No. He didn’t declare war.So he didn’t declare war; he did not attempt to take over land from other nations, etc? He killed a lot of people, but drug lords do that: they kill the police who come after them, they kill the members of other drug gangs who do something they don’t like, etc. This is not war, per se.
The quote from Lumen Gentium in my last post, it quotes:
- We are not the ones using the term; the terrorists are.
- Look up the word to see that it also has a secular, non-war meaning. (I would do this for you but am having trouble copying some things.)
“From the earliest times, then, some Christians have been called upon—and some will always be called upon—to give the supreme testimony of this love to all men, but especially to persecutors. The Church, then, considers martyrdom as an exceptional gift and as the fullest proof of love.”( Lumen Gentium, chapter V 42 (230) )
When I watched in youtube one of the wife of these martyrs said “I am at peace, I pray for his murderers that they become christians one day”-- I’m sure she didn’t read Lumen Gentium-- she said that because the holyspirit gave that peace and love towards her husband’s murderers.
This is a sign that God is present, and He is working. So we must work with Him too, trusting Him, instead of relying on human strength. Rather, we try to fight this war with righteousness, because ISIS is claiming the righteousness and using God’s name to kill people. The church teaches God love even ISIS and His Love is through these martyrs. He allow this to happen in order to stop more killings in the future.
I am not saying we just let them all die as martyrs. Sure effort for rescue operation is a must.
What are their actions? Al Qaida: bombed several military targets, used planes as bombs in a civilian area: these are acts of war, not crimes.
I have been thinking long hard about how do I formulate my thoughts about this matter. And I have come out with the main reasons why “war approach” less preferable.ISIS: declaring themselves a state; using a de facto army to take over large swaths of territories; practicing genocide against non-ISIS civilians: these are acts of war and barbarity, not crimes.
Please consider these factors:
- US troops vs ISIS =equals= Armed-Soldiers vs Armed-Civilians =equals= unfair battle
- US military/ politics have **THICK agenda in the area. **
- Moslems solidarity based on fear of God. The less sincere your motivation in their eyes, the more likely they believe ISIS is God’s holy hand against your unsincere motivation, for example you attacked Irak-- against UN experts recommendation-- but couldn’t find any weapon of mass-destruction. You detained many innocent people without trial. Now, you’re trying to tople Assad, and you try to do many other things in their sovereign area. The more your politics, the less credibility/ trust in their eyes.
No more customized-heavy-polical-military-agreements necessary (how do you do this with all countries around the world? It’s impossible, isn’t it? While moslems aren’t only in Irak and Syiria!).
With the police+interpol, it’s standard approach: ISIS kills unarmed civilians, they are dangerous criminal organization. No need to worry about sectarian issue, partisan issue, potential of civil war etc, because the approach is neutral towards them, and is very “focus” on ISIS “murderous” behavior. **Moreover this approach support Religious Liberty and Racial Harmony, thus inline with the purpose of building “multi-sectarian but unified Irak”. **
It is also necessary to review weapon business ethics
to maintain neutrality doesn’t mean anyone are allowed to buy weapon. If people come with good mission such as “freedom from dictatorship” or “against human right violition” and so on, these have to come with reports and thus they’re allowed to buy weapon. If proven that weapon is used for drug business or terrorism, then traders should be restricted from doing business with these criminals. And yes, this is crime approach too!.
military/ politicians/ police/ justice system/ gov agencies should not be allowed to receive any money from weapon trade. weapon traders must be heavily regulated.
military men shall never again be allowed to detain/ execute any civilians without any trial!
and so on…
Police+Interpol around the world must arrest anyone commit murder, regardless their religion/ race/ background
Any organization that allows killing/ commit violence towards unarmed civilians (i.e drug cartels) must be categorized as terrorist and thus dangerous crime organization
and so on…
Those are what I can think of rightnow. Eventhough I am not US citizen, I feel like I need to write this because terrorism can spread if not handle wisely. I think The church has duty to speak up against injustice and also to guide the faith both christians and non christians because God has given His signs!