immeasurable and my husband and I have a beautiful marriage that has been cemented and made stronger through our trials.

We are to accept humbly what God has for us and if that means His sufferings, does that not also mean His blessings?

Yes, this life change has been brought through my use of marijuana.

When I stop smoking (for a long duration) the horror returns. No I do not spend my day stoned. When I smoke, it makes me feel normal. When I don’t smoke … it is a nightmare. It is the differance between being able to walk and being in a wheelchair.

For the love of God, would I WILLINGLY imprison myself back in my wheelchair, after having this last year of freedom? Only for Him, who gave His only Son for me.

His Church is my Herald of Truth. Not peoples interpretations of Church teaching. Please show me where the Church says MARIJUANA is sinful? I read the post above which pointed out the differances of soft drugs. But again what is the definition of drug? Caffeine is a mind altering substance. Ask anyone who needs that cup of coffee in the morning. But no one is arguing the morality of caffeine. Why? And yes, it is addictive. As a teen I knew quite a few kids addicted to No Doze. Ever hear of a caffeine headache?

Ana you said
I am WILLING to not use marijuana if it is sinful ( I am not convinced at this point, but am willing to be).

Surely you should trust Holy Mother Church on this
So true.

To take it one step further, Father John Corapi, in his conversion story, tells of his experience with drugs. Before he came back to the Church and became a priest, John was a very successful and wealthy realtor in the Hollywood/LA area. He ran with celebrities and did drugs heavily. He personally witnessed dealers placing satanic curses on the drugs so that more people would become addicted and “need” the drug, thus making them richer.

Really wants to make you light up, doesn’t it??!!
Mentioning Fr. Corapi’s conversion story is great. It would be hard to listen to that and to still think smoking mj is OK.

I will add that I went to college in the early 70’s and pot smoking was rampant. I knew many that stayed with it. As the years went by more and more gave it up to become part of the mainstream of society and to have good jobs and be successful. I have a brother that never gave it up. His life has been miserable. He is an athiest, antiamerican, divorced, bitter, unhappy person.

He is just one person and for sure this is anecdotal. However, I wonder what his life would have been like had he given it up. I miss him even though he is alive he is not the way he could be. We have trouble talking most of the time. I love him and I pray for him all the time.

If you can’t give it up for yourself, think of your family, your future family and your relationship with God.
do you think you may be cured some way by now. you are not the only one traumatised. you have it in your head that you need dope. I need sex but dont even date as nobody is free to marry in church. I find celibacy and being alone with children a big suffer to bear. take up your cross and suffer With the rest of us…The dope gives delusions. im sure we all would feel better on heroine or after a few drinks or after a night of illicit lovemaking (that may even go somewhere if i did). As i agree with the popes on contraception plus i think its disgusting do i get pregnant again or keep charts ///or pray for daily grace and help and that the problem may be solved by a holy marriage or the gift of celibacy or the gift of the grit i need and trust in the struggle.
Chris, may God be with you. I am sorry, I took up so much of your thread.

Thank all of you who responded to my posts. I appreciate all your (name removed by moderator)ut and OPINIONS. Although I was disappointed to see not one of my questions were addressed. It seems though that perhaps I have been misunderstood or not clear. Although I am not convinced, that marijuana is sinful, neither am I convinced that it is not.

My questions were not to persuade or cast doubt on anyones convictions, I was sincerely asking because I am seeking answers to these very questions (which have been consistantly ignored.) These questions I have are MY stumbling blocks toward clarity, and I was seeking others answers.

It is good that you all see clearly on this issue, but I think a little more charity, patience and a WILLINGNESS to address questions would probably have been more helpful, to someone who may not have the same clarity and convictions.

My questions and points are scornfully tossed aside as justifications and excuses, and even by one charitable poster … laughed at. How can that be when I am not claiming to be right? Only seeking a deeper understanding. I answered everyone that addressed a question to me. Is there such a thing as an invalid question?

And to the one who keeps telling me to listen to Mother Church … helloooo … that’s what I am trying to do. Otherwise I wouldn’t have questions. I am not questioning what the Church says, only what she MEANS!!

When teaching my child, I listen to his questions, because that is where the opportunity to teach resides.

