i think im doomed

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You used “i” about 45 times in you post! I will give you the bad news, Okay!



You need to REPENT and turn away from sin!

When you speak stop saying “iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii” (That’s about 45 i’s)

Start saying:
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,



PS: This is not a joke! Do it!
What does all that mean???
The Holy Spirit gives each of us our own gift. Sometimes it takes being stroke by lightning to realize what it is but other times its a simple sign. But know that each of us is on a journey and we come to truely believe at different points in our life. You are way ahead of the game because you recognize that it might be out there. Some just go through the motions accepting that it is but not truely believing. When I watched the birth of my daughter I knew for the first time without a doubt that there is a God!

God Bless!
i dont believe it god… no matter how hard i try, and beleive me i HAVE tried i cant believe in god.
Try this for a while. When you wake up in the morning, say the following:

"I am offering my day to the one God people believe in."

**If there is no God, your morning offering means nothing. You cannot offer something to nothing. So there is nothing to loose. Also, since, you are not stating you believe, only that others believe, you are making a true statement. Repeat this simple morning offering for a few months. If there is a God, the ball will be in his court with your daily offering. Meanwhile, stop trying to believe, you cannot make yourself believe, no matter how hard you try. So the rest will be up to God, provided he exists. 😉 **
Sounds like you need some positive written proof to get you out of your slump. You can probably check the store right on this website for Amy Welborn’s series of books called PROVE IT!

They are written specifically with you, a young adult in mind.
Another Great person to refer to for more info is Jim Auer who is a regular writer in many magazines. He address teens in particular.

You are never a failure, unless you stop trying…not my words but I repeat them often enough. We are all made in the image and likeness of God even if we have a hard time believe in Him. He continues to believe in us!
I kind of went through a similar phase all during my 20’s. I got to the point that actually wanted to believe it but couldn’t help the fact that I didn’t. That was when I realized that faith is a gift, it is not something that we can do for ourselves. I remember asking God for the gift of faith, that became the only prayer I would say. Nothing happened right away and I remember being discouraged and going on living my life the way that I wanted-even though I wasn’t really happy inside. I woke up one moring at age 29 with a major hangover, I got up and looked in the mirror, and made a decision right then and there that I was going to follow Christ. My prayer had been answered and I have spent the last 6 years trying not to lose the gift God has given me. That is a prayer that He will always answer, but He may wait to get you when you least expect it!

i tired asking this in a the apolagists forum but it wouldnt let me, heres my situation…im a 17 year old male and i was born in a religious believing family. everyone in my family beleives in god…

i dont believe it god. [snip] i quit going to church because i felt guilty and i quit praying for the same reason. [snip] i sin. i drink, i smoke, i’m intimate with my girlfriend, and ive experimented with minor drugs. but aside from that i am honeslty as great of a person as one could be. i dont have a mean bone in my body. i am constantly helping out total strangers, helping animals and offering my time to the less fortunate. [snip]obviously there is a thought in my mind that god may exist since i am here. but i can make myself believe. aside from the nornal person who beleives in god and has doubts of his existance. i DONT beleive in god but have doubts that maybe he does exist. [snip]
You are a young man with many years ahead of you. Don’t worry. If you ever find yourself alone without a soul in the world to help or love you, I promise you this, you have a true friend in Jesus whom you can trust because he knows whats in your heart and feels your pain. Remember Jesus will always help you no matter what! Jesus doesn’t place any restrictions or requirements on who or when or if someone believes in him because he simply loves EVERYONE! Now isn’t that grand news to know.

God bless you and keep you safe ~ be happy and keep helping those who are in need of help whether they be friend or stranger ~
Do not give up on yourself like that, the mere fact you ask these questions leads me to believe you are a kind caring and thoughtful young adult.

Try to live by your works, be as good a person as you can be and always keep your heart open to the things around you that are good & descent. Our hearts and minds are geared to know what is right and wrong. Hopefully over time the way to God will become clear to you, I know it did for me. I was much like you and had no place for God in my life. I was lucky though I had a mother that has prayed the rosary everyday of her life and one little pray was said for me and my intentions and this helped in bringing me back to Our Lord! I will pray for you because this is what you are asking us to do! I would also suggest you ask your family to pray for you! As they are Christians they will not have a problem with it and if God exsist it will no doubt help if he does not no foul.

