I need convincing in regards to marijuana...

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Ana -

I want to say this in a truly charitable way - !
You have NO IDEA how much I appreciate that.:love:
Marijuana may have medicinal and therapeutic uses for you. But you do not have a prescription and therefore are participating willfully in an illegal action. You have full knowledge, consent, and understanding of this law breaking. Would that not be in line with the teaching of mortal sin? To break the law is sinful = smoking marijuana illegally is sinful.!
If you don’t mind, I would like to put the legality issue on the back burner for now. I do think it is important and must be addressed as part of this discussion, but I would like to concentrate on some other angles first. One reason is because, it has not always been illegal, nor is it illegal everywhere. Also, I do not need abortion to be illegal in order to understand the immorality of it. Whether the law approves or disapproves … abortion is ALWAYS abhorent.
I cannot say you must quit and go back to the darkness you knew before. You must be the one to make those decisions. But think of this - your consent for smoking pot will affect your children. It will open the door for them thinking if they have what they feel is a good reason to do drugs - well then it must be okay. What could this lead to? And you are not yet convinced if it is harmful or sinful, you justify your own use of it, and say until proved otherwise you will continue. Is this not addiction taking over?!
Explaining why I do or don’t do a particular thing is not automatically justifying it. Simply stating my reasons. It is very possible my reasonings are wrong, which again is why I am here. I am willing to be wrong to be right. I did not say until proved otherwise I will continue. and have prayed for the grace that if it is sinful, that I may be given the grace to submit without understanding.
You feel that as long as you are depressed, or disassociative, or unable to function fully it is ok.!
Yes, I feel that if anyone is unhealthy they have a moral obligation to access whatever medicines may be available to be healthy.
Doesnt every (excuse my word here) junky feel their drug is neccessary for survival? You MUST have that hit to function properly! !
Do you think someone high on Heroin is functioning properly? It doesn’t seem to be an accurate comparison to me. They may think they are functioning properly, but it is a delusion that is apparent to everyone but them. They cannot perform the tasks needed to live a full and fulfilling life. Maintain healthy relationships with loved ones, keep a job, not hurting other people, including those that love them becaus of their addiction (stealing, dying, living in a flophouse ) Heroin ROBS everyone involved in the addicts life causing immeasurable pain and suffering, for the addict as well as those who love them.
You were abused - you must not be reconciled yet to what happened if all these years later you cannot function fully without marijuana. Seek professional help and spiritual help. Maybe with that you can stop your drug use and live fully without dependence on a substance.!
I can see where it would seem that way. But in actuality, though my suffering was intense, it was because of it and through it that I HAVE been reconciled to my abuse. The fact that I still have cuts and bruises has no bearing on the state of my soul. For instance. I can be reconciled to the fact that I have cancer and healed spiritually, without having been healed physically.