I am sorry I offended anyone by not bowing immediately to your wisdom, God bless, be secure.
you have it in your head that you need dope…
I am sorry but you have no possible way of knowing that.
I need sex but dont even date as nobody is free to marry in church…
You don’t NEED sex. You want it.
im sure we all would feel better on heroine or after a few drinks or after a night of illicit lovemaking (that may even go somewhere if i did
Speak for yourself. Myself and many other sincere Catholics I know would NOT feel better after using Heroin or a night of illicit lovemaking. Nothing good can come from sin.
Thank you all for the (name removed by moderator)ut and kind words. I’ll continue praying for discernment on this issue. If you have any more advice or personal experience to share, feel free. Thanks again.

God bless,

Hey, Chris - I double dog dare you to quit for thirty days.

If you cannot do it, I bet you have a problem…

Now, don’t tell me a Cal Bear can do something YOU CAN’T???

And to the one who keeps telling me to listen to Mother Church … helloooo … that’s what I am trying to do. Otherwise I wouldn’t have questions. I am not questioning what the Church says, only what she MEANS!!

**2291 **The use of drugs inflicts very grave damage on human health and life. Their use, except on strictly therapeutic grounds, is a grave offense. Clandestine production of and trafficking in drugs are scandalous practices. They constitute direct co-operation in evil, since they encourage people to practices gravely contrary to the moral law.

Are you using pot STRICTLY ON THERAPEUTIC GROUNDS? Your post seems to indicate the answer is YES…

Then the Catechism goes on to say:

**2211 **The political community has a duty to honor the family, to assist it, and to ensure especially:
  • the freedom to establish a family, have children, and bring them up in keeping with the family’s own moral and religious convictions;
  • the protection of the stability of the marriage bond and the institution of the family;
  • the freedom to profess one’s faith, to hand it on, and raise one’s children in it, with the necessary means and institutions;
  • the right to private property, to free enterprise, to obtain work and housing, and the right to emigrate;
  • in keeping with the country’s institutions, the right to medical care, assistance for the aged, and family benefits;
**- the protection of security and health, especially with respect to dangers like drugs, pornography, alcoholism, etc.; **- the freedom to form associations with other families and so to have representation before civil authority.

If your use of marijuana is for medial reasons, and you wish to lobby to change the law of the land and are willing to go to jail for your convictions you are a righteous person, in my opinion. Again, I repeat, in MY OPINION…However, I really think we are kidding ourselves if we think the Holy Mother Church approves of using illicit drugs for recreational purposes. She does NOT…and Ana, that does not seem to apply to YOU…
Ana -

I want to say this in a truly charitable way - so please bear with me.

I am sorry for the pain and tragedy you face. We all have our burdens. We must take comfort in Christ and our loved ones to face these crosses.

Marijuana may have medicinal and therapeutic uses for you. But you do not have a prescription and therefore are participating willfully in an illegal action. You have full knowledge, consent, and understanding of this law breaking. Would that not be in line with the teaching of mortal sin? To break the law is sinful = smoking marijuana illegally is sinful.

I cannot say you must quit and go back to the darkness you knew before. You must be the one to make those decisions. But think of this - your consent for smoking pot will affect your children. It will open the door for them thinking if they have what they feel is a good reason to do drugs - well then it must be okay. What could this lead to? And you are not yet convinced if it is harmful or sinful, you justify your own use of it, and say until proved otherwise you will continue. Is this not addiction taking over? You feel that as long as you are depressed, or disassociative, or unable to function fully it is ok. Doesnt every (excuse my word here) junky feel their drug is neccessary for survival? You MUST have that hit to function properly!

I do not know if this helps or makes sense, but this is how I view it. I think God gives us all the graces we need to handle our sorrow. You have been hurt. Jesus was hurt. God hurts every time we sin against him. I feel like you can overcome your troubles with the appropriate support and faith. You were abused - you must not be reconciled yet to what happened if all these years later you cannot function fully without marijuana. Seek professional help and spiritual help. Maybe with that you can stop your drug use and live fully without dependence on a substance.

