I want your opinion about a pretend situation

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Yet they have no trouble killing them
Most abortions occur soon after the mom discovers she’s pregnant. They tend to be in panic mode and have not had any time to dream of Baby while planning since Baby was unplanned. Mom has not had time to get over the shock or the fear or any of the huge emotional hurdles so that bonding can begin. Many of us that have had an unplanned pregnancy have not initial wanted Baby or have even prayed for a miscarriage. In time, acceptance sets in and that is normally followed by love and eventually joy.

I don’t condone killing anyone, most especially an innocent one who cannot defend themselves in any way. However, the emotions at the beginning of pregnancy can’t really be compared to the ones st the end of pregnancy. I have known many heartbroken moms that contemplated abortion or prayed for a miscarriage through the entire first and second trimesters that bonded so closely to their babies at the end that no one would have ever believed that the child was anything but prayed for.

As someone who has adopted six kids (6 days to 9 years at the time of adoption) I can assure you that no matter how little a baby is when they are placed in a new family, that child mournes the loss of their mom. I am very happy to have built my family through adoption, but all adoptions involve trauma to some degree or another. Adoption isn’t a quick easy fix to end abortions.
Birth control pills are used for other things, not just to avoid pregnancy. Many women not in sexual relationships take the pill for health reasons.
Birth control pills are used for other things, not just to avoid pregnancy. Many women not in sexual relationships take the pill for health reasons.
Should it then only be regarded as a health benefit issue for specific reasons such as this, but not if used for birth control (its main stated purpose)?
It would be a felony.
Manslaughter, most likely.
That seems very lax. Wouldn’t murder be better?
Similar to what happens when you run a red light or a stop sign–you take an online course.
I think conspiracy to commit murder would be more appropriate. Allowing someone to commit a murder is serious.

Yes, these may sound strict, however consider that the victim of the abortion is a human person who was killed in cold blood.
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I guess I would answer that by stating that pregnancy is a health issue and everything surrounding it would be considered one as well. I can’t realistically see it being placed anywhere else. I assume it would be considered preventative medicine.
That’s not moral relativism. Nowhere does the church say that state laws ought to be the same as canon law.
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The church doesn’t teach that civil law ought to reflect natural law in EVERY single circumstance.
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