I wish I could believe

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I am reasonably sure that we are products of our brains.
No doubt about it, in this life we are bound to the material (matter, energy, space, and time). So what’s the problem? Do you believe in anything that you can’t see? Do you believe in the existence of God?
I don’t at the moment believe in god, but I would personally prefer almost anything over what we likely have. That being a strict mechanical universe. It unsettles me for many reasons. I do not believe in the supernatural, but as far as things I can’t see, I need to reflect.
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The reason I asked whether you believe in the existence of God is that even that little faith could be the hook that helps you to grasp faith and to gradually grow in faith.

I’m a scientist, so let’s talk about science. The curious thing about science is that it doesn’t force anyone believe, and yet it can strengthen belief.

Science has some kind of explanation – not a complete explanation, but more like a narrative – for consciousness, memories, emotions, imagination, ethical behavior, and love. Many animals seem to have all of that, or close enough to see where we got it.

If someone has no faith at all, that’s all they see. I mean, they see the laws of nature, and perhaps they are gratified to see order and beauty.

Someone with a tiny seed of faith might look at the laws of nature and the order and beauty of the universe and wonder how it is so. How can the universe be so finely tuned that this is possible? (I assume you’ve heard of fine tuning in this context.) Is there a design? Is there a designer?

Or they might wonder why it is so. Is the designer benevolent? Am I part of the design?

This line of thinking gets us as far as deism, which is a good start. Theism is better, but relies a bit more on faith.

So start with whatever faith you have, and help it to grow a little at a time.
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