When in doubt PRAY!!!

God Bless
How about a little history?

You will see that the Church is real. Jesus was a real man as proven by 1st century writings by none other than----- non-Christians!!!

No other religion offers historically verifiable apostles who personally knew their savior, freely gave up everything worldly to spread God’s word, knowing they would die a horrible death.

Read about these men and how they are connected in an unbroken chain to the present day Church leader and priests of over one billion people!
I am praying for you. The fact that this concerns you, in my opinion, shows that you have the seed of faith deep within you. I would suggest you make an act of faith often, even something as simple as “Jesus I believe in you… help my unbelief.” This act does not have to be a feeling of faith, but the act itself is very powerful & will be helped by the prayers of many who are concerned about you. Your faith in Him will be a beautiful gift to Him precisely because it is such a struggle… a greater gift than that of those of us who find our belief (relatively) easy!

May God bless you!
i tired asking this in a the apolagists forum but it wouldnt let me, heres my situation…

im a 17 year old male and i was born in a religious believing family. everyone in my family beleives in god…

i dont believe it god. i tried when i was younger, i went to church and prayed every night. But as i got older i realized that deep in my heart i didnt REALLY believe. i quit going to church because i felt guilty and i quit praying for the same reason. i began to realize that everyone else was devoting their life to this god, and i was simply showing up to church and praying with no emotional attachment.

i am a great person, i really am and i know it. i sin. i drink, i smoke, i’m intimate with my girlfriend, and ive experimented with minor drugs. but aside from that i am honeslty as great of a person as one could be. i dont have a mean bone in my body. i am constantly helping out total strangers, helping animals and offering my time to the less fortunate.

but no matter how hard i try, and beleive me i HAVE tried i cant believe in god. i can say i do, i can act like i do. but deep down i REALLY DONT beleive. it all seems fake to me, and i honestly cant help it. obviously there is a thought in my mind that god may exist since i am here. but i can make myself believe. aside from the nornal person who beleives in god and has doubts of his existance. i DONT beleive in god but have doubts that maybe he does exist. but i just cant bring myself to believe that he does without proof. and even if god himself were to come before me i know i would try to come up with a logical explanation for it. so im in a tough situation. from what i know if hell DOES exist one is doomed to go there if he doesnt believe in god

so even though im a great person and i tried to believe but just can bring myself to, i am doomed to eternal damnation?
Jude I:
Well, you think your doomed, we all have these thoughts now and again, some more than others. Have you ever stopped to wonder who is giving those thoughts to you? It’s not God. To be blunt it is the devil and he definitely does exists. He knows that God loves you and the devil IS jealous of Gods goodness to mandkind. He knows that you are here to do great things, probably more in your case because you are tempted so much to believe that God does not exist. The devil is real and he does not want anyone in his way doing the right thing. Yes you do good things for others but be good to yourself. You can be expected to be tempted more like this if prayer is not in your life. Be good to yourself, because God loves you. Pray even if it hurts. Eventually you will see. If you say only one pray “Jesus I Trust In You” (say it everytime I mean everytime you think God doesn’t exsit). He will lead you, but you must pray to know him. - God Love - Jude I
SLTS, the original poster, posted this thread on June 27 and he hasn’t posted anything since. I think we can say he’s not listening and not coming back.
May the peace and love of our Lord, Jesus the Christ, be with you all,
i am a great person, i really am and i know it. i sin. i drink, i smoke, i’m intimate with my girlfriend, and ive experimented with minor drugs.
If you don’t believe in God, why do you believe in sin or hell for that matter? No, I would say you believe in God, but have been without a means to sustain your faith for so long that faith for faith’s sake seems all you have now and I agree with you that does not sound very convincing an arguement to a rational human being. You want concrete, undeniable, beyond a reasonable doubt proof for sustaining your convictions and I don’t blame you. You want a reason to believe. These are big issues and demand some big answers before anyone should be expected to “just have faith”.

Lee Strobel wrote a series of book called “The Case For Christ/Faith/Creator” (3 separate books) I recommend them to everyone I speak to about this issue. You want court room proof he provides it.

Most important: don’t give up searching for answers. you owe it to yourself and to those who trust in you to be firm in your reasoning.

Good luck.
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