If someone is by chance born to a very loving religious family, they might be more likely to choose to go to heaven than if they were born to a stressed, atheist, single mom whose husband left as soon as he found out she was pregnant. The situation changes one’s likelihood of choosing to go to heaven.
It is not about choosing to go to heaven or hell, but rather, about choosing to respond to God’s grace. Grace is freely given to everybody, and God’s Laws are written in everyone’s heart. God is Truth, Beauty, and Love itself; thus God calls and draws us to Himself.
But Christ Himself said “
to those to whom much was given, much will be required.” Thus if someone was born into the wealth of the True Faith, and given the treasures of the 7 Sacraments, and the fortune of a good family, then one really has no excuse. Salvation is a free gift for those who want it. The gift of salvation can be lost, squandered, or altogether rejected. Sin is the rejection of God and salvation. If we choose to steal, to lie, to worship false gods, to destroy, to hate, and commit all sorts of abominations, we go against God and neighbor, and condemn ourselves.
The 10 Commandments are like guard rails and road sign to help us stay on the road that leads us home; they prevent us from going the wrong direction, from taking the wrong road.
Thus God does not send anyone to hell; hell is a consequence, like blindness is the consequence of plucking your own eyes out. Mortal sin is a free choice. We will be judged on our deeds toward God and neighbor. Thus God call us to repent, to love, and to forgive. Those who do not do these things are on the road to perdition. It is the task of the Church to instruct, to invite, to admonish, to inspire, to urge, to seek out and intercede for those that are on the road to hell. Jesus said: “
It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” Lk 5:31
Catholics have a militant function in the world and are responsible for the salvation of others. Thus we were given all the tools and weapons for the battle. We are called to intercede through prayer, sacrifice and deeds, for those who are lost in the world and in most need of God’s mercy.
The seven sacraments are fountains of sanctifying grace given to us in overflowing measures for our sanctification, for the sake of others— that we may be the light of truth and goodness of Christ in a dark world. Those who have all these gifts and will be held to a higher standard, especially those who teach about it. As Scripture puts it, “
Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.” James 3:1
Heaven is not a theme park; heaven is the Beatific Vision of God. God is Infinite, thus every soul in heaven will have a different degree of this vision, depending on how the capacity of the soul and how it responded to God’s grace on earth. But all in heaven will be satisfied.
Here is an illustrated video that will help you grasp these realities a little better: