I didn’t give an abstract definition of cheating. I gave a very specific definition. If you cheat, you misrepresent your abilities. You are either incapable of producing the work so use underhand methods of attaining a good score or you are capable and are too lazy to put the work in. You would specifically work to keep your cheating hidden from others because if found out you would experience guilt. If someone asked you how you did on the test, you would lie in telling them that you did well.
All of that constitutes harm. It makes cheating something that is wrong. Not because I personally believe it is wrong ‘just because it is’, but because of those reasons I gave.
Now, if you think that the scenario of the couple having sex outside of marriage is wrong and causes harm, then you also have to give reasons. And let me give you something to think about regarding that scenario.
An old man you know very well dies. He and his wife were exemplary figures. Well thought of in the community. Raised children and grandchildren who were all pillars of society in themselves and were each a wonderful reflection of the values and standards of the couple themselves. Everyone used them as examples of what a happy and prosperous marriage could be. Their life together was something to which everyone looked up to. A marriage made in heaven…
Then at the funeral, you talk to his wife and during the conversation you ask her: ‘By the way, how long had you actually been married’.
‘Oh’, she says. ‘Not many people outside the family know, I guess. But we were never married. Neither of us thought that a formal declaration of our love was necessary’.
What’s your call on that? Do you think of all the harm they had been doing? All the bad things that must have resulted? Maybe you should list them.