If you’d care to clarify how you’d go about discouraging something without advocating against it, that would be helpful.If by some means a couple desiring to be married knew they were infertile, I would discourage marriage between the two. Also, I wouldn’t advocate against any valid opposite-sex marriage for any reason.
Thinking about how many years of chicken-souping would need to be negated in order for that math to work, I’m forced to conclude this is an argument based on bad arithmetic.Furthermore, If a marriage isn’t committed until death, the “marriage” will hurt the community in the long run.
There’s a lot to be said for the singular they.If a person is straining the community prior to marriage, not only does s/he need a care-provider, s/he shouldn’t be granted the duty to provide for others. This is why communities shouldn’t allow children to marry.
So they’d need a caregiver, but that caregiver shouldn’t be a spouse, and those who need care are incapable of providing any.
Well this has been a fun conversation.
Thank you for your thoughts.