If I can find an answer to these questions, I will turn back to religion

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From our perspective. We either truly have free will, We can truly make choices based on our own perceived convictions etc. or we have the appearance of free will, thinking that we are making choices which are freely our own to make without recourse to some other entities desires. What, from our perception, is the difference?
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We’re going round in circles here. You’re presupposing free will because that’s how you reconcile a good God with a bad world.

I am using logic and nothing else.

You’re starting with your conclusion (God exists and is perfect) and creating a rationale for why he allows bad things to happen.

I already explained why that is the case. Your prerogative if you choose not to accept these reasons. Facts don’t become less factual if people disagree with them.

I’m pointing out there’s no evidence for free will, and you’re saying “the evidence is God gave us free will.”
I’m doing nothing of the sort, and there is evidence for free will. Read my post again.

Okay - suppose we have free will. Why does that give God a get-out? Assume I have free will. Assume my friend Joe has free will. Assume I know he’s planning to murder someone, and I could stop it happening. Do I say to myself, “Well, Joe has free will so I’ll let him get on with it?” I think that would make me - anybody - a bad person. But apparently not God. God gets a free pass. Because… erm, actually, I can’t think of a good reason.

Joe has free will whether or not to perpetrate the act, and so do you to stop him or not do so. It’s not that complicated. How do you know that God isn’t going to stop him either? He doesn’t need a bolt of lightning to do so. 🙂 This premise and conclusion is a complete non sequitur if you’re trying to disprove there’s a God.
Hopefully you’re still reading these! In response to the first - love begets love. God is the epitome of love, and real love seeks to multiply itself. Have you ever felt love to such an extent that you couldn’t help but show someone else or spread what you’re feeling? Love seeks to expand itself, to overflow its own cup. So too did God’s love spread and create the world
My experience with most atheists is they’re quick with skepticism of everyone else but slow to feel like they have to defend their own claims or definitions.
I can’t help with your experience (or perception) of atheists I’m afraid. I don’t consider skepticism a negative trait as long as it’s accompanied by a willingness to be open to new evidence.
Okay - suppose we have free will. Why does that give God a get-out? Assume I have free will. Assume my friend Joe has free will. Assume I know he’s planning to murder someone, and I could stop it happening. Do I say to myself, “Well, Joe has free will so I’ll let him get on with it?” I think that would make me - anybody - a bad person. But apparently not God. God gets a free pass. Because… erm, actually, I can’t think of a good reason.
This is probably why people smarter than me don’t actually spend many hours typing up an explanatory post only to be ignored or given question begging responses.
so that I can turn back towards organised religion.
First realize that the whole point of following Jesus Christ is not to become religious, but rather to go through a complete transformation of heart through a complete demolishing of your old self. To simply accept a set of facts and theological truths is not the point of being Catholic. Thus to simply become religious without the spiritual transformation of turning away from sin and beginning the journey of uprooting everything in our heart that separates us from God-- the unforgiveness, the resentments, the pride, the impurity, the dishonesty, etc. then religion is hollow and ends up condemning one even worse, being that to those to whom much is given much is expected. The Sacraments are fountains of supernatural grace that empower us to say NO to sin and to begin our transformation. Thus to merely be Catholic and yet stay the same rotten person, is simply a recipe for hypocrisy and condemnation.

As for your questions:

"Why would God create the entire universe for the sole purpose of having people worship him?"

God commands us to worship Him because we were made for God and it is for our own good. God is to the soul what food is to the stomach and oxygen to the lungs. God is Truth, Goodness and Love itself, thus we were made for God. Some people choose to worship money, others, fame, others, the body and a life of pleasure, others choose to worship people, and all the myriad of false idols that lead to ruin by building on sand. When we worship God we are building on the rock of Christ which leads us to eternal happiness. Thus Jesus said:
“I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.” 1John 15:11

Jesus founded His Church and gave the Church authority to teach the Truth in His name throughout the ages, despite the scoundrels and traitors that will always be among both the clergy and the laity…

"How can God send people to hell when it is actually HIM who is the one who caused them to sin?"
Hell is a built-in consequence, much like blindness is the “punishment” for plucking your own eyes out. If there is so much evil and slavery to sin in this physical world, what makes you think that there isn’t evil and slavery in the spiritual world, i.e., Satan, wicked spirits and damned souls?

