I don’t know about you, but I try to take an optimistic view of this life. I mean, yes, the negative effects of mortality are bad, but I don’t spend my time lamenting and groaning over them all the time. To be honest, I don’t know if I spend even any time “groaning” (being that upset) over them.No. We groan because of the effects of mortality on our beings; not because of a desire to be dead.
Indeed, if I do not do this, am I thinking wrongly about/receiving life wrongly? Should I groan about these things? After all, it is an inspired text and Paul is arguably stating something that is right for us to do? Though, honestly, I really wonder if there were even that many people both within and/or without the Christian community that “groaned” (got that upset) over our mortality. As I understand it, most people both today and during Paul’s time, have taken it in stride, save for maybe when it causes severe injury/disability.