If it was easy for God to make Mary perfect - why not us?

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All things are easy for God and so I would assume even creating His most perfect Instrument: Our Mother Mary was also easy. So why wouldn’t He have made all of us this perfect? Wouldn’t that have fixed much evil in the world if each person was conceived and born like Our Mother? Imagine what the world could look like if all people on Earth were conceived without sin?

Interested in any insights you may have. 🙂
One additional question 🙂
If God had decided to conceive us all perfect like Mary - wouldn’t it have been a Win Win for us as well as for God?
  • A Win for Humanity because there would be fewer people making the evil choice of Adam and Eve in this world, there would be many more who would have been inclined to give their “Yes” to God.
  • A Win for God because those that did give their “Yes” to God would resemble Mary much more closely.
All things are easy for God and so I would assume even creating His most perfect Instrument: Our Mother Mary was also easy. So why wouldn’t He have made all of us this perfect? Wouldn’t that have fixed much evil in the world if each person was conceived and born like Our Mother? Imagine what the world could look like if all people on Earth were conceived without sin?

Interested in any insights you may have. 🙂
Eve was created humanly immaculate but with a free will. Mary was conceived immaculate, (like Eve was created), with a free will. Eve chose to sin, Mary didn’t. We suffer the effects of Eve’s actions and we reap the rewards of Mary’s, through Jesus Christ, her son. God Bless, memaw
A better way to look at this question is like this:

God, being God, knew that Mary would be the first woman after Eve, who if born without original sin, would remain sinless.

Therefore, because God knew what Mary would do with the gift of the Immaculate Conception, He CHOOSE her. He didn’t really make her different. Rather, He knew what she would do with His gift, so He choose Mary to bare His Son.

Mary never lost her free will. She simply choose to obey God after being granted the gift of being free of original sin.

I hope this helps.

Now, I will answer your individual questions one on one.
Eve was created humanly immaculate but with a free will. Mary was conceived immaculate, (like Eve was created), with a free will.
Any particular reason this isn’t the case for everyone, in Catholic theology?
**All things are easy for God and so I would assume even creating His most perfect Instrument: Our Mother Mary was also easy. So why wouldn’t He have made all of us this perfect? **

I think this is a philosophical question regarding the purpose of life. God could have made us all perfect, and He did make Adam & Eve perfect. But He gave us free will, especially, the free will to reject Him.

Wouldn’t that have fixed much evil in the world if each person was conceived and born like Our Mother? Imagine what the world could look like if all people on Earth were conceived without sin?

As I mentioned above, Adam & Eve were created perfect, yet they still sinned. God created us “like Him,” but we are not God. He did not create mini-Gods. Only God is perfect.

Now, let’s assume for one second that we were incapable of sinning. That would mean that we are not capable of rejecting God, which would mean we would not have free will. If people do not have the capacity of choosing between good and bad, what kind of lives would we be living? What would we learn? We would be like the characters in the book/movie called “The Giver” (which I highly recommend from a theological point of view - Father Baron does too).

***If God had decided to conceive us all perfect like Mary - wouldn’t it have been a Win Win for us as well as for God? ***

I don’t think lacking free will would be a win-win for either of us. Without free will, we would be living meaningless lives. I think having free will and choosing to obey God helps prepare us for Heaven.

***A Win for Humanity because there would be fewer people making the evil choice of Adam and Eve in this world, there would be many more who would have been inclined to give their “Yes” to God. ***

Again, evil would be eliminated, but so would the things that make life wonderful. Sure we would have surface level happiness, etc. But would we have true love? Would we be able to fully take advantage of the short lives? Again, watch “The Giver” – I think this movie (and book) shows excellently what life would be like without the gifts God gave us.

***A Win for God because those that did give their “Yes” to God would resemble Mary much more closely. ***

I don’t think this would be a win for God because to be frank, God doesn’t need us. God wanted us to be like Him and to have free will. God knows all, God is perfect. Humans are not perfect and I’m sure God knows what would happen if we were. Finally, we need to remember that our lives on earth are to prepare us for the afterlife. Somehow, I doubt that being perfect would prepare us for anything.

I hope my answers help and perhaps spark debate.

God Bless.
Thank you for your thought-filled reply and apologies - just to clarify - I’m wondering why God didn’t just decide to conceive us all perfect like Mary (with free will)?
You have free will. You can choose not to sin.
I’m wondering why God did not simply choose to conceive us immaculate like Mary with free will - with the free choice to be sinless like Her but also to love as She loves (which no person can, I believe).

It seems like this would be a no-brainer for God to do (after the Fall, or the Flood or possibly after the Resurrection) but He didn’t. Why not?