SIN is the misuse of the intellect and the will. Your mind is made for Truth (GOD); your Will is made for Goodness and Love (GOD). Some people choose to not forgive, to hold on to resentments, to seek revenge, to slander and lie, to cheat and to steal, to misuse he gift of sexuality, to murder, to walk down the path of darkness rather than the path of Truth. So people condemn themselves. God calls us to seek Him. Thus Jesus said we must loge God with all our Heart, all our strength, all our soul, and all our mind; and to love neighbor as we love ourselves.

Here is a good talk which may help you understand:

His disgruntlement with peoples answers to why God allows evil things I think stems from most peoples fundamental misunderstanding of what it means to be God. I believe most people misunderstand the phrase “in the image of God” and consequently extend human qualities to be included within the unique class of God qualities only on a lesser degree. This is why the question of evil and God and God’s goodness will never be satisfactorily answered or accepted by most people.
But “plenty of people” would mean everyone if there was no free will.
Exactly. So we treat people instead of just punishing them.

Tell that to those who are on death row. Why is the state going to kill them if ultimately what they did wasn’t their fault? It’s obvious that the whole concept of justice collapses on itself if human beings did not really have the free will to choose right and wrong. I mean… there’s really no argument to be made to the contrary here.
Our concept of justice and morality (among many other things in life) would completely fall apart in a deterministic world as nobody ultimately would be responsible for their actions. Like I said, how could you prosecute me for anything when ultimately I am just doing what determinism - “fate” - or whatever you want to call it - wrote for me. There’s an excellent reason why nobody I know of to date has ever tried to argue in court that their client is not responsible for a crime where every possible piece of evidence that exists points to their guilt - and win. 🙂
The fact that our justice system is based on the supposition of free will does not mean that it’s right, or that free will exists.
So are you making an argument for anarchy where anything goes because nobody is responsible for anything? That is the outcome of a world where there genuinely isn’t free will.
Among other things, to put it simply we humans generally have the conscious ability to ponder choices, consider the outcome of each choice, and then choose and act accordingly. We have the ability to desire something (which a deterministic robot or a computer program does not) and act on those desires. We humans also know and understand the difference between being in control and not being in control,
I’ll agree it feels like that. That’s not evidence, any more than a feeling of paranoia is evidence that everyone is talking about you.

Or say, it feels like it’s hot because it really is hot. Go figure. 🙂 The feeling that it’s hot is evidence that it is.
… which is something deterministic robots or animals who behave by instinct such as a dog fetching a stick cannot do.
You think that’s instinct? You don’t think the dog feels in control of whether to chase the stick? Perhaps a subject for a different thread…

Sure. Animals are wired differently than humans and the difference when it comes to free will and instinct is important. We do of course have some built in instincts ourselves, among them survival. If I put my hand close to a hot flame, I don’t have to choose whether to move it, I just do.

