"If it doesn't hurt anyone..."

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Are we introducing a new criteria here? Do we have to consider an action that ‘does not have a good intent’?

In that case, if a couple does something that does not cause them or anyone else harm and there is no bad intent, it cannot be wrong.
of course not. this is not a new criteria. certain actions are dependent on intent, such as lying or killing in self defense. while other actions are not dependent on intent since they are always wrong regardless of intent, such as cheating on a test or driving drunk. I was merely making that distinction so that someone, anyone, could answer my question!
You misunderstand, it has nothing to do with Nirvana or the supernatural. Let me put it another way, I go to confession week after week confessing a sin that I want to stop but I am unable. The good Father gives a penance and tells me I must pray for grace to stop. Next week same thing. As a Buddhist (I am not) I go to a Lama and tell him about a behavior which I want to stop but can not. The Lama would likely ask some questions and supply the appropriate education or path to it that will allow me to discover how I am hurting myself, others or both. Both the consequences and remedy for the unwanted behavior now belong to me. Certainly a priest can do the same and probably a few do but that is not the frame in which the christian religion works.
Few will enter by the narrow door.
This has to do with with communing with God. Very very few can do this on their own.
It is because of Christ, through His sacrifice on the cross and His resurrection that we are saved.
The Master’s teachings will not get you there, nor will the Priest’s advice.
It is through confession, through the taking of our sins upon Himself that Jesus saves us.
This has little to do with unwanted behaviour, everything to do with growing in love, the Way who is Christ Himself.
of course not. this is not a new criteria. certain actions are dependent on intent, such as lying or killing in self defense. while other actions are not dependent on intent since they are always wrong regardless of intent, such as cheating on a test or driving drunk. I was merely making that distinction so that someone, anyone, could answer my question!
Why would you say that something such as cheating on a test would have no intent? The intent is obviously to gain an advantage by unfair means. If you then get a higher score than someone else, that person has been harmed.

You are begging the question if you say that cheating is always wrong regardless of intent. That is precisely the point being discussed. If there is harm done (by gaining an unfair advantage in your example) then it is therefore wrong. If no harm has been done (as in my example), then it is not wrong.
Few will enter by the narrow door.
This has to do with with communing with God. Very very few can do this on their own.
It is because of Christ, through His sacrifice on the cross and His resurrection that we are saved.
The Master’s teachings will not get you there, nor will the Priest’s advice.
It is through confession, through the taking of our sins upon Himself that Jesus saves us.
This has little to do with unwanted behaviour, everything to do with growing in love, the Way who is Christ Himself.
You seem to be unable to grasp that the irradiation of ignorance, i.e unwanted behavior or sin through learning & education can help one along their journey with Jesus. No dichotomy exist between Jesus taking our sins upon Himself and us accepting the consequences and remedy to rid ourselves of the sin.

Platonism is not something that the Catholic Church holds in great esteem yet Platonist readings assisted in St. Augustine’s understanding and conversion.

From: St. Augustine Confessions

…certain books of the Platonists, translated from Greek into Latin. And therein I found, not indeed in the same words, but to the selfsame effect, enforced by many and various reasons that "in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God.

St. Augustine is basically saying “I get it now.”
Why would you say that something such as cheating on a test would have no intent? The intent is obviously to gain an advantage by unfair means. If you then get a higher score than someone else, that person has been harmed.

