OP cites the scientific research which can prove or disprove the effect of gay marriage on children, that is OP tries to use Science to come up with strong yes/no proof about the impact of gay marriage on children. I poste my doubts that Science can come with such answer at all and I mentioned a lot of things that show that Science have no definite answers whatsoever. I just wanted to say with my post that it is quite brutal to find Scientific proofs for the moral commandments. Science some sometimes give contradictory answers, sometimes even at odds with the initial expectations. Then what? Should we reject commandments?
Commandments are from the God and we should interpret and reinterpret them in the light of Science. And not use the Science to justify, prove them. I always wonder how some people are trying to use Science e.g. to justify the chastity commandments, the norms for intimate behavior. It is so strange. And it is strange in this case as well.
Science is the context for the interpretation of the Commandments and not the basis of the proof of them. It is my view.
So - with this I am trying to advise not to use Science for building secular arguments against gay marriage.
Here is my original post which was removed, but I guess - it was removed only because the flagger and the staff could make the connection of that post with the question:
I love Science but I don’t know single question about which the Science can give strict yes/no answer. Even math - there are so much discussions about fundamentals - classical vs intuitionistic approach. Turing limit in computing seemed the definite limit - but now there are hypercomputation and super-Turing efforts. Death from aging seemed to be definite fact, but current medical research is exploring not only anti-aging but rejuvenation as well - even Nature reported successful clinical trial which reverted 1-1.5 years of the biological age. There is no unifying physical theory of everything, etc. etc.
And you are asking to get definite answer from the Science about such complex issue. Uhhh, aren’t there better things to do?’
Now my context explains that. So - yes, you can seek for the Scientific answers but I suggest the meta-level look on your question - I doubt that such answers are of ay worth because of the limitation of Science in the sphere of Theology.
Science can give case-by-case suggestions for the optimal behavior and that is very big contribution from the Science and we should use it. But I am very cautious about the generalizing the results for this question of Science at the level of federal law or even at the level of Commandment (expressed in less than 5 words).