What distinction? I see those things acting on the laws of physics. That’s what I’m claiming for humans, in the absence of any evidence for a non-physical enabler of free will.
Hence the confusion between “will” and “free will” as I previously mentioned. It’s the reason why this has been debated for centuries.
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His disgruntlement with peoples answers to why God allows evil things I think stems from most peoples fundamental misunderstanding of what it means to be God. I believe most people misunderstand the phrase “in the image of God” and consequently extend human qualities to be included within the unique class of God qualities only on a lesser degree. This is why the question of evil and God and God’s goodness will never be satisfactorily answered or accepted by most people.
Yes, this is definitely a big part of it. Even now, reading this post, he probably still thinks we’re talking about only a matter of scale, as if men are molehills and God the biggest mountain and he thinks we’re just claiming the laws of physics don’t apply to a mountain, only molehills.
Not hard at all. Lol
But tell me…from where does the next thought you will think come from? The next words will you say to someone? Do you think to yourself…I’m gonna think about thinking about God and then become aware of wanting to think about God? Are you conscious of the next reply you will make to a friend in its totality before you start to make your reply? Don’t these things come to you as if ex nihilo fully formed when you become aware of them or do you somehow self will them into your awareness?
Sorry I’m not quite sure what you’re asking? Do you mean who or what initiates a thought before we are conscious that we are thinking about it? Could be lots of different things… our own instinct, a thought based on a recalled memory or past experience, God putting a thought into our mind, etc.
We’re going round in circles here. You’re presupposing free will because that’s how you reconcile a good God with a bad world.
I am using logic and nothing else.
Perfect logic based on flawed premises does not provide an accurate answer.
You’re starting with your conclusion (God exists and is perfect) and creating a rationale for why he allows bad things to happen.
I already explained why that is the case. Your prerogative if you choose not to accept these reasons. Facts don’t become less factual if people disagree with them.
Indeed - whether they are facts or not is untestable. They are assertions. If you begin by claiming your belief should be considered as fact then you shut off rational discussion.
I’m pointing out there’s no evidence for free will, and you’re saying “the evidence is God gave us free will.”
I’m doing nothing of the sort, and there is evidence for free will. Read my post again.
You’re right - my mistake. You’re actually saying “the evidence for free will is that we have free will.” Which is no less absurd.
Okay - suppose we have free will. Why does that give God a get-out? Assume I have free will. Assume my friend Joe has free will. Assume I know he’s planning to murder someone, and I could stop it happening. Do I say to myself, “Well, Joe has free will so I’ll let him get on with it?” I think that would make me - anybody - a bad person. But apparently not God. God gets a free pass. Because… erm, actually, I can’t think of a good reason.
Joe has free will whether or not to perpetrate the act, and so do you to stop him or not do so. It’s not that complicated. How do you know that God isn’t going to stop him either? He doesn’t need a bolt of lightning to do so. 🙂 This premise and conclusion is a complete non sequitur if you’re trying to disprove there’s a God.
Who said I was trying to disprove God? That would be impossible. I’m just pointing out that if he does exist, the evidence suggests that he can’t be all-good, all-powerful and all-knowing, without invoking an unjustified get-out clause by which his amoral acts are actually just fine and dandy. The existence, or otherwise, of free will doesn’t let God off the hook.
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The only post she responded to was a somewhat atheistic one and she said she agreed with it. I don’t think she has been on CAF since.
His disgruntlement with peoples answers to why God allows evil things I think stems from most peoples fundamental misunderstanding of what it means to be God. I believe most people misunderstand the phrase “in the image of God” and consequently extend human qualities to be included within the unique class of God qualities only on a lesser degree. This is why the question of evil and God and God’s goodness will never be satisfactorily answered or accepted by most people.
That’s an interesting point. There’s an assumption that theists have the drop on atheists by virtue of the fact that they believe. That this belief somehow gives them insight into the nature of God that is unavailable to the atheist.

That’s a crock, of course, unless for some reason this deep insight also comes with the caveat that you’re not allowed to explain it. And all the explanations I’ve heard/read come down to this: an assertion that God is x, y and/or z.

Easy to swallow if you already believe that God is the perfect being etc. But if you invoke bare assertion in your defence/explanation of what you believe, then you have to acknowledge that people will challenge those assertions.

There is also, of course, still a wide range of beliefs amongst Christians about what God is. People used to believe he was a bearded man in the sky. Science disproved that (yay science!) and now he’s a far more abstract proposition (but yet somehow still a “he”)… Now “God is love” (a nebulous description if ever there was one), or “God is perfection” and so on.

If God is all the things that theists claim, well then the geezer obviously knows what he’s doing and we should just shut up and pray for the souls of the innocent people that he allows to suffer. But just asserting that he’s all those things is not evidence. The question, “why doesn’t he prevent evil” is not a theological question, it’s a pragmatic one. It’s perfectly valid, and has never been adequately answered.
I understand where you are. When I went through RCIA, I still had lots of questions and doubts. I just had to keep moving forward in faith and educate myself on Church teaching, But I just continue to walk by faith.

In Proverbs 3:5, we are advised:
Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
on your own intelligence do not rely;
We’re going round in circles here. You’re presupposing free will because that’s how you reconcile a good God with a bad world.
I am using logic and nothing else.
Perfect logic based on flawed premises does not provide an accurate answer.

Not flawed at all. God is all good. God creates all that is good. Therefore, it does not logically follow that there is evil in the world unless the evil originated from something else. God is omniscient. The argument that we have no free will because of God’s omniscience is entirely based on a modal logical fallacy.
I’m pointing out there’s no evidence for free will, and you’re saying “the evidence is God gave us free will.”
I’m doing nothing of the sort, and there is evidence for free will. Read my post again.
You’re right - my mistake. You’re actually saying “the evidence for free will is that we have free will.” Which is no less absurd.

