I want your opinion about a pretend situation

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Let’s pretend that Roe v Wade is overturned and all states outlaw abortion. I know this would be a joyous occasion for Catholics but I would like your honest opinions on how you would vote on follow up issues. I’m not asking you to vote on your ideal scenario but on how you would vote for what is best in the follow up society that exists.
  1. Legal punishment (or not) for anyone providing the abortion
  2. Legal punishment (or not) for the mother obtaining an abortion
  3. Provision of birth control (free or low cost) to anyone wanting it (remember this is for all of society, not just Catholics)
  4. How should society deal with the ability to obtain chemical abortificants including obtaining them from overseas online
Please feel free to answer all or any that you feel strongly about.
I understand the Catholic position on abortion and support your right to hold them but I really don’t know how you see society dealing with legalities after a ban. I want to know your thoughts.

If these questions are in the wrong place, please let me know and I will see if I can get the thread closed.
Legal punishment (or not) for anyone providing the abortion
yes. punish em.
Legal punishment (or not) for the mother obtaining an abortion
why not? we punish drug users for trying to obtain prescriptions from multiple doctors.
Provision of birth control (free or low cost) to anyone wanting it (remember this is for all of society, not just Catholics)
if a married couple wanted to use condoms, let them. I don’t think condoms should be available to the public, but only to married couples. I’m not saying catholics should use them, but if another person from another religion wants to, who am I to deny them?
How should society deal with the ability to obtain chemical abortificants including obtaining them from overseas online
The same way we deal with people who want to buy drugs online. Lock em up.
why not? we punish drug users for trying to obtain prescriptions from multiple doctors.
Yes, but not always with prision. Addicts need therapy, and often these mothers just need socioeconomic assistance to raise the child…
sometimes putting them in prison is the only way certain addicts can get clean
that’s how it used to be. See Eisenstadt v. Baird

would be nice if that were overturned too

So how do you deal with the mother who cannot financially raise her child? She works 3 jobs just to pay rent, and cannot take maternity leave under any circumstances.
she can put the child up for adoption. Where’s the father and why doesn’t he make money?
I thought we were speaking hypothetically here. This whole scenario is about dreaming on lol
Thanks for the response!
Would you then determine that every mother found to have aborted a child should have to have a legal determination as to her state of mind when she had the abortion?
Are you trying to advocate for abortion? What are you getting at?
She shouldn’t have had a third kid with the guy then. There’s a simple solution to not having kids–it’s called not having sex
That, just as we offer addicts rehab, we need to offer pregnant women an alternative to abortion- Better maternity leave, better adoption options, higher wages (most likely), in addition to looking at the factors that caused her to become pregnant. It’s more complex than that.
She shouldn’t have had a third kid with the guy then. There’s a simple solution to not having kids–it’s called not having sex
Easy for both of us to say. Murphy’s law - anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
Let’s pretend that Roe v Wade is overturned and all states outlaw abortion.
Are you pro-choice? I don’t know of many pro-life Jewish agnostics apart from Nat Hentoff.

I was just curious about your intentions - i.e. whether you were here to fan some flames, test the waters, etc.

I’m fiercely pro-life AND skeptical of a Roe v. Wade reversal being a good strategy. But I’ll take a stab at your questions.
  1. Yes.
  2. Absolutely not.
  3. I support single-payer health care. Availability of birth control will be inevitable. Catholics disagree with me, but where the majority of contraceptives don’t take the life of an already formed human being and are therefore not a priority for legal abolition.
  4. This is why I don’t totally support your hypothetical scenario. A War-on-Drugs approach to abortion will backfire with costly repercussions. I also think that there will be doctors and nurses with pro-choice convictions who perform the abortions in-house and just change the coding, e.g. to indicate that the fetus or embryo was already dead.
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why not? we punish drug users for trying to obtain prescriptions from multiple doctors.

The same way we deal with people who want to buy drugs online. Lock em up.
That’s not the best comparison to make. Research shows that it costs society a whole lot less ($ billions less) when addicts receive treatment and rehab services instead of incarceration. For example, it costs about $42,000/year to house an inmate in state prison while treatment & rehab cost around $6,000-$8,000.

But back to the OP, if I’m not mistaken the Church herself doesn’t want to punish women who procure abortions. Isn’t it the Church’s teaching that women are also victimized by abortion?
What types of punishments would you recommend for the provider? The mother?

Only condoms for married couples? How do you see that working? What about birth control that is not an abortificant as many faiths see BC as morally acceptable. Remember, this is for all of society (in your country). I’m asking where you would compromise for the greater good of society that you could live with.

With online purchases, it is very hard to investigate who made the purchases. Would you require large amounts of tax dollars funding these types of investigation?

Thanks for responding!
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