**continued from above **
Moreover, in terms of searching for terrorists, all non-terrorists suffer from the same difficulty of finding them. They hide; people don’t say where they are; they are very mobile.
I can see that having a network to find terrorists would be valuable, and to some extent we have this; unfortunately, we rather stupidly allowed our real spies to retire out and replaced them with electronic surveillance and the like. Too much on the technological spying and too little with real human spies.
However, no way would it be possible to use police tactics against a para-military organization of thousands of people. Think about this–imagine the largest crowd you have seen on a movie or tv, and how would police officers arrest them?
Well, I have no clue why this administration has been doing many of the things it has done in the ME, but it is a sharp departure from past policies.Now, you’re trying to tople Assad, and you try to do many other things in their sovereign area. The more your politics, the less credibility/ trust in their eyes.
Interpol also faces some of the same difficulties militaries do in gaining access to certain nations. It’s not like tv.Today I just watched Gen. Demsey in youtube, He said he is trying to build network because Al qaeda was/ is a network and so on. Please compare such approach with the local police+interpol. Interpol is a network around the world. They’re not equipped for battle, but this is not unsolvable. **The approach of criminal law will be free of political agenda. **
No more customized-heavy-polical-military-agreements necessary (how do you do this with all countries around the world? It’s impossible, isn’t it? While moslems aren’t only in Irak and Syiria!).
Moreover, in terms of searching for terrorists, all non-terrorists suffer from the same difficulty of finding them. They hide; people don’t say where they are; they are very mobile.
I can see that having a network to find terrorists would be valuable, and to some extent we have this; unfortunately, we rather stupidly allowed our real spies to retire out and replaced them with electronic surveillance and the like. Too much on the technological spying and too little with real human spies.
I agree that this sort of method might have been usable when going after Al Qaeida, and in fact, we often did so. We would have used this method after 9/11 except that the Taliban would not let us in.With the police+interpol, it’s standard approach: ISIS kills unarmed civilians, they are dangerous criminal organization. No need to worry about sectarian issue, partisan issue, potential of civil war etc, because the approach is neutral towards them, and is very “focus” on ISIS “murderous” behavior. **Moreover this approach support Religious Liberty and Racial Harmony, thus inline with the purpose of building “multi-sectarian but unified Irak”. **
However, no way would it be possible to use police tactics against a para-military organization of thousands of people. Think about this–imagine the largest crowd you have seen on a movie or tv, and how would police officers arrest them?
Unfortunately, there are no ethics in a large part of the international arms business. They just don’t care. We have already been going after arms dealers, but again, it’s very difficult to find them, and it’s very difficult to gather sufficient evidence against them. This is the tactic we take against them, but it is simply very difficult.It is also necessary to review weapon business ethics
to maintain neutrality doesn’t mean anyone are allowed to buy weapon. If people come with good mission such as “freedom from dictatorship” or “against human right violition” and so on, these have to come with reports and thus they’re allowed to buy weapon. If proven that weapon is used for drug business or terrorism, then traders should be restricted from doing business with these criminals. And yes, this is crime approach too!.
military/ politicians/ police/ justice system/ gov agencies should not be allowed to receive any money from weapon trade. weapon traders must be heavily regulated.
military men shall never again be allowed to detain/ execute any civilians without any trial!
and so on…
Police+Interpol around the world must arrest anyone commit murder, regardless their religion/ race/ background
Any organization that allows killing/ commit violence towards unarmed civilians (i.e drug cartels) must be categorized as terrorist and thus dangerous crime organization
Now that I understand what you are saying better, I think that you have some good ideas; the problem is implementing them. When we are unable to proceed in a police way, the group grows and then we have no recourse but the military.and so on…
I sadly believe that Islamic extremist terrorism will grow no matter what we do. They will be defeated only when they believe that we are strong enough to contain them, and then they will only be resting until they can strike again. This is what their history shows they do. From the time of Mohammed they have attacked because they believe they have a mandate from God to take over the world and impose Islam on everyone.Those are what I can think of rightnow. Eventhough I am not US citizen, I feel like I need to write this because terrorism can spread if not handle wisely. I think The church has duty to speak up against injustice and also to guide the faith both christians and non christians because God has given His signs!