If life is a series of horrific sufferings, who wants to deal with that?I’m not sure about that. As strong as faith can be, death is still a big step-into the unknown. It would be wrong to want to cease existing-and death will always hold that over us as an uncertainty.
And how much faith is needed?
At the least, the horrific sufferings end. This assumes there is no afterlife, nothing afterwards - if we’re worm food.
If there is an afterlife:
If heaven, then the pleasant situation is a plus. A pleasant surprise. A bonus.
If hell, then they’re living life just like before. Nothing really changes.
If purgatory: same as hell for a while, then heaven.
This is a perverted version of “Pascal’s wager”
How many evil people were killing Christians while justifying it as “I’m sending them to heaven so they benefit!” Suicide (if not forbidden) could be justified in the same vein.
This is why suicide is forbidden. Otherwise, a lot of people would be offing themselves to get out of a life filled with horrific suffering.