If abortion weren't an issue, what would American politics look like?

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back in my day we’d just put the baby in the front doorway and let the sun shine in on him”
This may have been a bit of an insensitive remark as bilirubinemia can quickly become quite critical and can cause permanent brain damage, but it is true that before there were bili beds, mothers were told to place baby in the sun…being careful not sunburn them! The bili bed is doing the exact same thing the sun is, just under better control.

Did the woman say this in a snarky way or was she just stating how it used to be treated? Context is important here and she may not have been trying to poo poo your concern! Just hoping it was a misunderstanding.
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I don’t know, every issue seems to be pretty polarizing now. Climate change, immigration, healthcare…

Honestly, if abortion was resolved, I’d probably still be a single issue voter. The next big thing for me would be maintaining religious freedom, allowing business owners to deny making a cake for a same sex marriage. I wouldn’t deny business to sinners, but I certainly wouldn’t want my business to partake in sin/be used in conjunction with sin.
But even the clueless ones show up every day or they don’t last long.
Well, we must have had different experiences. How does Mr/Ms Clueless keep his/her job? Easy. Suck up. “Why yes, president Jones, that’s the best idea I’ve ever heard. How on earth did you think of it?” Etc.

I think we are seeing that in action in the White House daily. But it’s everywhere.

Another story: In one job, I had just been there a couple months. Management posted a list of 16 names. No other information. The speculation was that these were the best employees in the company. In fact, they were the ones being laid off. Everyone was shocked. Not me.
At my most cynical, I would say that meritocracy once did exist
I’m with you on that one. But not on the reason it’s disappeared–you say “lust for egalitarianism.” Nope. I’ve never seen anyone care about that. But ask yourself–here, I’ll Google it right now–how many jobs are filled by friends and family? OK, I’m back. The figures I found are 80-85% of jobs are filled by friends and family (or “networking” as some like to call it). This is not meritocracy. This is nepotism and cronyism.
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back in my day we’d just put the baby in the front doorway and let the sun shine in on him”
She’s a very nice lady and a champion of the unborn, I admire her greatly. I just took it as a breezy, perhaps unintentionally dismissive attitude towards a severe risk to the health of a newborn baby. I felt like saying “you do realize that born babies need to have their lives protected too, don’t you?”. But I just let it go.

The jaundice disappeared in a couple of days and he was fine. He is now a growing, intelligent 12-year-old who can put away four slices of pizza and be hungry an hour later. Thankfully, unlike his dad, he metabolizes it well and cuts a svelte figure. Must be nice.
She’s a very nice lady and a champion of the unborn, I admire her greatly. I just took it as a breezy, perhaps unintentionally dismissive attitude towards a severe risk to the health of a newborn baby. I felt like saying “you do realize that born babies need to have their lives protected too, don’t you?”. But I just let it go.
I don’t think the lady meant it in a breezy way. She was telling you what used to be done for babies born with jaundice.

I am a medical technologist, and she’s right. It has been quite a while since this “treatment” was the standard for jaundiced babies, but it was the standard treatment until UV lights came along.
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