If I can find an answer to these questions, I will turn back to religion

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  1. I was taught we are to know God, love God and serve Him. So I imagine He created us to know, love, and serve Him. But just for a moment, let us imagine you are right, that God wanted us to worship Him? What’s egotistical about that if you create everything? I’d be okay with worshipping Him.
  2. Do you believe in predestination?
I don’t want to jump to conclusions, but this kind of looks a bit like troll thread.
I asked Calliope because he said, “If God is perfect and complete, he can not be lonely or want anything.” _
  1. Why do people buy homes with more rooms than people in their family? That is very egotistical, since there are homeless people out there who need shelter. Why would people create families, have kids, or marry? That is egotistical since people seek to have sex to pleasure themselves, or use a spouse for their money, or have kids so they no longer have to do chores around the house.
  2. Free will and self-responsibility. People who do not take self-responsibility are people who hate their lives. You can try to bend science or blame God for your misfortunes, but if you did something wrong own up to it. Do not expect free handouts just for existing. Don’t do wrong out of spite only to blame science or God.
Jesus didn’t exist, at least as the Incarnate Word during that time.
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How do you exist? How does anything exist? There has to be a creator of the universe. Things do not randomly exist. Cars do not randomly appear out of nowhere. People create them. But who created people? God.
How do you exist? How does anything exist? There has to be a creator of the universe. Things do not randomly exist. Cars do not randomly appear out of nowhere. People create them. But who created people? God.
I see that you can not answer my question directly: I repeat again before God created the entire universe. In which universe or galaxy does God exist itself, without any other Creator?
I answered your question with questions. All those questions I asked you did not specifically address individually. Why?
I answered your question with questions. All those questions I asked you did not specifically address individually. Why?
Me too answered your question with questions. And you dodge to answer directly?
I don’t even understand what the two of you are trying to prove anymore.
Here is the hardest thing to accept about religion, even for the faithful: It is something a priest I really respect said this in a homily and it has stuck with me.

“Faith and certainly are opposites. Of the two, faith is greater.”

We cannot know all the answers the OP asks. We can just postulate answers based on Church teaching, which I don’t think could ever answer every concern that could ever come up. We cannot know God’s mind and intent perfectly. If you don’t have faith, there will always be some element of Church teaching that will not make sense to you. If you have faith, it doesn’t matter. I listen to the teachings, but I rely on faith. I think mine is an informed faith, but it is faith is that is my rock.

And faith is hard. You are torn between the forces of intellectualism, which the OP is exhibiting, and self-delusion, which some apologists fall in to. But if you do have true, informed faith, you will be right where you need to be.
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The anti free will argument that God’s knowledge of our choices means they must inevitably happen is a common argument and it’s also logically fallacious.
I’m not aware of this argument. Is it possible you are conflating two arguments here? Firstly the one that states that if “God” knows we are going to commit an evil action and does nothing to prevent it, that precludes him from being a loving and caring god. The analogy being: if you knew your child was going to shoot someone who’d done nothing wrong, and you did nothing to prevent it, then you can’t consider yourself to be a good and loving person. That’s not anti free will, that’s an argument against “God” being both all-knowing and good. The only way out of that conclusion is to invoke special pleading.

The second argument is merely that there is no evidence for free will. Nobody has ever presented a process by which free will can exist. As far as we can tell, the universe is entirely deterministic at a non-quantum level, and quantum indeterminacy merely introduces chance, it doesn’t provide for free will - so at best our “choices” would be completely random. In the absence of evidence to the contrary, we should consider that free will doesn’t exist; and whatever happens is inevitable.