I have a priest that I meet with bi monthly, and have gone through counseling with a Catholic therapist experienced in dealing with sexual abuse survivors. This therapist has said that I am unique in that I have not learned only learned to cope with my past, but through Christ have been victorious. I can honestly say, that Christ has used these wounds in such a way, that what Satan intended to use to destroy me, Christ has used to make me a more beautiful person. My sexual abuse has IN CHRIST been transformed to have been extremely beneficial for my soul, if not my body (including my brain and it’s biochemistry.) This counselor (monk) as well as my priest has asked if I would be willing to share Christ’s victory in my soul with other abuse survivors. I am not tooting my own horn, just pointing out that I have spent endless hours in prayer and therapy to a very good end. I can say with joy, that if given the choice, I would not change anything about the circumstances I was born into. God knew what He was doing all along, even if I didn’t know at the time He was there, and was taking care of me. I know now that He was, and I love Him all the more for what He has brought me through. My God can do ANYTHING!!
God Bless and Peace Be With You!
Thank you and may He bless you abundantly as well.
There are other things Ana can do besides a joint. The only “joints” she should be worrying about are her knees…it’s called prayer…and, NO, at times it’s not easy, but at least it isn’t illegal. And if you get hooked on it, that’s even better.
~ Kathy ~
😃 Excellent post.
Prayer is the answer and medicine where needs be. Dope has too many negative effects to be called medicine. They don’t call it the evil weed for no reason ☘️
you alone are answerable to God for your conduct…
I agree.
when parents set bad example and teach that then they have to answer…
I agree.
you want us catholics to …Give you our permission to smoke dope…
Why would I need yours or anyone else’s “permission?” :confused:
Unless we all agree that the only way you can live is to remain on dope you will be angry…
. Speculation. You cannot predict my behavior.
unless you are too dopey…
Is your position so weak as to have to resort to insults?
how much does and has your husband smoked i wonder He is alright about it…
.Now THIS is a valid discussion point. Yes, my husband did smoke pot recreationally.Though he never justified it, he knew it was wrong, but was struggling with an addiction. He did all the things one is supposed to do when in that situation, pray, make use of the sacraments and wait for God’s grace. Which I am happy to say, has come. My husband was recently freed of his addiction and no longer smokes pot. But he believes my use is considered therapuetic and has a positive benefit for our family. He has never made that claim for his past use.
. everyone i knew Worshipped dope …
That does not mean I do.
they thought i had a secret supply and was keeping it from them … others were insane and deluded and beneath the tolerant veneer…rigid in a fundamentalist way over their numerous opinions which these people shared frequently. relativisms and peculiar ideas. over decades i met many people and groups. I never met anyome who was remotely as sussed as they were in their delusions. it will be in your bloodstream in 6 months time what you smoke this week. there are withdrawal symptoms and it is BAD for mental health. Especially in making sound and informed judgements.
I am sorry I am really not sure how to reply to this, you sound slightly unhinged. And because you consistently persist in projecting ill will and bad motives towards me, when my posts coherantly and logically say otherwise, and you have no reason to think I am lying, it seems you are the one who is slightly deluded.
You are so full of it! I’m sorry, but that’s the biggest crock of baloney anyone’s ever tried to pull off…
Someone trying to pull of a crock of baloney, would be trying to con someone. I am not trying to do this.
You have your life back because of POT???No, it improves the quality and functionability of my life.
Are you listening to yourself??? .
Umm … yes
I’m so sure your family would be so proud to hear how you have solved your problems by resorting to illegal drugs…
My parents have suffered tremendously because of drugs. My brother is an on again off again crackhead. They HATE drugs. My mother who along with my husband, carried most of my burdensome self when I wasn’t able to function. Performing her own duties while helping with mine, because I wasn’t able to. Like any good mother, she suffered because I was. Her heart was breaking for me. She is completely against drugs, but holds the same view as my husband … the proof is in the pudding.
Don’t give me that caffeine hooey…I said illegal. .
Thank you for acknowledging (if not answering) one of my questions. I addressed the legality issue in another post. But if marijuana wasn’t illegal (and it’s not in some places) would that make it along the same lines of caffeine, or is there another differance?
I wouldn’t so much worry about going to Hell, because God can forgive anything if you truly repent, and it’s none of my business whether or not you do. However, don’t try and pass your crutch off as being “healed”…
For the sake of brevity, I try to choose my words carefully and I think I wasn’t clear. The sexual healing that took place was a result (as Urastar pointed out) of the love of God THROUGH my husbands love expressed in a sexual way, that healed me of my sexual disorder. Pot enabled me to relax (I suffer from a constant state of hyperarousel) to be able to receive this love through my husband. I credit marijuana for my ability to perform my daily tasks and function as a normal human being.
II’m sorry if I sound harsh, but you sound as if you are embarking on a road that will…yes, will…lead you into a worse Hell than the one you “think” you’ve come out of.

You don’t sound harsh, only skeptical. And as for your last sentence … that is EXACTLY what concerns me.
If Ana’s depression issues are indeed biochemical, then the small dose of THC she gets out of a few puffs of a joint may be just the thing to get her brain chemistry in order…
Thank you, I could not have put it better. Pot does not make me high. It makes me normal.
There are other things Ana can do besides a joint. The only “joints” she should be worrying about are her knees…it’s called prayer…and, NO, at times it’s not easy, but at least it isn’t illegal. And if you get hooked on it, that’s even better.
~ Kathy ~
You are ASSUMING I don’t pray. I don’t really like to discuss my prayer life, it is between myself and God, but because you publicly implied I do not pray, for the sake of truth I must publicly state that i do. I pray privately every morning and evening, we also have family devotions in the morning and at night. During the day I try to pray either the Rosary or Chaplet of Divine Mercy as time permits, and also many ejaculatory prayers throughout the day, as well as regular reading of Scripture.

I attend Mass every Sunday, and I used to attend Confession weekly, until my Priest because of our huge Parish and the size of the Confession lines, asked that I only come monthly.
John of Woking said:
😃 Excellent post.
Prayer is the answer and medicine where needs be. Dope has too many negative effects to be called medicine. They don’t call it the evil weed for no reason ☘️

EVERY medicine has negative possible side effects. Haven’t you seen the prescription drug commercials, or read the warnings that come with prescription medicines? The question is, whether the positive effects outweigh the negative.
Switch to cigars. They’re legal. They taste better. And no gets shot, thrown in jail, or fails a drug test for job because of them.

Think of this, somewhere right now a young girl, under the control of a drug dealer, has been manipulated into prostituting herself all so you can enjoy your doobie. Look her in the eye and tell her the high is worth it.

