If God loves everyone, why would he send some of those he loves to hell for eternity?

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A person’s lifetime is pretty short when compared to eternity, so why would sins committed in that short time cause God to seal that choice for ever? Most people don’t necessarily make choices for ever and can still change their minds.
This is only a problem if you see hell as just a state of punishment and not eternal restoration for an eternal soul. you are absolutely correct God would be unjust for punishing any finite crime with an infinite punishment, except hell cannot be just punishment because god is just, therefore hell is something else as i said “eternal restoration” we should remember that God is always gathering things into himself not pushing them away indefinitely.
This is only a problem if you see hell as just a state of punishment and not eternal restoration for an eternal soul. you are absolutely correct God would be unjust for punishing any finite crime with an infinite punishment, except hell cannot be just punishment because god is just, therefore hell is something else as i said “eternal restoration” we should remember that God is always gathering things into himself not pushing them away indefinitely.
The problem with this is that it forgets that it is the unrepentant that is doing the pushing away.
A person’s lifetime is pretty short when compared to eternity, so why would sins committed in that short time cause God to seal that choice for ever? Most people don’t necessarily make choices for ever and can still change their minds.
Aw the “why does finite sin mean infinite suffering” arguement .heres how i see it do you think,if he could live forever would stop sending people to their death? How about Stalin? Ted bundy? You might say “they didnt have to repent” however have you ever thought that killed them when he did because he knew they would never repent? Just a thought
If anything, threatening me with violence if I don’t capitulate to your unreasonable demands and using threats of eternal violence to attempt to coerce me into compliance does nothing but drive me to rebel against your side and see it as evil. What is the appeal of spending eternity with a being that gets creatures to “love” him by threatening them with eternal violence if they don’t abide arbitrary rules? I’d choose an eternity in hell over prostrating myself before an evil like that.
Is he to be blamed? And to what degree? Only God knows. But then that is how God is rejected forever. Not the other way around.
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