God Bless and Peace Be With You!
Lsk and crobynb,

Wow! Talk about answer to prayer. I was frustrated and a little hurt by some of the attitudes that had been displayed towards me. When I was saying the Rosary, I kept getting distractions that had to do with … well… my feelings were hurt, I felt so misunderstood. I was trying to be tough about it, but wasn’t doing a very good job. After unsucessfully trying to push my hurt feelings to the side, I just decided to go with them and make them part of my prayer.

Can you imagine my joy and relief, when I came here and saw such compassion and charitably worded posts! Thank you, Jesus!

I don’t have time to respond to your replies right now, but I just had to say thank you. The compassion behind your words were like a soothing balm.

I only wish we could continue without me feeling like I am hijacking poor Chris’ thread. Would you two consider discussing this on another thread as well?
Ana -

I would be happy to participate in another thread or in a PM situation. Offering help, support, and friendship in anyway is ok with me! That is what we are here for. I try and keep this in mind always -
     " I expect to pass through this world but once - 
       Any good therefore that I can do or any kindness I can 
       show to any fellow creature - let me do it now. 
       For I shall not pass this way again. "
you alone are answerable to God for your conduct. when parents set bad example and teach that then they have to answer. you want us catholics to …Give you our permission to smoke dope. …we never would write these threads but at the invitation. Unless we all agree that the only way you can live is to remain on dope you will be angry… unless you are too dopey. how much does and has your husband smoked i wonder He is alright about it… everyone i knew Worshipped dope … they thought i had a secret supply and was keeping it from them … others were insane and deluded and beneath the tolerant veneer…rigid in a fundamentalist way over their numerous opinions which these people shared frequently. relativisms and peculiar ideas. over decades i met many people and groups. I never met anyome who was remotely as sussed as they were in their delusions. it will be in your bloodstream in 6 months time what you smoke this week. there are withdrawal symptoms and it is BAD for mental health. Especially in making sound and informed judgements.
Although, I used to smoke pot in my younger days, I had quit many moons ago, because I felt it conflicted with my Catholic faith.\

Recently, I began to reevaluate my position on marijuana. I thought about it and prayed about it, for months! This is not a decision I made lightly.

My husband was a social smoker, and after many years of not smoking, I decided to smoke a joint with him. That night I was able for the first time in a long time to have relations with my husband. It was more than that though, I experienced a tangible healing deep in the core of my sexuality. Afterwards I was on my knees in tears thanking God, for His mercy. I felt His deep consolation and love for me. Everything changed after that.

My rage is gone. My confusion is gone. My depression is gone. Sucidal ideation is gone. I can function like a normal human being again. Little things that people take for granted. Being able to plan a menu, balance the checkbook. Leave the house. I can concentrate!!

Those who have witnessed my suffering and suffered with me ( mom, husband, friends, children) are AMAZED by the change in me. Not all know why, I am suddenly “better” after so much time of being afraid for me. But ALL can see the differance and they are rejoicing for me and for my family for the dramatic and instantaneous healing that has taken place.

So now I am in the position of “seeing” the change in me. being so grateful because my children and husband (and myself) have a better life. But “hearing” how I am going to Hell.

I was in Hell. Because of pot, I have my life back. But will I lose my soul?

God bless!
You are so full of it! I’m sorry, but that’s the biggest crock of baloney anyone’s ever tried to pull off. You have your life back because of POT??? Are you listening to yourself???
I’m so sure your family would be so proud to hear how you have solved your problems by resorting to illegal drugs. Don’t give me that caffeine hooey…I said illegal.
I wouldn’t so much worry about going to Hell, because God can forgive anything if you truly repent, and it’s none of my business whether or not you do. However, don’t try and pass your crutch off as being “healed”.
I’m sorry if I sound harsh, but you sound as if you are embarking on a road that will…yes, will…lead you into a worse Hell than the one you “think” you’ve come out of.
If Ana’s depression issues are indeed biochemical, then the small dose of THC she gets out of a few puffs of a joint may be just the thing to get her brain chemistry in order. It’s only an issue if it’s not therapeutic in nature.

