If the Church allowed contraception, I would...

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DISCLAIMER: Don’t get me wrong, I believe it is altogether impossible that the Church would allow contraception since truth never changes. I would just like to present the famous-hyptothetical “what if” question and see what the response would be…
I would know the end times were here, and Jesus was just around the corner!
Cleaning the Guns…Putting up the black plastic on the windows…laying out the ammo…ETC…
Praying continual rosaries…opening the 55 gallon drum of Holy Water in the basement…alternating Divine Mercy Chaplets…Bunkerin in and prayin HARD
Not be here ! Just joking… well kind of …Just trying to make a point about how really important it is that we remain faithful to the Teachings of the Church.!
From my studies NFP is more effective than contraception…
Besides this many forms of contraception cause cancer.
Finally, many forms induce abortion…

Why would you want this? NFP is natural, safe, and faithful…
I am getting married soon and have been taking NFP courses…
It is what we’ll be using for only serious reasons of course. I’m looking forward to a large family 🙂
You are probably correct. In our 14 years of marriage, we’ve never used anything - hence the 5 children… (actually this is my 11th pregnancy - I’ve lost 6 to miscarrage) So I won’t knock NFP because I know nothing about it. We’re going to take a class and learn all we can… hopefully that will put our minds at ease.

I always wanted a “large family” also, and I’m so thankful that God has given me one. We just got home from mass & the Priest was talking about how what we think is totally irrelevant - it’s what God thinks that we should embrace. My previous post came to mind. Who am I to say, “Thanks for the Blessings God… but no thanks! - My idea of ONLY 5 children is best.” Do I presume to know more than God??

But in all honesty… it is easier said than done. Our house is 1400 square feet - I am a stay at home Mom, which means my husband single handedly supports 7 people & any more children would require us to sell our van & buy… what? A bus?

But rather than hope for the Church to say ABC is OK (which I believe will never happen) my hope is that God would give me the Faith to trust Him always.
If it did, than I would know that the Antichrist has influenced the Church. I’d fight for real Truth in the Church.
Me too!! Amen to that.
I said other because it ain’t gonna happen. Issue is closed.

I agree it can’t happen, but I would hold strong to the teachings I know to be true and continue to practice NFP.

I am really surprised to hear people making comments like “just wait until you have 3, 4, or 5” etc. Like he’s going to adopt a contraceptive mentality after that. It just sounds insulting, like he’s naive or something. Having kids is defintly a changing experience, but I don’t feel any more closed to life since having them. If anyone is having trouble relying on NFP, then go back to a class, renew your understanding of it and get caught up- some things have been simplified. And why is it that the old joke goes “What do you call a couple who practices NFP? Parents” and it isn’t a joke when other ABC fails? I know many more people who have had method failures on ABC than using NFP, and even then it wasn’t really a surprise.:rolleyes:
I would pinch myself and hope its a horrible horrible nightmare. I’d also see if we recently had a false Pope elected.

This will never happen.
Contraception is a pagan practice. Early Christians rejected contraception because it works against the Lord’s plan for our fertility. So, it is impossible for the true Church to ever change this teaching. I would have to hypothetically believe that the Catholic Church is not the true in order to answer this. We get into too many hypotheticals for me to answer so I said “other”.
I would have to seriously consider whether Catholicism was right for me. And I would begin looking into other religions as well.
…move this thread from the Water Cooler to Moral Theology.
I guess I am confused as to what this is truly asking.

My initial reaction to the question was in terms of *would I use contraception if it was okay with the Church, *despite my beliefs of contraception, which is why I would continue to use NFP. (which I agree will never happen)

But, it seems the question is generally what would you do if the Church changed an official teaching, using contraception as an example?

They probably weren’t following NFP to the letter. A lot of people fault NFP but they don’t follow it strictly. They get sloppy with temp taking, try to cut corners between phase I and phase II or phase II and phase III, or avoid the stricter rules of coitus for phase I.

Finally, I wouldn’t feel any different that NFP is safe and faithful 😉
isn’t using NFP simply to avoid getting pregnant considered the
same using a contraceptive, according to the CCC ?
I know the church will do no such thing. How ever if it were to allow contraception then i belive as catholics we should accept since Jesus Christ promised that the Holy Spirit would guide it from the evil one till the end of time. 😦
isn’t using NFP simply to avoid getting pregnant considered the
same using a contraceptive, according to the CCC ?
There are plenty of other threads dedicated to this topic- just do a search and you’ll find them. The simple answer in my opinion is no, it is not the same. It all depends on the intention, which is allowable for couples to discern their own serious reasons yet they remain faithful by being open to life as God gives it.
I would just save myself by my own grace.

Hey, it’s just as likely to happen as the Church changing a teaching!
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