Catholics do not believe in either Marxist socialism or laissez faire capitalism, so we know where that leaves us. I think it may have been Marx who set that up as the field of play; I think that very false dichotomy is why we are in such an inherently divisive political situation that would even split the Church, if it could.So we’d still be debating Socialism v Capitalism
Or more generally Collectivism v Individualism
No, that is not the only way to look at the role of government in the lives of people in a pluralistic society. The current divisions set up in US politics are CERTAINLY not the only two ways to run a government.Comes down to this:
(1) Do you believe the group identity is primary and individual identity secondary (Collectivist)
(2) Or do you believe the individual identity is primary and group identity is secondary (Individualist)
I wish we were seeing the Church on one side and modernism on the other, but that really is not the way things are splitting in politics in the US. I used to say that there was a time when the Democrats and the Republicans seemed to rally behind different virtues but now it seems they rally behind different vices or different forms of the same vices. I really do believe that is still true.
On top of the way things have been going since World War II, we have not decided where the powers that come to average people via personal computers and the internet fits in to a peaceful and just society. The power to communicate instantly, indiscriminately, anonymously and with not only words but sound and moving picture has been a kind of a bomb thrown into the middle of our civic and personal lives. We are awash in not only information, but also gossip, rumor and disingenuous attempts to manipulate of popular opinion. I don’t mean just on “both” sides. I mean pretty much on all sides. I joke that Facebook is the work of the devil, but that isn’t entirely a joke, let’s face it.
To answer the original question, if abortion were not an issue, we would still be wrestling with two political parties who both try to divide voters as if there were only two ways to look at the questions we are facing and no way to compromise. I don’t think that problem would evaporate if the medical establishment decided to quit performing abortions tomorrow; I really don’t. The battle on all the other fronts (and the odd impression that endless battling is the way to establish a peaceful nation) would still be there.
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