Neither of these two argument is logically fallacious.
  1. Why would God create the entire universe for the sole purpose of having people worship him? This seems very egotistical to me, and I just can’t get my head around the fact that our only purpose in life is to worship God. This is not to say that I am not thankful for what I have (I don’t have any issues with worshipping god), it’s just that I don’t understand why God would be so needing of worship that he created our entire reality just so that he can get it. I feel like it would make a lot more sense if he created us for a purpose other than this.
One of the tenets of Catholicism is that God doesn’t need anything. He doesn’t need our worship. The calling of men and women to him isn’t egotistical. Creating and our worship adds nothing to him. He is at perfect bliss and joy with himself. If he never created, he would not “feel” any incompleteness. Creation was not made to increase God’s glory, but to manifest and share it, and since God has no such ego and wants for nothing, it’s simply a matter of selfless giving.
  1. It is a scientific fact that everyone’s personalities and actions are formed by two things 1. Their biology, and 2. Their experiences (nature and nurture), however nobody is personally responsible for these things - meaning that nobody is actually responsible for their actions. Since God is responsible for both the biology of people and for the situations/experiences they have, he is therefore also responsible for their actions and every decision they make. This means that nobody is personally responsible for their ‘sins’, so how can God send people to hell when it is actually HIM who is the one who caused them to sin?
God shares responsibility for creating, but my personality isn’t just given to me as if I’m something separate from it, it’s essential to who I am. I still choose X or Y based on principles intrinsic to myself, not because I’m moved by puppet strings by the motions of the planets or the whims of the God, as if I had no agency. Even if we can’t control all nature or nurture, we are still beings with agency, and so remain culpable for our actions. If I do bad things, it’s not because some “I” or self separate from my personality was moved to do such things by external strings, but because that I or self is bad (or at least not fully good). That’s who I am intrinsically.

And it’s also not a “scientific fact” that everything boils down to the quantifiable anyway. Science by definition can only measure the quantifiable.
The anti free will argument that God’s knowledge of our choices means they must inevitably happen is a common argument and it’s also logically fallacious.
I’m not aware of this argument. Is it possible you are conflating two arguments here? Firstly the one that states that if “God” knows we are going to commit an evil action and does nothing to prevent it, that precludes him from being a loving and caring god. The analogy being: if you knew your child was going to shoot someone who’d done nothing wrong, and you did nothing to prevent it, then you can’t consider yourself to be a good and loving person. That’s not anti free will, that’s an argument against “God” being both all-knowing and good. The only way out of that conclusion is to invoke special pleading.
No, not at all. Maybe you’re just working with a bad/incomplete understanding of goodness and also a bad/incomplete understanding of what we mean by God.
The second argument is merely that there is no evidence for free will. Nobody has ever presented a process by which free will can exist. As far as we can tell, the universe is entirely deterministic at a non-quantum level, and quantum indeterminacy merely introduces chance, it doesn’t provide for free will - so at best our “choices” would be completely random. In the absence of evidence to the contrary, we should consider that free will doesn’t exist; and whatever happens is inevitable.

Neither of these two argument is logically fallacious.
I think if you read the Domican and Jesuit positions on free will, you’d be very surprised to find that what Catholic theologians mean by free will is not what you mean by free will at all.

And as for evidence, it may not be directly measurable by falsifiable testing, but that doesn’t mean our experience of agency and intentionality is false or doesn’t qualify as evidence.
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The anti free will argument that God’s knowledge of our choices means they must inevitably happen is a common argument and it’s also logically fallacious.
The second argument is merely that there is no evidence for free will. Nobody has ever presented a process by which free will can exist. As far as we can tell, the universe is entirely deterministic at a non-quantum level, and quantum indeterminacy merely introduces chance, it doesn’t provide for free will - so at best our “choices” would be completely random. In the absence of evidence to the contrary, we should consider that free will doesn’t exist; and whatever happens is inevitable.

Neither of these two argument is logically fallacious.
Your very life and existence demonstrates the operation of free will. You have agency, the capacity to observe, think, and act in a way that is specific to you.
What did you have for breakfast this morning? Even if you closed your eyes and reached into the fridge, you still made a decision to do that.
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