Probably depends on the context, but then again I don’t know what eating watermelon and fried chicken has to do with black people, so I must be missing something.
Free speech is about the ability to freely express your ideas. The reaction of society is your responsibility. Yes, this was very offensive and likely done on school time or certainly with people knowing they all worked at the same school. It makes you wonder who is teaching our children.Are they being punished for violating a school guideline? If not the school district is in violation of their 1st Amendment rights.
Your one opinion does not make it funny, and really, you aren’t Mexican anyway.As the father of a son with Mexican grandparents, I find this pretty hilarious
Call it racism or not, but stereotyping people is not charitable.When I consider the definition of racism, I don’t see how what these teachers are doing is racist.
I don’t see how your background information makes this any better.People may want to learn the background and facts before so blindly following the media and making judgements.
It’s not the activity that’s the problem. It is how they approached it.Their antics? Apparently (according to the teachers) this was a costume contest and team building meeting.
The last time I checked, doing something behind closed doors does not make it OK. Also, the last time I checked, posting a picture means that it is no longer behind closed doors.It took place after school hours with teachers only present.
And they generally don’t include stereotyping people.These type of team building events happen all the time
That’s really sad.Okay, but I don’t see how what these teachers did was racist.