You are begging the question if you say that cheating is always wrong regardless of intent. That is precisely the point being discussed. If there is harm done (by gaining an unfair advantage in your example) then it is therefore wrong. If no harm has been done (as in my example), then it is not wrong.
I never said cheating has no intent. I simply said cheating is always wrong regardless of intent. Meanwhile some actions require ill intent for it to be wrong. But let’s look at cheating. yes, a cheater gains an unfair advantage, but if that advantage isn’t gained at anyone else’s expense, then who is harmed? by your definition, cheating is ok because no harm is done to anyone. iI say it’s wrong regardless of harm. Look, you’re not following, and that’s ok. I have made my points. You can agree or disagree. I have election results to keep watching!
I never said cheating has no intent. I simply said cheating is always wrong regardless of intent.
Therefore implying that it can be wrong even with no harmful intent. But the example is useless because you cannot cheat with no harmful intent. You cannot cheat without gaining an unfair advantage (by the very definition of the word), so harm ensues. Just as you cannot steal with taking something without the owner’s permission, thus depriving her of her possession, so harm ensues.
Meanwhile some actions require ill intent for it to be wrong.
Good. I agree. So if there is no ill intent in making love to your wife the day before you get married (and no harm ensues), how in the blue blazes can it be wrong?
But let’s look at cheating. yes, a cheater gains an unfair advantage, but if that advantage isn’t gained at anyone else’s expense, then who is harmed?
What the…? If you gain an unfair advantage, could you take some time out from your election viewing and explain over whom the advantage is gained? When you have worked that out, please explain why no harm has been done to that party.
What the…? If you gain an unfair advantage, could you take some time out from your election viewing and explain over whom the advantage is gained? When you have worked that out, please explain why no harm has been done to that party.
Bradski, I specifically stated if the advantage is gained at no one else’s expense, then no harm is done. If I cheat on a test in school and get a passing grade instead of failing, then I gained an unfair advantage by getting a score I didn’t deserve. But who did I harm? no one else received a lower score because of my cheating. If i am in a class where the teacher grades on a curve, or if I am in a school that ranks students, then yes I am harming others by cheating. But many teachers do not grade on a curve, and many schools do not rank students, so in those cases the cheater is harming absolutely no one. In this example, I would still claim the person was wrong, but by your definition you would claim he was not wrong. I’m sorry, but I can never agree with that line of reasoning.
…many teachers do not grade on a curve, and many schools do not rank students, so in those cases the cheater is harming absolutely no one.
If you cheat on an exam, you are misrepresenting your ability to perform a given task to either yourself or to someone else. The very definition of the word ‘cheating’ means that you do it with that knowledge. The person viewing the exam results will have a false impression of your abilities. In cheating, you will be attempting to convince either that person or yourself (or both) that you can do something that you cannot.

If you think that’s harmless, then so be it.
If you cheat on an exam, you are misrepresenting your ability to perform a given task to either yourself or to someone else. The very definition of the word ‘cheating’ means that you do it with that knowledge. The person viewing the exam results will have a false impression of your abilities. In cheating, you will be attempting to convince either that person or yourself (or both) that you can do something that you cannot.

If you think that’s harmless, then so be it.
👍 Integrity is not a human invention but a reality we ignore at our peril in every aspect of life.
The basis I hear for why these things are “wrong” is that they are harmful to the soul. But this argument isn’t effective to some one that doesn’t believe their is a soul or does not hold the same beliefs about how a soul may be injured.
Lack of integrity is harmful to ourselves and others regardless of whether we believe in the soul. In the long run it doesn’t pay to ignore or conceal the facts. The Greeks were well aware that our vices incur their own punishment. Nemesis is not an illusion…
If you cheat on an exam, you are misrepresenting your ability to perform a given task to either yourself or to someone else. The very definition of the word ‘cheating’ means that you do it with that knowledge. The person viewing the exam results will have a false impression of your abilities. In cheating, you will be attempting to convince either that person or yourself (or both) that you can do something that you cannot.

If you think that’s harmless, then so be it.
funny, this abstract definition of harm, which incidentally I agree with, is very much the same argument that can be made - and has been made - for pre-marital sex.

if you think it’s harmless then so be it.
If someone is masturbating to some cartoon porn or **** like it, how does it actively harm anyone, and why is it wrong? Assumming the person doesn’t believe in God.
The basis I hear for why these things are “wrong” is that they are harmful to the soul. But this argument isn’t effective to some one that doesn’t believe their is a soul or does not hold the same beliefs about how a soul may be injured.
Lack of integrity is harmful to ourselves and others regardless of whether we believe in the soul. In the long run it doesn’t pay to ignore or conceal the facts. The Greeks were well aware that our vices incur their own punishment. Nemesis is not an illusion…
What does integrity (as in the state of being honest) have to do with some one’s autosexual preferences?
funny, this abstract definition of harm, which incidentally I agree with, is very much the same argument that can be made - and has been made - for pre-marital sex.

if you think it’s harmless then so be it.
I didn’t give an abstract definition of cheating. I gave a very specific definition. If you cheat, you misrepresent your abilities. You are either incapable of producing the work so use underhand methods of attaining a good score or you are capable and are too lazy to put the work in. You would specifically work to keep your cheating hidden from others because if found out you would experience guilt. If someone asked you how you did on the test, you would lie in telling them that you did well.

All of that constitutes harm. It makes cheating something that is wrong. Not because I personally believe it is wrong ‘just because it is’, but because of those reasons I gave.

Now, if you think that the scenario of the couple having sex outside of marriage is wrong and causes harm, then you also have to give reasons. And let me give you something to think about regarding that scenario.

