well said! and if you deny His teaching, what kind of a relationship is that?
Indeed, Scripture tells us that the very reason Jesus has taken so long to return is that God is holding out to save the largest number of souls possible. Remember, God knows who will choose Him in the end, and how long it will take, and what it will take on His part to make it happen. Nobody dies a week before he would have repented and goes to hell forever on a technicality. God wants us all in Heaven and is constantly helping us get there, not waiting to say “gotcha” after an accident of timing damns a soul that would have gone to Heaven if only given a bit more time.A person’s lifetime is pretty short when compared to eternity, so why would sins committed in that short time cause God to seal that choice for ever? Most people don’t necessarily make choices for ever and can still change their minds.
I actually have indeed had the thought that the main reason the world hasn’t ended yet is nothing more than the fact that not every soul meant to be in Heaven has been born yet. God won’t end the world until the last human being He intends to create has been able to make that choice.Indeed, Scripture tells us that the very reason Jesus has taken so long to return is that God is holding out to save the largest number of souls possible. Remember, God knows who will choose Him in the end, and how long it will take, and what it will take on His part to make it happen. Nobody dies a week before he would have repented and goes to hell forever on a technicality. God wants us all in Heaven and is constantly helping us get there, not waiting to say “gotcha” after an accident of timing damns a soul that would have gone to Heaven if only given a bit more time.
Now if the question was why would anyone choose hell, I’ve absolutely no idea.He doesn’t want anyone to go to Hell but allows us the choice.
Ecclesiasticus 15:16 He has set fire and water before you; put out your hand to whichever you prefer.
I have a small idea… I once asked a friend (a very liberal atheist) the following question: “If God appeared to everyone at the same time in the whole world, and it was recorded by tv etc, and there would be no doubt at all it was God and not an elaborated hoax, and God said the Roman Catholic Church was His Church would you convert to Christianity and praise God? Since He would be giving you assurance that He really does exist and Heaven exists?”I’ve always understood it to be a choice, too.
Now if the question was why would anyone choose hell, I’ve absolutely no idea.
One where you assume God is wrong and the individual is right, imagine that rather awkward situation as a result of denial.well said! and if you deny His teaching, what kind of a relationship is that?
Connected to this is the existence of the seraphim. These Angels are the ones closest to God and because they are the closest, they burn from the Fire of God’s love, hence the name “burning ones”.This thread I participated on a while ago has a pretty lengthy discussion on a pretty similar topic.
The distinction one needs to make, however, is that God doesn’t send anyone to Hell. The people in Hell chose to be there. I’m absolutely certain no one in Hell ended up there accidentally. And Hell is not a literal “on fire forever” kind of situation. A quote I’ve seen before and repeated several times goes something like, the fire of God’s love that warms the Saints in Heaven is the same fire that torments the souls in Hell. If a soul wants nothing more than to be rid of God for all eternity, but then God is Love, omnipresent and unconditional, then no matter how far they run, a soul in Hell will always have to experience that infinite love, despite it being the one thing they hate most.
Correct me if I am wrong, but this article by Father Chris Pietraszko seems to suggest that one can end up in Hell, even if one has a strong faith commitment to God, and doesn’t want to go there.Pope Saint John Paul II
“Eternal damnation”, therefore, is not attributed to God’s initiative because in his merciful love he can only desire the salvation of the beings he created. In reality, it is the creature who closes himself to his love. Damnation consists precisely in definitive separation from God, freely chosen by the human person and confirmed with death that seals his choice for ever. God’s judgement ratifies this state.
Salvation is not a point in time thing, or else Paul would not have stated in Philippians 2:12 “Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always OBEYED–not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence–continue to WORK out your salvation with fear and trembling,”i believe we are saved by ‘faith alone’. so that 'none can claim to have earned their salvation. it is a gratuitous gift from God. but, ‘faith without works is dead’.