Today, while I was on the forums of NoFap I saw in a group called “Christian Fapstronauts” someone say, “Don’t worry you can never lose salvation”. I want to correct them, but I am not sure if I am the right person to do that or if God would even want me to do it. It is a group mostly full of Protestants. Thank you.
Even among Protestants, there is disagreement on losing salvation. My husband was raised in a Pentecostal church, a large denomination that taught that a Christian CAN lose their salvation. I was raised in a Baptist church, and we were taught that a Christian can NEVER lose their salvation. While we were dating, we had many lively discussions, going back and forth with our Bibles open, about this issue!
We’ve been part of several Protestant denominations during our marriage (before converting to Catholicism in 2004!), and they all had differing views on the issue of “eternal security.”
I would say to speak up, but don’t have a mindset of “correcting them.” Instead, just share what the Catholic Church teaches, in a loving way. And listen to what they are saying, too–if you want them to listen to you, you kind of have to be courteous and listen to them.
You probably won’t convert anyone, but you will probably plant some seeds, and some of those people will think about what you are telling them about Catholicism, and later in their lives, they will check out Holy Mother Church! So speak up and plant those seeds!