If Holy Water Were Illegal

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Hi Edy.
Whatever opinions folks might express regarding the use of holy water if it became illegal, does not apply to the reality that cannabis is illegal and you could go to jail for using it. Going to jail impacts your ability to support your family, to be present to them, to find adequate work after you’ve been convicted. (I remember your comment on your other topic. Should I break the law to change it)

No one ‘needs’ holy water. God is the one giving his blessing and his blessing isn’t withheld if no holy water is around. I don’t need a statue to pray, I don’t need to be kneeling to pray. There have been times and places where being a Catholic was illegal, but I don’t think you want to make a comparison with that.
Have you informed yourself, read the research? Looked at the photos? Or are you stating your opinion, before I respond. How did you ‘find’

We have lots of examples of physical outward change in the Eucharist. That can be seen with the naked eye, without benefit of electron microscopes etc

So for those calling baloney, read what you can of this guy’s work first.

Water is made up of two hydrogens and one oxygen, all joined. How it chooses to organise it’s joining and structure or disjoining is quite a topic. It exists in three phases, liquid, gas, frozen. It floats on itself in its liquid and frozen state , and dispersed into the atmosphere in its gas state, only to be restructured into its liquid or frozen state to fall back to earth. It’s really quite remarkable.
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Google the good Doctor to read his studies. I put his name up thread and said to google his work. However, if the journal is not available without paid membership, it cannot be linked here. That’s breaching copyrights. You can read about his studies on the internet. And if interested, request the paper from the library. His studies on the behaviour of water are quite interesting.
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Pretty windy there!

I did an internet search and found due to drought, at certain times, the use of holy water and amount people could take, was restricted. And that is entirely legitimate, Speaking at a time when my country is in a severe drought.
Heres a question, Has holy water ever been banned or made illegal in any country in any era
I would think the public use of Catholic holy water would be illegal in Saudi Arabia, as the public practice of Christianity is illegal there.
No it’s not new age, seriously, The skeptoid is right up there with wearing tin foil hats.m
you picked a sceptic nonsical internet site .
Try a few sites who present the research and not their bias and prejudice.

It’s science.
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Random people “speaking blessings” to water is not a Sacramental.
It is an interesting experiment that was done. The Word does say we have the power to bless and curse with our tongue.
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Go upthread and see my original post on this topic. Read it in the way it was intended,
What did I say?
And look at the studies for changes in structure of water , as seen under the microscope, read them , read how this reaseach was conducted, then draw some conclusions.

We can’t do that with a 2 minute search of random questionably authored sites.

I could point people to the behaviour of water under a few different conditions but judging the reaction here, it’s a bit fruitless.

I will ask, who blesses water and why, and just how does that blessed water help in things like exorcism. What exactly is a blessing. How does it change the structure of us as creatures, given we are made mostly of water.

Do we think blessing just means words floating around water, or us, or do we believe something else happens. After all God is in charge , and everything is blessed in the name of the Trinity.
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As a Chemical Engineer I am quite interested in this. Do you have a source as Google is failing me.

Edit: My bad. I see it has been discussed further here. Will go through that first although my scepticism is with the “structure” change of water.

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Add cheese, make sandwhich and tomato and whisper “Patriotism”
If a government ever made any law against any way to practice our True Faith, either tiny or large, we would not be bound by that law. In fact, we would benefit by breaking such a law with all means necessary.
I’ve heard that virtually my whole life, from reading Hal Lindsey’s books , watching Pat Robertson on TV, listening to my Jehovah Witness friend at school. I don’t think that’s a certainty at all.
In my opinion, Hal Lindsey, Pat Robertson and the Jehovah’s Witnesses are in no way reliable sources.
I trust Catholic sources.
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