Now that gay marriage rights are established in the majority of US states, with no hope of reversal, I’d like to ask this question one more time…
Where in Catholic teaching is found the MANDATE that Catholics must oppose gay marriage rights not just personally, but also POLITICALLY?
Where in Catholic teaching is found the MANDATE that Catholics must oppose gay marriage rights not just personally, but also POLITICALLY?
- Is it anywhere in the Bible? (It is not)
- Is it “Considerations Regarding Proposals to Give Legal Recognition to Unions Between Homosexual Persons” written by Benedict in 2003 before he became pope?
- If #2 is yes, is that document really part of the Magisterium? Is it actually and expressly required for Catholics to follow this document? (We know that Ratzinger was and still is a polarizing figure in the Vatican.)
- If #3 is yes, can’t it be simply repealed, or deemphasized, by Francis?