It would have been simple for Him and I would guess far fewer souls would have used their free will to choose sin or Hell and there would have been many more that were not only sinless but loved as Mary loves (freely). Seems like it would be a Win Win for Humanity and For God (less souls lost and more souls to be with God in Heaven = a “Win”). Also it would be tremendous win for an individual not to have to muddle himself/herself out concupiscence in a world filled with people choosing concupiscence.

Further thoughts?
I’m wondering why God did not simply choose to conceive us immaculate like Mary with free will - with the free choice to be sinless like Her but also to love as She loves (which no person can, I believe).

It seems like this would be a no-brainer for God to do (after the Fall, or the Flood or possibly after the Resurrection) but He didn’t. Why not?

It would have been simple for Him and I would guess far fewer souls would have used their free will to choose sin or Hell and there would have been many more that were not only sinless but loved as Mary loves (freely). Seems like it would be a Win Win for Humanity and For God (less souls lost and more souls to be with God in Heaven = a “Win”). Also it would be tremendous win for an individual not to have to muddle himself/herself out concupiscence in a world filled with people choosing concupiscence.

Further thoughts?
Would you rather have someone love you becuase they simply loved you?
Or would you prefer making them love you?
Every day of the week people are born and become a bit like Mary ,
But over the years many loose their way , some by choice , some by their environment,
Some remain strong and never loosen their grip on their faith,
we all can remain pure , but we live in a commercial materialistic world,
People are now more worldly than 2000. Years ago,
All we can do , is try to be as good as we can , and keep that little Flame of faith within our hearts and protect in from the winds of this world
Thank you for your thought-filled reply and apologies - just to clarify - I’m wondering why God didn’t just decide to conceive us all perfect like Mary (with free will)?
If what you say would be true , then this wouldn’t be a mortal world would it ?
God can do everything; if he wished to make us all sinless right now, at this moment, then it will be a piece of cake for him.

Even though God can do everything, he purposely refrains from using some of his powers in respect to our free-will.

The main reason why sin was infested this world so much, is because so often we human beings have latched on to sinful habits, to multitudes of venial sins, which, unchecked, may easily evolve in mortal sins. 😦

We are disgusting; the other animals may not be nearly as intelligent as we are, but at least they don’t dare to rebel against their good creator.

We are maggots; we don’t have the right to ask God to cleanse us of sin while scripture asserted that we must latch to God ourselves in order to be able to fight sin properly.
I’m wondering why God did not simply choose to conceive us immaculate like Mary with free will - with the free choice to be sinless like Her but also to love as She loves (which no person can, I believe).
We may indeed love God just as much as Mary does, *after *we have been cleansed of sin. (entrance into Heaven)

Mary was made the way she was because God has ordained her for a particularly unique task and role in this universe. The rest of us also have important roles, but not as important as the blessed virgin’s

We ourselves still get oceans of graces from above, so there’s no need to become envious.

Lets repent and desist from all bad habits before judgment day comes, or before we die, to speak more personally.
I’m wondering why God did not simply choose to conceive us immaculate like Mary with free will - with the free choice to be sinless like Her but also to love as She loves (which no person can, I believe).

It seems like this would be a no-brainer for God to do (after the Fall, or the Flood or possibly after the Resurrection) but He didn’t. Why not?

It would have been simple for Him and I would guess far fewer souls would have used their free will to choose sin or Hell and there would have been many more that were not only sinless but loved as Mary loves (freely). Seems like it would be a Win Win for Humanity and For God (less souls lost and more souls to be with God in Heaven = a “Win”). Also it would be tremendous win for an individual not to have to muddle himself/herself out concupiscence in a world filled with people choosing concupiscence.

Further thoughts?
We won’t know for sure until we are with God.

However, three people (fully human) have been brought into this world in immaculate fashion. Adam, Eve & Mary. 2/3 of them gravely sinned.

Now image a world where 2/3rd of the population gravely sins, but without growing old, sick, etc.

In today’s world, I believe that most sinners come to regret their sins as they age. Now image a world where gave sinners didn’t fear death at all…

Also, remember how many angels chose to follow the evil one when God gave them a choice. 1/3 of the angels followed the evil one.

Perhaps the most important lesson life teaches us is humility. I think humility is tied to our mortality. The angels who abandoned God abandoned God forever. However, we humans change our hearts while here on earth and open ourselves up to God. And I think our mortality is a big part of that.
Eve was created humanly immaculate but with a free will. Mary was conceived immaculate, (like Eve was created), with a free will. Eve chose to sin, Mary didn’t. We suffer the effects of Eve’s actions and we reap the rewards of Mary’s, through Jesus Christ, her son. God Bless, memaw
Simple… God loves us and He wants us to love Him because He is lovable. It’s a long journey of searching… but, so simple.
Well, I certainly hope OP wasn’t looking for a straight answer.
He could have made us all perfect, but then there wouldn’t have been anything special about Our Mother. Her purpose for being conceived without sin was to fulfill Her role as Jesus’s Mother.
However, three people (fully human) have been brought into this world in immaculate fashion. Adam, Eve & Mary. 2/3 of them gravely sinned.

