The real line is studied all the time in mathematics. there is a huge amount of mathematics which depends on the real line. The real line extends infinitely to the left and to the right. You can easily make a 1-1 correspondence between the points on the real line and the time interval. There is no loss in taking 0 to be a marker for the present time, -1 to represent one hour before the present and +1 to represent one hour in the future. Of course the time interval chosen is arbitrary so that -1 could also be taken to represent one year before the present, etc. The only additional requirement with using the real line to model time, is that with time there is only one direction possible from left to right or the arrow of time points to the future, whereas the tail points to the past. But this is similar to the vector concept which is used all the time in mathematics.It is actually not “used all the time in mathematics”.
At least, not with reference to a current point in time. That is, the present.