One statistical note - the number of parishes in the US is declining, not increasing(USCCB.com.) While some may be coming back - I would speculate that most are not and it’s unlikely - if they have children - that they are coming back either. Most parishes that are closing are on the coastal regions, with the East coast getting hit the hardest.
At NYU - their Newman center isn’t being used anymore so they rent it out to Muslims.
On Long island, at St. Matthew’s - the priests never returns calls or emails from one of it’s parishoner’s nephew. Good thing he’s not considering the priesthood. Getting the cold shoulder from a religious is one of the surest ways to limit vocations and give a GREAT impression of the faith community there.
In Jersey, 7 parishes are being combined into 2 (no reference other than word of mouth.)
There are so many great and faithful Catholics on the East coast - but they are drowned out by the thousands of unformed and mediocre Catholics.
The West coast is at the crest of their liberal agenda and is just stating to experience difficulties. We’re visiting family right now int he Seattle area and this has been my experience:
*]So many liturgical abuses I’m not really sure I was in a Catholic Church.
*]During a homily - the priest said he skips of part of the reading from the Colossians - because it’s not up to date and he doesn’t beelive it anymore.
*]A homily based soley on experential knowledge instead of the word of God - (would have been OK if it wasn’t contrary to scripture.)
*]I admit, I wear jeans to Church sometimes on Sunday, not often, but occasionally (not making a judgment call here - just an observation). However, I’ve never seen so many shorts, jeans, mini-skirts, and see-through shirts revealing bras anywhere in my life, especially on children under 18 years of age than in Church on Sunday.
This is the state of our culture. Our college aged students need to be evangelized yes, but our priests and ourselves first!
Wow. Was this done in a RCC. I can’t believe a RCC Priest would say that he does not believe in scripture. This just does not add up. If it was done in the RCC all I can do is pray for this priest and hope he can come back to the light. Did you tell the Bishop about this?