If someone playfully or kindly asks you what your zodiac sign is how should you answer?

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Well, astrology did eventually lead to astronomy! As the astrologers learned more and more about star watching, it finally led to an interest in the actual science. Kind of like how alchemy led to chemistry.

Now, in medicine, thank heaven that Galens humours didn’t stick around! Yay germ theory!
It is said that the three wise men who visited Jesus were astrologers.

The star they saw was a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. Saturn symbolized the Jewish people while Jupiter symbolized kingship.
I would guess that the majority of people who “predict” your personality don’t really believe in it either. It’s just sort of a silly bit of pop culture for most people. Relatively few people actually take it seriously.
TBH I used to assume this, as I thought everyone knew the scam about those horoscopes in magazines or newspapers. Turns out my generation really likes to chart it out. Mercury in retrograde etc etc. It’s so confusing to follow but they seem to believe in it even if they’re not taking the time to sift through these charts.
I haven’t been asked in a very long time. However, if I was asked, I would respond with:

“Gemini, however, I never read my horoscope because I’m not interested in that stuff.”

If they then continue to probe, then I would start to drop some apologetics on them. 😇
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I thought this kind of thing went out with pastel polyester leisure suits, avocado and burnt orange kitchen appliances, lime-green shag carpet, and disco. “What’s your sign” just screams 1970s!

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Oddly enough, there is a synagogue in Poland where the zodiac signs are displayed on the walls. Don’t know what the reasoning behind that was.
I generally say "I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes, I saw the sign, life is demanding without understanding, I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes I saw the sign, no one’s gonna drag you up to get into the light where you belong.

But where do you belong?"
It’s like Blood type. Nobody actually believes it (or most people, I should say), it’s just a fun thing.
I’m a Gemini btw. I read that myth a while ago. Pretty crazy stuff.
I remember taking a Meyer Briggs personality test given by my employer.

I got an INTJ.

I read the description of this personality type and it does fit me.
I am an ISTJ and it fits me perfectly. I took it in high school and remember being amazed that the results were so dead on.
If astrology doesn’t even mean anything then who cares if I know that I am a Sagittarius? It’s not like I ever look at a horoscope or anything that has to do with astrology. I think when people wonder what sign someone is it is just to get a round about idea of when their birthday is without asking their birthday. Besides if a person already knew my birthday then they would know my sign, so there would be no reason to ask because they can look up my sign based on my birthday. I think it is just a secular way of conversating that has no real meaning behind it unless they start going into depth about it. Few people know how to really read astrology charts organically anyways because it actually takes years of study to acquire the knowledge.
If I understand the catholic position correctly, knowing your sign isn’t a problem…divining information from your sign is. After all, astrology exists as far as everyone being born under a specific sign. It’s taking that basic knowledge and trying to read the future that’s the issue.

I’m a Leo…if I was feeling snarky, I’d say my sign is Slippery when Wet! 😂😂😂
Mine would be 'zebra crossing ahead 🙂🙃🙂🙃
“Born under a bad sign
Been down since I began to crawl
If it wasn’t for bad luck, you know I wouldn’t have no luck at all…”

~ Albert King
Ace of
I generally say "I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes, I saw the sign, life is demanding without understanding, I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes I saw the sign, no one’s gonna drag you up to get into the light where you belong.

But where do you belong?"

Ace of Base

That song brings back the 90s and me at university.

Those were the days.
Oddly enough, there is a synagogue in Poland where the zodiac signs are displayed on the walls. Don’t know what the reasoning behind that was.
Our church has them painted on the ceiling above the altar. Taurus, Aquarius, Capricorn (which is an eagle, as depicted in ‘Biblical’ times), and Leo. At the top there’s a Lamb.

They represent the Four Gospels. Supposedly, in the early days of the Church, people were taught that the Gospels are timeless and unchanging, as were the stars in the sky.
I tell them I’m an Aquarius. Born at the Dawn of the Age of Aquarius. I don’t know if that’s good or bad.
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