An old man you know very well dies. He and his wife were exemplary figures. Well thought of in the community. Raised children and grandchildren who were all pillars of society in themselves and were each a wonderful reflection of the values and standards of the couple themselves. Everyone used them as examples of what a happy and prosperous marriage could be. Their life together was something to which everyone looked up to. A marriage made in heaven…

Then at the funeral, you talk to his wife and during the conversation you ask her: ‘By the way, how long had you actually been married’.

‘Oh’, she says. ‘Not many people outside the family know, I guess. But we were never married. Neither of us thought that a formal declaration of our love was necessary’.

What’s your call on that? Do you think of all the harm they had been doing? All the bad things that must have resulted? Maybe you should list them.
. . . Neither of us thought that a formal declaration of our love was necessary’. . . .
It boils down to what one is willing to settle for.
The majority of people understand that sexuality, marriage, family and society are part of a whole, that we are individual members of a community in which we share in each other’s joys and sorrows. The problem is with the consequences of sin - a brokenness within the individual and within our relationships. We individually choose to love or not to love others. The outcome of these choices is seen in the overall gloomy state the the world finds itself. That a couple does not wish to share their joy with others reflects this sad situation.
Harm? Meh, who cares.
That a couple does not wish to share their joy with others reflects this sad situation.
Who on earth says that a couple who do not formally get married, or even do so but without a Christian ceremony do not wish to share their joy with others? Is their love for each other deemed less valid? Would their children be less loved? Is a lifetime partnership to be belittled and demeaned because of religious beliefs? Well, yes, because it causes harm, don’t you know.

The thing is, if someone was held up as a great example of how to live a life together, of a couple who’s example we should all aspire and you were asked to agree, you would have to say: ’Well, I’m going to need some evidence that they were actually married in the eyes of God before I can make that decision’.
What does integrity (as in the state of being honest) have to do with some one’s autosexual preferences?
Polonius had the answer:

*"*To thine own self be true and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man." - Hamlet
I didn’t give an abstract definition of cheating. I gave a very specific definition. If you cheat, you misrepresent your abilities. You are either incapable of producing the work so use underhand methods of attaining a good score or you are capable and are too lazy to put the work in. You would specifically work to keep your cheating hidden from others because if found out you would experience guilt. If someone asked you how you did on the test, you would lie in telling them that you did well.

All of that constitutes harm. It makes cheating something that is wrong. Not because I personally believe it is wrong ‘just because it is’, but because of those reasons I gave.

Now, if you think that the scenario of the couple having sex outside of marriage is wrong and causes harm, then you also have to give reasons. And let me give you something to think about regarding that scenario.

An old man you know very well dies. He and his wife were exemplary figures. Well thought of in the community. Raised children and grandchildren who were all pillars of society in themselves and were each a wonderful reflection of the values and standards of the couple themselves. Everyone used them as examples of what a happy and prosperous marriage could be. Their life together was something to which everyone looked up to. A marriage made in heaven…

Then at the funeral, you talk to his wife and during the conversation you ask her: ‘By the way, how long had you actually been married’.

‘Oh’, she says. ‘Not many people outside the family know, I guess. But we were never married. Neither of us thought that a formal declaration of our love was necessary’.

What’s your call on that? Do you think of all the harm they had been doing? All the bad things that must have resulted? Maybe you should list them.
It depends whether they were deceiving others by pretending they were married. Why bother to tell lies when it isn’t necessary? You’re just making life more difficult for yourself…
It boils down to what one is willing to settle for.
The majority of people understand that sexuality, marriage, family and society are part of a whole, that we are individual members of a community in which we share in each other’s joys and sorrows. The problem is with the consequences of sin - a brokenness within the individual and within our relationships. We individually choose to love or not to love others. The outcome of these choices is seen in the overall gloomy state the the world finds itself. That a couple does not wish to share their joy with others reflects this sad situation.
Harm? Meh, who cares.
👍 Those who deceive are deceiving themselves. They think others are fools but they are the fools because they have to remember their lies and sooner or later they are likely to contradict themselves… Even if they don’t they can never relax completely. They always have to be on their guard in case they let the cat out of the bag!
It depends whether they were deceiving others by pretending they were married. Why bother to tell lies when it isn’t necessary? You’re just making life more difficult for yourself…
No, no lies. They had no problem in anyone knowing. No deception involved.

Which brings me to another point…

If anyone wants to state that having sex outside marriage causes harm, then if we had two couples, one of whom was married and the other not (both couples having sex), then all other things being equal, you must be able to tell which one was married - because of the harm caused.

Without specifically asking them if they are married, how do you do that?
Polonius had the answer:

*"*To thine own self be true and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man." - Hamlet
So you evaluate autosexual behaviour as some one being untrue to themselves?
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