i think im doomed

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i am a great person, i really am and i know it.
We’re all great people - but that’s not what gets you to heaven.

It is obvious you want faith, so all you have to do is ask for it!

I suggest you give it a try!

Well now! Most of your actions show me that deep down you do believe in God. Maybe not intellectually but certainly spiritually there lies within you a belief in good. You have a great capacity to do good. You are doing good! This is God’s Holy Spirit urging you to respect and respond to the challenges around you. God is all goodness. The good actions are pleasing to God.
St. Paul talks in Corinthians about not making God’s Holy Spirit sad. Sadness comes from a deep love when it is faced with inconsiderate actions. When you reject that love you make God’s Holy Spirit sad. Still loving you but in sadness.
Change tack. Stop spending time questioining whether you believe in God or not. Always remember He Believes in You! If he didn’t you would not exist.
He has a plan for you. You have something to accomplish for Him. He is prepared to wait. For Him there is no time limits on things, however for us time, now here on earth, is finite.
Sometimes, like myself, it does not become clear until the experimentation with all the world promises becomes boring and life calles for something deeper. The world offers but always fails to deliver.
God Believes in You no matter what. He will wait. Your heart will realise. I just hope it does not take hitting rock bottom before you cast your eyes upwards and call for Help. When you do call out for help the Confessional will be there. Realise what you are doing.
Keep this in mind. Think of it often.
St Augustine did everything that you have done and more. Yet, he is one of the most quoted members of the church. St. Monica prayed for him for 30 years. Many are praying for you. Hope you come home a little earlier than Augustine.

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
Two problems I have with most of the posts on this thread:
  1. The “You’re a great person!” stuff is a joke! It does no one any good to stroke someones ego who is living in a state of sin. I, too, used to engage in premarital sex, drink WAY too much, dabbled in some drugs, and cared little for matters of faith. Sure, I’d help out my neighbor once in a while and put some change in the Salvation Army bucket during the holidays, but did that make me a good person??? NO! SLTS, your relations with your girlfriend show a total disregard for her well-being or for the consequences of your actions, namely, a newborn baby! You are simply thinking of your own self-gratification. I know…I’ve been there! Also, your use and support of the drug culture, however minor, perpetuates the livelihood of those that are poisoning our young people. Do you care about them or just about feeling GOOOD!
  2. The notion that God’s existence cannot be arrived at through reason and rational thought. Sure, faith pushes you over the edge with the Grace of the Holy Spirit. But one can arrive at God’s existence through reasonable means, not just faith.
That’s my rant…PEACE!
i dont believe it god. i tried when i was younger, i went to church and prayed every night. But as i got older i realized that deep in my heart i didnt REALLY believe. i quit going to church because i felt guilty and i quit praying for the same reason.
A lot of useful things have already been said here, but I will add that one of the rest things about the Catholic Church is the combination of faith and REASON used to know God.

St. Thomas Aquinas has written some wonderful things on proofs for the existence of God. You might also want to search for some books about this topic.

I will offer to you a sample proof for the existence of God. Completely logical, not really refutable, and a good piece of information for someone struggling with this problem;

Every event in nature and throughout the universe requires a cause. You and I, for instance, were caused by our parents. The rainstorm outside is caused by the actions of the water cycle etc.

But there must be at some point in time an original cause, an uncaused cause that moves the subsequent series of events.

The universe cannot bring itself into existence. This is a logical fallacy. There must be an uncaused, original Cause.

This is God.

Finally, most of all, speak with a priest. There life’s work is guiding people, especially those without faith, to God.

God bless.
You’re trying to hard. Your are trying to intellctualize God, while the intellect is important it must not overshadow your soul.

May I recomend attending a cursillo or other church retreat
Hate to bust your bubble-you’re not doomed.
You don’t know that. From what he’s posted, he’s in grave danger.
When asked what happened in the monastery, one of the Benedictines said something like “we fall down and get up, we fall down and get up, we fall down and get up.” If only perfect people made it into Heaven, it’d be a dismal place indeed.
What about the one who falls and stays where he falls because he likes it there? SLTS has given no indication he’s ready to change or that he is sorry for what he is doing. That’s not okay. As far as heaven being a dismal place if only perfect people are there, that’s nonsense. Scripture says only the perfect are in heaven, all others are somewhere else.
Don’t give up–I really believe that G_d isn’t.
Now THAT’s good advice!
Listen to Father Corapi’s CD . he explains how he rediscovered God. u can get a free copy here…


Pray and ask that you find the truth…
after listening to the CD you will find it, God or no god…
The “You’re a great person!” stuff is a joke! It does no one any good to stroke someones ego who is living in a state of sin.
It is not a joke, and it’s too bad you feel that way. The entire Catholic faith’s teachings on life carries a very real and simple message: Every man and woman has infinite dignity. Why? Because God created us that way. We are all great, because God made us great.