Nope. Read my posts again. All of it.
Okay - suppose we have free will. Why does that give God a get-out? Assume I have free will. Assume my friend Joe has free will. Assume I know he’s planning to murder someone, and I could stop it happening. Do I say to myself, “Well, Joe has free will so I’ll let him get on with it?” I think that would make me - anybody - a bad person. But apparently not God. God gets a free pass. Because… erm, actually, I can’t think of a good reason.
Joe has free will whether or not to perpetrate the act, and so do you to stop him or not do so. It’s not that complicated. How do you know that God isn’t going to stop him either? He doesn’t need a bolt of lightning to do so. 🙂 This premise and conclusion is a complete non sequitur if you’re trying to disprove there’s a God.
Who said I was trying to disprove God? That would be impossible. I’m just pointing out that if he does exist, the evidence suggests that he can’t be all-good, all-powerful and all-knowing, without invoking an unjustified get-out clause by which his amoral acts are actually just fine and dandy. The existence, or otherwise, of free will doesn’t let God off the hook.
A false dilemma fallacy is not evidence. I already explained how an all-good all powerful God and an imperfect world can and do co-exist.
There is also, of course, still a wide range of beliefs amongst Christians about what God is. People used to believe he was a bearded man in the sky.
Uhhhh… please tell me you’re not talking about the Christian era here. Or even Judaism post-Exile.
Science disproved that (yay science!) and now he’s a far more abstract proposition (but yet somehow still a “he”)…
Okay, he probably thinks early Christians believed in a super powerful sky man.
“God is love” (a nebulous description if ever there was one), or “God is perfection” and so on.
Oh Lord help me, it’s like he walked into a sixth grade classroom for an explanation of atomic particles and thinks the answers he got are the sum total or what science has to offer on the subject.
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That’s an interesting point. There’s an assumption that theists have the drop on atheists by virtue of the fact that they believe. That this belief somehow gives them insight into the nature of God that is unavailable to the atheist.
It’s not hidden knowledge or something only a believer can understand. You just honestly appear to not grasp what we’re talking about when it comes to God, though you certainly have the capacity to do so. You seem content with a “if humans evolved from monkeys, why are monkeys still around” understanding of the concept and believe yourself to have already grasped it.
His disgruntlement with peoples answers to why God allows evil things I think stems from most peoples fundamental misunderstanding of what it means to be God. I believe most people misunderstand the phrase “in the image of God” and consequently extend human qualities to be included within the unique class of God qualities only on a lesser degree. This is why the question of evil and God and God’s goodness will never be satisfactorily answered or accepted by most people.
That’s an interesting point. There’s an assumption that theists have the drop on atheists by virtue of the fact that they believe. That this belief somehow gives them insight into the nature of God that is unavailable to the atheist.

That’s a crock, of course, unless for some reason this deep insight also comes with the caveat that you’re not allowed to explain it. And all the explanations I’ve heard/read come down to this: an assertion that God is x, y and/or z.

Easy to swallow if you already believe that God is the perfect being etc. But if you invoke bare assertion in your defence/explanation of what you believe, then you have to acknowledge that people will challenge those assertions.

There is also, of course, still a wide range of beliefs amongst Christians about what God is. People used to believe he was a bearded man in the sky. Science disproved that (yay science!) and now he’s a far more abstract proposition (but yet somehow still a “he”)… Now “God is love” (a nebulous description if ever there was one), or “God is perfection” and so on.

It’s interesting that you say yay science. I love science. Perhaps you’ve heard of the theory of General Relativity. A theory of course but it does strongly suggest that the universe did have a beginning and a creator. Who do you suppose initiated the big bang. Just lucky I guess? 🙂 It’s interesting too how the advancements and development of science hundreds of years ago that are accepted today can be attributed almost entirely to Christian (including Catholic) origins and thinking regarding the nature of the universe and linear properties of space/time. And yes, that includes Galileo. I have heard the atheist or anti-Catholic argument about Galileo plenty of times but be warned it is shut down quite easily when the facts are presented. 🙂

Anyway, it really is interesting that atheists can never really explain these observations very well, just like I have yet to hear a clear and concise definition from them of what exactly it means to be “good”. How odd.
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And also speaking of science, no we do not believe that the universe is 6000 years old. If that were so, we would not be able to see the outer reaches of our universe, which are much more than 6000 light years away.

Another atheist talking point falls down and can’t get up. 🙂
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Respectfully, I believe this post is about stirring up committed Catholics. If you want to return to religion, spend some time in prayer and reflecting on Scripture. Then talk to the priest or the religious leader of you choice. I pray you find peace wherever you go.
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