The truth is marijuana has a bad name because the government, bought and paid for by the pharmaceutical and alcohol industries, says it’s bad and not useful. There is no scientific evidence that this is so.
The truth is marijuana has a bad name because the government, bought and paid for by the pharmaceutical and alcohol industries, says it’s bad and not useful. There is no scientific evidence that this is so.
You are horribly wrong there. There is scads of evidence that implicates marijuana in lung cancer, emphysema, and a loss of cognitive function over the long term. You may choose to believe that it’s all propaganda, assuming you have the clinical research studies to back that up.
the long term mid term and shoirter term users like their little fantasy world where everything is whatever they want it 2 be and dope DOPE is the foundation happiness and help they want
The truth is marijuana has a bad name because the government, bought and paid for by the pharmaceutical and alcohol industries, says it’s bad and not useful. There is no scientific evidence that this is so.
You are horribly wrong there. There is scads of evidence that implicates marijuana in lung cancer, emphysema, and a loss of cognitive function over the long term. You may choose to believe that it’s all propaganda, assuming you have the clinical research studies to back that up.
Over the long term, overuse of almost ANYTHING is harmful. In the long term, marijuana can and does do harm. So does chocolate. In cases like Ana’s, we’re not talking about long-term overuse. In most (not all) cases of recreational use, we’re not talking about long-term overuse, either…which is not to say that I necessarily advocate recreational use.

The issue I’m bringing up is that marijuana has some useful properties that are not investigated because of a political decision, not a scientific one.
Switch to cigars. They’re legal. They taste better. And no gets shot, thrown in jail, or fails a drug test for job because of them.

Think of this, somewhere right now a young girl, under the control of a drug dealer, has been manipulated into prostituting herself all so you can enjoy your doobie. Look her in the eye and tell her the high is worth it.

Dude, use your head…don’t be one.
stop this conspiracy theory nonsense, those implicated in them are being victimised by nameless faceless scandalmongerers, lets see all the lies going around…the spin.the enemy is the devil and he is a liar. be careful what you take onand spread. fr john corapi on ewtn was a wotness to these dealers and spoke afainst it. i too have seen it since 16 over more than 25 yrs. am i in on the conspiracy?
If Ana’s depression issues are indeed biochemical, then the small dose of THC she gets out of a few puffs of a joint may be just the thing to get her brain chemistry in order. It’s only an issue if it’s not therapeutic in nature…
There are other things Ana can do besides a joint. The only “joints” she should be worrying about are her knees…it’s called prayer…and, NO, at times it’s not easy, but at least it isn’t illegal. And if you get hooked on it, that’s even better.
~ Kathy ~

**2291 **The use of drugs inflicts very grave damage on human health and life. Their use, except on strictly therapeutic grounds, is a grave offense. Clandestine production of and trafficking in drugs are scandalous practices. They constitute direct co-operation in evil, since they encourage people to practices gravely contrary to the moral law.

Are you using pot STRICTLY ON THERAPEUTIC GROUNDS? Your post seems to indicate the answer is YES…

Then the Catechism goes on to say:

**2211 **The political community has a duty to honor the family, to assist it, and to ensure especially:
  • the freedom to establish a family, have children, and bring them up in keeping with the family’s own moral and religious convictions;
  • the protection of the stability of the marriage bond and the institution of the family;
  • the freedom to profess one’s faith, to hand it on, and raise one’s children in it, with the necessary means and institutions;
  • the right to private property, to free enterprise, to obtain work and housing, and the right to emigrate;
  • in keeping with the country’s institutions, the right to medical care, assistance for the aged, and family benefits;
**- the protection of security and health, especially with respect to dangers like drugs, pornography, alcoholism, etc.; **- the freedom to form associations with other families and so to have representation before civil authority.

If your use of marijuana is for medial reasons, and you wish to lobby to change the law of the land and are willing to go to jail for your convictions you are a righteous person, in my opinion. Again, I repeat, in MY OPINION…However, I really think we are kidding ourselves if we think the Holy Mother Church approves of using illicit drugs for recreational purposes. She does NOT…and Ana, that does not seem to apply to YOU…
LSK, this is why, I am struggling. Your post reflects some of my own thoughts on the matter. Especially the last sentence … “this does not SEEM to apply to you”, I feel the same way … and that is why I am here. I am looking for certainty. I have learned things are not always as they seem, which is why I am seeking more clarity on this. I also agree that it seems clear that drugs are to be used ONLY for therapuetic reasons, which would eliminate recreational use.
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