If someone playfully or kindly asks you what your zodiac sign is how should you answer?

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Zodiac signs (Sun signs) are useless in isolation anyway. Actual astrology requires a full chart interpretation (which takes a lot of time, money, and experience), which is why I consider asking for Sun signs to be a useless cultural game. Tbh it’s like asking for someone’s myersbriggs personality, but that is a little more accurate.

And btw, temperaments anyone? Phlegmatics stand up!
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I remember taking a Meyer Briggs personality test given by my employer.

I got an INTJ.

I read the description of this personality type and it does fit me.
If you’re a catholic and know astrology is wrong.
The setting is on social media.
Just tell them. You saying you’re a Libra or whatever doesn’t imply that you actually believe in this stuff. There’s no need to overthink it or make it weird.
Just tell them. You saying you’re a Libra or whatever doesn’t imply that you actually believe in this stuff. There’s no need to overthink it or make it weird.
Agreed. But some folks are much happier to adopt a haughty attitude, stick their nose in the air, and respond in a disagreeable way.
Technically, the church condemns divination, not astrology per se. 😉
Edit! I think astrology is explicitly mentioned, but in the context of divination. I guess it depends on what that means. Some astrologers use it as a kind of weird personality typing system “Aquarians are like this, Aries like that” whereas others use it to divine future events.
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Although not in the Zodiac, there is a constellation…CRUX the Cross , in the southern Milky Way
I’d just tell them I’m Gemini but when they try to predict my personality or whatever, I just tell them that I don’t subscribe to those beliefs. Nothing more or nothing less tbh. I find most people are generally respectful about that.
If I understand the catholic position correctly, knowing your sign isn’t a problem…divining information from your sign is. After all, astrology exists as far as everyone being born under a specific sign. It’s taking that basic knowledge and trying to read the future that’s the issue.

I’m a Leo…if I was feeling snarky, I’d say my sign is Slippery when Wet! 😂😂😂
Yes, exactly. Why can’t we know the zodiac sign we were born under? Knowing what it is in no way implies that you believe in astrology.
but when they try to predict my personality or whatever, I just tell them that I don’t subscribe to those beliefs. Nothing more or nothing less tbh. I find most people are generally respectful about that.
I would guess that the majority of people who “predict” your personality don’t really believe in it either. It’s just sort of a silly bit of pop culture for most people. Relatively few people actually take it seriously.
I just tell them. The signs of the zodiac are found in many European churches and are even set in stones in St Peter’s Square with the corresponding dates. They’re just star constellations, part of God‘s glorious creation. Astrology as a science is a noble thing, the Magi used it after all; it becomes a problem when people put their trust in the created rather than the Creator.
“I don’t believe in that stuff”

Simplest and most straightforward answer.
What annoys me just a little is when I express my interest in astronomy but people get confused and ask me about doing an astrological reading. 😖
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