Now image a world where 2/3rd of the population gravely sins, but without growing old, sick, etc.

In today’s world, I believe that most sinners come to regret their sins as they age. Now image a world where gave sinners didn’t fear death at all…

Also, remember how many angels chose to follow the evil one when God gave them a choice. 1/3 of the angels followed the evil one.
This is a really good point. It may be that had God continued to conceive all of us immaculate (and thus perfect in our bodies at the start), it may be that the success rate of choosing Good over Evil would be lower than it is now. Though conceived and born immaculate, it may be that like Adam and Eve (and a large number of angels), we might have become consumed by the prideful desire to be even greater than we were born. Being impatient for the blessings that would come after our final sleep into the Beatific Vision, many of us might strive to discover and know the secrets that evil has to offer: to become “greater” than our neighbor - maybe going so far as to doing evil in the hopes of becoming “greater than God”, if that were even feasibly possible.

And knowing our fallibility, several immaculately conceived humans might have chosen even more evil than what Adam and Eve had chosen. Adam and Eve’s sin may have just been the kickoff of a far more wicked dystopia had God decided not to allow us to be burdened with the handicaps of this world.

In light of that, Adam and Eve’s loss of paradise may not have been so much an extreme punishment to the rest of humanity - but a way of buffering humanity from a greater loss of souls.

Simply put - being born immaculate, with the ultimate silver spoon in our mouths, for may have spoiled many of us.

In other words - the weaknesses that handicap us (so well displayed in the lives of the characters of Scripture and in a particular way in the lives of the apostles as they struggled through their conversions) can give us a perspective and a disgust of evil that humbles us.

Metaphorically - maybe it is better that we are born handicapped as stupid, half-blind but generally loving dogs (and Peter pops to mind here) - constantly distracted by our appetites - than beautiful perfect humans succumbing to the prideful desire to know things like God knows and to be powerful like Him in our lives on earth.

Carrying that metaphor further, that doesn’t mean that dogs can’t become vicious, frightening dogs (and many do), but it may mean that a greater number of dogs will cling to God’s Mercy and choose to love God than had we been born immaculate into a paradise that was really a dystopia.

The nice thing is that we can hold onto the promise that if we become good, obedient and, most importantly, loving dogs enduring patiently and kindly all the trials put before us in life, following the examples of Mary and Jesus, God will raise us up to be better than we are in this lifetime - possibly going so far as to relieve us of some of our own canine-like appetites and handicaps.
Taking this from another perspective, it may be that God is also the Master “Story-Teller”.
With the gift of free will, He may have setup the conditions so that each person who lands in Heaven comes with a story to tell reflecting how relying upon God’s Mercy and the struggle of overcoming one’s own handicaps as well as everything that evil presents in that person’s lifetime, achieves a tremendous victory (with the gift of free will) against very difficult odds.

Although Mary has the most tremendous Victory to share in being the Co-redeemer with Christ and the Model Child of God that we all should aspire to be like, she may be lacking on one thing: she lacks the victory of a handicapped person.

And what a moving story each of us handicapped people have to tell - should we land in Heaven in the end!

In fact, when we look at human stories written by human story-tellers, how often the story contains such a main character - who flawed and suffering from the flaws of others overcomes them (typically with the help of others) to land in a better state of being.

Being immaculate would mean that we would never have the “handicap” story to share for all of eternity.

There is something to be truly admired in the wise demeanor of the scarred, handicapped soldier that has been through the battles and overcome - that is very different than what is admirable in the sparkling young private who is dressed in his shiny new uniform.

Maybe, in God’s great design, that is also a reason why we were not all born immaculate.

Maybe, with our character flaws and handicaps, He is giving us each the opportunity to play the main role in our own great stories. Each of these stories then go with us for all of Eternity.

Maybe that what the Scriptural stories of our flawed Prophets (Jacob, Moses, David as examples) hint at - that all of us who land in Heaven will likewise have such victorious stories to tell.

Other thoughts? Other reasons?
Any particular reason this isn’t the case for everyone, in Catholic theology?
It was, until Eve sinned and brought the consequences onto the whole human race. Mary brought Her Son and our redemption to the whole human race. Thank God for HIS Mercy. God Bless, Memaw
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