You must have read that and somehow missed all the follow-up points about how “just because you’re great doesn’t mean you’ll get to heaven.”

It’s Fundamentalism to tell people how crummy they are. That we are naturally scum and only God can make us non-scum. In fact, the opposite is true. God made us good, and only we can make us non-good.
You don’t know that. From what he’s posted, he’s in grave danger.
Being in grave danger <> doomed. Doomed would imply that there is no recourse. A change of heart and a good trip to the confessional does wonders.

One post had to be deleted. The two that quoted and rebutted it thus had to be deleted too. This action is not in any way a reflection upon those who took the time to rebut that post and the moderation staff thanks them for their efforts and for their understanding.
OpusDei said:
1) The “You’re a great person!” stuff is a joke! It does no one any good to stroke someones ego who is living in a state of sin.

I have to agree with Opus Dei on this one. This whole “great person” stuff has been at the core of many arguments between myself and someone very close. When I would voice my opinion over companions all I would get is “what, they’re good people”. I asked if he would supply me the meaning of “good people” because for sure he and I had a different view on the subject.

Just because someone is nice to you doesn’t qualify them for “good or great people”. A “good” person lives their life according to the laws of God and quite frankly most people do not do that - including the original poster (by his own admittance)

I am left with a picture in my mind of Noah and his family busy building the Ark as all the “good” people stand around laughing , drinking and fornicating.

When we live our life away from God we are neither “good” or “great” people.

Please keep in mind this does not mean we are not to be charitable always.
so even though im a great person and i tried to believe but just can bring myself to, i am doomed to eternal damnation?
I question why it is you believe in eternal damnation, but not in eternal life…with God?
gomer tree:
It is not a joke, and it’s too bad you feel that way. The entire Catholic faith’s teachings on life carries a very real and simple message: Every man and woman has infinite dignity. Why? Because God created us that way. We are all great, because God made us great.
My point was not to say that he couldn’t BECOME a great person. But one who rests in sin is certainly not acting in ‘good’ fashion, much less ‘great’. Admonishing the sinner is a Spiritual Work of Mercy; too often we comfort sinners by telling them they are ‘really good people inside…and that’s what matters’. HOGWASH! Where is the encouragement to reform? The only thing we are doing is easing their way into hell if we don’t speak the Truth; AND we are cooperating in the sin if we don’t admonish, instruct and counsel.
My point was not to say that he couldn’t BECOME a great person. But one who rests in sin is certainly not acting in ‘good’ fashion, much less ‘great’. Admonishing the sinner is a Spiritual Work of Mercy; too often we comfort sinners by telling them they are ‘really good people inside…and that’s what matters’. HOGWASH! Where is the encouragement to reform? The only thing we are doing is easing their way into hell if we don’t speak the Truth; AND we are cooperating in the sin if we don’t admonish, instruct and counsel.
I had a dissertation typed up, but it’s not worth it. Suffice it to say that I think the difference here is semantics and definition of “good.”
Dear SLTS;

I was once like you. I was 17 and bulletproof. I drank. I smoked. I fooled around. And I thought I was a “good person” because my philosphy was to live-and-let-live. But always in the back of my mind I knew that the life I was living was wrong. I sense from your concern for your immortal soul that you know it too. My suggestion is that you stop doing those things that you know are wrong. Going to confession helps a great deal, too. And meditate on the parable of the prodigal son. These things may give you the clarity of mind and conscience that you are seeking. I know it’s hard to leave sins behind, but I can tell yoy that it’s worth it. 👍

