If someone playfully or kindly asks you what your zodiac sign is how should you answer?

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If one doesn’t believe astrology has any merit, I’d give it. It’s basically a cultural game at this point.
A Woman clothed in the sun, having a crown of stars, twelve, with the moon under her feet; Ave, Maria!.
That might not work if you do know it though. Now there’s a lie involved. Maybe just one could say they don’t do astrology. Simple and. To the point.
If you’re a catholic and know astrology is wrong.
The setting is on social media.
Them: What’s your sign?
Me: (Finds witty and fitting GIF)

The first response that comes to my mind:

“Get behind me, Satan!”
I’d say “ I’m an “X”. I read my horoscope occasionally. My horoscope is a hoot , because it is so vague as to be meaningless.”
Do it in Latin for fun. “Vede post Santana” Make them look it up and possibly think. 😉
Another fun response to “What’s your sign?” Uh, “STOP”
Dominus vobiscum
I usually say “Scorpio, but I place no value in astrology because it’s all rubbish.” That ends the conversation real fast.
“I don’t know mine”
Yes, that’s what I would say, if it was the truth. But in my case it would be a lie, because I know what my sign is. I would just say “Taurus. Why do you want to know?”
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I just tell them what it is. It doesn’t mean I believe any of it, it’s just mindless conversation. Like what is your favorite baseball team.
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