Dude, use your head…don’t be one.
I agree Chris should not be smoking marijuana. But marijuana is not only available through drug dealers. All you need are seeds, soil, light and water. Heroin, cocaine, meth, crank on the other hand all need to be chemically processed and cannot be attained unless through immoral means.

I would never do anything to hurt a prostitute. I LOVE them and pray for them and … I used to be one.
I am seriously concerned that people on catholic forums are being given the message on the forum that dope is ok. they may be young vulnerable unstable. you seem very wrapped in yourself. I get the impression that nothing would get in the way of your relationship with dope. It is others I am writing for. Yes I am Unhinged enough to know where you are coming from. I am so like an alky or an addict but without any crutch and I know interior pain stress self doubt and all the negativity that is thrown at me by itself and through every thing . Only faith in Jesus Mercy helps. My Blessing to you is to ask you to really begin to practice prayer weekly confession rosary every day with your husband and learn NFP and frequent or daily mass. And when it hurts Praise God and sing hymns or weep holding the crucifixer with Jesus and you in agony together And stock up on holy water. Your faith is in dope. Put it in Jesus!
I am seriously concerned that people on catholic forums are being given the message on the forum that dope is ok. they may be young vulnerable unstable. you seem very wrapped in yourself. I get the impression that nothing would get in the way of your relationship with dope. It is others I am writing for. Yes I am Unhinged enough to know where you are coming from. I am so like an alky or an addict but without any crutch and I know interior pain stress self doubt and all the negativity that is thrown at me by itself and through every thing . Only faith in Jesus Mercy helps. My Blessing to you is to ask you to really begin to practice prayer weekly confession rosary every day with your husband and learn NFP and frequent or daily mass. And when it hurts Praise God and sing hymns or weep holding the crucifixer with Jesus and you in agony together And stock up on holy water. Your faith is in dope. Put it in Jesus!
I am starting to think you are not REALLY reading my posts, just skimming without understanding what is being said. You example implies that it is okay to ignore what I am saying, accuse me of thinking things and doing things that my posts NOWHERE imply.

I do not worship marijuana. I do not smoke enought to get addicted. I do not need to smoke everyday, and sometimes it is an extended period of time that I do not seem to need it, and therefore don’t smoke. I don’t like smoking, it is annoying. I don’t like it anymore than a person likes to take medicine. I’d rather be healthy without it.I agree that there is a possibility of addiction, but this does not mean that EVERYONE who smokes is addicted. This would be like saying that everyone who drinks is an alcoholic.

And possibilities of addiction itself, are not enough to condemn the medicinal qualities of a drug. There are lots of legal prescription drugs on the market that are addictive.

Concerning my Mass attendance, prayer life and confession schedule. This was just adressed three posts above yours in number #66. These comments are what make me think you don’t read my posts. If you don’t read them … how in the heck can you logically reply?

Again you are assuming I don’t use NFP. My husband and I have been practicing NFP since very early in our marriage.

As for hurting, Praising God, weeping with the Crucifix in agony with Him … do not assume because some people do not speak of such things that they don’t experiece them … some things are too sacred to speak of to just anyone … like kissing and telling.

Urastar, though I am interested in your perspective, the package it comes in is so unpleasant, it’s like really loud music. The instinct is to cover your ears. I am just going to take some space from you for a while. I am not ignoring you. Perhaps we can pray to be able to understand eachother better with less hostility and more charity.


Please do not misconstrue what I am saying to imply a condoning of recreational drug use of ANY sort. Although I do believe marijuana should not be classified in the same category as cocaine, and heroin, it is illegal and therefore unwise and imprudent to put yourself at risk with the law for a “buzz.”
You are ASSUMING I don’t pray. I don’t really like to discuss my prayer life, it is between myself and God, but because you publicly implied I do not pray, for the sake of truth I must publicly state that i do. I pray privately every morning and evening, we also have family devotions in the morning and at night. During the day I try to pray either the Rosary or Chaplet of Divine Mercy as time permits, and also many ejaculatory prayers throughout the day, as well as regular reading of Scripture.

I attend Mass every Sunday, and I used to attend Confession weekly, until my Priest because of our huge Parish and the size of the Confession lines, asked that I only come monthly.
I am not assuming anything my dear, nor implying anything either. What I am saying is perhaps rather than resorting to drug use to reconnect yourself , prayer would help.
But I also must say that whether it be one joint or a hundred, it is illegal and ergo…wrong. And excuse me…I don’t believe there is any such thing as being a “responsible pot smoker” any more than “not smoking enough to be addicted”. Sounds like an oxymoron to me . Responsibility and pot smoking don’t go together and there is nothing you can say to convince me otherwise.
~ Kathy ~
Thank you to all those who have participated in this discussion. This thread is now closed.
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