It is not a scientific fact that our personalities are formed by nature and nurture. These are theories that explain some of human behavior, however, results vary widely. While we may have genetic predispositions to certain things, that does not mean we are tied to them in the kind of fatalistic way you appear to be implying. My dad may have been an alcoholic, but that doesn’t mean I have to be. It is a bit odd that you would use the idea that chemical processes help to make up our personalities as some sort of evidence against God. Considering God made us of both matter and spirit (check Genesis 2 for the creation account), making humans by definition flesh and spirit, it only makes sense that chemical processes would be part of what makes us unique individuals. We are not docetic or gnostic in our anthropology.It is a scientific fact that everyone’s personalities and actions are formed by two things 1. Their biology, and 2. Their experiences (nature and nurture), however nobody is personally responsible for these things - meaning that nobody is actually responsible for their actions. Since God is responsible for both the biology of people and for the situations/experiences they have, he is therefore also responsible for their actions and every decision they make. This means that nobody is personally responsible for their ‘sins’, so how can God send people to hell when it is actually HIM who is the one who caused them to sin?
Conversely, nurture doesn’t necessarily account for all of human behavior either. We can observe this as well. So for example, someone might be horrifically abused as a child. In many cases, people who suffer from such abuse may respond by becoming abusive themselves; however, others don’t. Neither of these theories are proven fact. At best they can be considered general rules of thumb. Ultimately, God created us all according to his design, BUT we are still responsible for our choices, and our sin.
What is cool though, is that though we are all sinful and accountable for our sin, Jesus died for your sin. Through faith, we are made righteous in Christ, and given the Holy Spirit who teaches, guides, sanctifies us, and maintains us in our faith. And at the end of all things we will be risen from the dead in our flesh, and restored to our original intended order, and live out our purpose with Him in Christ.
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