Sincerely yours,
Robert in SD
I just read your posting and I know some time has passed, and many of us were your age once upon a time and I agree with most of what has been replied to you but I don’t remember seeing this: Your heavenly Father is calling to you and seeking you or you wouldn’t be even talking abt it here. He gives us the desire to seek him. You don’t need to believe b/c others do, but b/c your soul longs for the connection that only He can provide. In my day, I have wandered from Mother Church for a period of time in my own sinfulness…in fact was so mad at God, I just quit going to church. But His loving grace and kindness led me right back here to the fullness of grace and abundance found especially in the Eucharist. So God knows a man’s heart and He knew you before you were born…so just the fact that you are seeking this information tells me…your are in the right place and He is working in you. Let me warn you friend, there is a heaven and a hell and sinful behavior is eternal damnation. You know it’s funny the enemy, Satan, wants us all to believe that there is no need to worry abt sin or hell…and for the most part our society has bought into it. So it is my christian duty to point out to you that there indeed is a heaven and a hell and I will pray that you will make the right decision with the free will God gave you. He will ultimately respect your free will and give you an eternity apart from Him since that is the way you lived here during your earthly life. Sinful behavior not only hurts others but it hurts our selves and our soul equally and God knew that, He doesn’t want to see us in pain. You will feel good about yourself when you have higher standards than those of the rest of the world. Not better than others, but good about your ability to follow His law. Ultimately, every knee shall bend!!! Your relationship with God may be just in this infancy phase but He is ever so near you, trust in that. He does not want one of His sheep to be lost. As His children, we want to please Him and give Him glory and our job is to encourage you and others to seek His will for your life.
Dear SLTS,

I remember Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen explaining how sin darkened the mind. Sin put a pall over the intellect. Serious sin robbed a person made in the image of God of the Light of God. Sin brought about a disconnect.

The person living is a state of serious sin may think that he sees clearly but he is now at a disadvantage. He no longer can. The state of sin becomes normative and though he is ignorant of his condition, he is no longer playing with a full deck (so to speak.) He truly is ignorant of his condition. Things seem just fine. It’s somewhat like foul body odor. The offender can no longer smell it. Those that can stay away. Sin is desensitizing.

In such an unrepentant man, even the voice of conscience is ultimately silenced by sin. Satan no longer has to lie to him because now he lies to himself. In the end, good is believed bad and bad looks pretty good. Good looses its appeal. Sin is more enjoyable and certainly easier.

God’s mercy is a man’s chance to wake up and smell the roses.
I am pleased to say that I am not a great person.

Father Maximillian Kolbe was a great person.

Edith Stein was a great person.

Ignatius of Antioch was a great person.

Justin Martyr was a great person.

I am hopelessly defective compared to these people. But striving to be like them, and asking for God’s grace to do so, gives me hope that I might be found worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven when I die.
Son, you are a great person, and no you are not doomed. You are loved, by a Father you have not even come to know yet. You would not be asking these questions if you did not in your heart expect an answer. He will answer in His good time. Just be sure you are not so busy with the sensual things you have been using to plug your ears that you miss the message. Maybe you’re not sure if you believe in Him, but He sure believes in you. He made you in His own image, imagine that. Pretty cool. Maybe you just don’t believe in the ideas of God other people have been trying to lay on you. You have been raised in a faith-filled home, ever think of claiming your heritage for your own. Why not just ask Him? Please God, I have trouble believing, but I want to believe. Here is what He usually says: Be still and know that I am God. Just listen.
i tired asking this in a the apolagists forum but it wouldnt let me, heres my situation…

im a 17 year old male and i was born in a religious believing family. everyone in my family beleives in god…

i dont believe it god. i tried when i was younger, i went to church and prayed every night. But as i got older i realized that deep in my heart i didnt REALLY believe. i quit going to church because i felt guilty and i quit praying for the same reason. i began to realize that everyone else was devoting their life to this god, and i was simply showing up to church and praying with no emotional attachment.

i am a great person, i really am and i know it. i sin. i drink, i smoke, i’m intimate with my girlfriend, and ive experimented with minor drugs. but aside from that i am honeslty as great of a person as one could be. i dont have a mean bone in my body. i am constantly helping out total strangers, helping animals and offering my time to the less fortunate.

but no matter how hard i try, and beleive me i HAVE tried i cant believe in god. i can say i do, i can act like i do. but deep down i REALLY DONT beleive. it all seems fake to me, and i honestly cant help it. obviously there is a thought in my mind that god may exist since i am here. but i can make myself believe. aside from the nornal person who beleives in god and has doubts of his existance. i DONT beleive in god but have doubts that maybe he does exist. but i just cant bring myself to believe that he does without proof. and even if god himself were to come before me i know i would try to come up with a logical explanation for it. so im in a tough situation. from what i know if hell DOES exist one is doomed to go there if he doesnt believe in god

so even though im a great person and i tried to believe but just can bring myself to, i am doomed to eternal damnation?
DON’T worry too much, God belives in you. Remember that the good thief didn’t have time to say th Rosary, because he was part of the ROSARY.
Hello ,there are you a victim of science ?
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