I don’t think it’s an either/or question; I think it’s a continuum, so I couldn’t vote in your poll
You missed it, too. It’s “rogue.”Just FYI: the word you want is spelled rougUe. The word you spelled is the French word for red, or the make-up used to redden one’s cheeks. All those rouge people made a funny picture in my mind
But, to be serious, I agree with you. A terrorist act can be an act or war *or *a crime.
I believe it’s spelt like so “rogue”.Just FYI: the word you want is spelled rougUe. The word you spelled is the French word for red, or the make-up used to redden one’s cheeks. All those rouge people made a funny picture in my mind
But, to be serious, I agree with you. A terrorist act can be an act or war *or *a crime.
At first, I thought she was utilizing “rouge” because it is the colour associated with Communists, and then I realized she meant “rogue”.You missed it, too. It’s “rogue.”
I believe it’s spelt like so “rogue”.![]()
You missed it, too. It’s “rogue.”
They’re commiting crime according to any standard any where in the world. Due process isn’t the problem, they will be put to trial if so they are captured as criminals.Now whether non-american citizens are entitled to due process upon apprehension is another story.
For example, if tomorrow the CIA planted a bomb in the Moscow train station and killed several civilians, would that be criminal or an act of war?
Now, same scenario but instead of “the CIA”, lets say the bomb was instead planted by a rouge CIA agent without the knowledge or the support of the actual entity (the CIA).
Now, same scenario but instead of a “rouge CIA” agent, how about if the bomb was planted by a member of the American Socialist Party?
How about a “rouge” member of the American Socialist Party?
How about a member of the KKK?
How about a rouge member of the KKK?
Everyone thinks they are a hero. Are they really? That is the question.Is your opinion the same for each of the acts ( the same exact act) above?
So if I’m rich, I fund a group of people to commit crime together, I am declaring war? Even if my neigbours disagree with me?Back to the point of the thread:
I am neither a lawyer nor a diplomat; I do have some considerable experience in the field of intelligence (in the politico-military meaning of the word, not the psychological meaning). However, I do have an opinion, and I would remind the gentle readers that opinions are like armpits – everyone has two of them, and they usually stink.
In my opinion, an criminal act carried out by an individual or a group acting alone is a crime, even if a large number of people are killed (e.g., the nearly 100 who were killed by the insane gunman in Norway).
Once the actions of the individual or group are sponsored by an agency of a government or a pseudo-government, then those actions become acts of war (e.g., the al-Qa’eda-sponsored 9/11 attack).
But that’s just me.