And again IMHO, You are thinking like a human, which we are, so you can’t help it. But, give God credit. HIS ways are ABOVE our ways. Our job is to say in our hearts, "Lord, I don’t understand it, but I trust in you. Help me assist in the things I see and feel that are lacking. Help me trust in YOU more. Thank you for this beautiful world YOU have made from nothing. Thank you for the air we breathe and the water and the warmth of the sun and the food. And help me share what I have with the ones who don’t. Amen.Indeed, St. Augustine couldn’t understand
I don’t feel a particularly strong need to defend my assertion that God has not created the best possible world. I think anyone can imagine a logically possible better world. In fact, a world where just one fewer person is tormented in hell forever would be better. A world where just one fewer child starves to death would be better.
Certainly, a world full of people free from original sin and with the grace-filled freedom to avoid actual sin would be absolutely better.