For instance the fact that very ill relatives most often die despite intense prayers for their healing, the fact that not many prayers of any type are actually answered as requested, the fact that,
Both of these are only problems if you presuppose that the person being healed or the prayers being answered are in the best interest of everybody. This is not necessarily the case, and therefore, given that you are incapable of know what is best given your limited scope of knowledge, you cannot hold it against God if He does not answer your prayers in teh manner you desire.
in history, thousands of believers have been brutally murdered by invading hordes of non-believers,
Why should being a believer offer us any worldly protection? You once again are making a presupposition, that this life, this particular survival, are the ultimate good. If God
does exist as we understand Him, then this is imply not the case, and being murdered for the faith is far from the worst thing imaginable.
that thousands of innocent children die every year of starvation.
Yup, thousands die of starvation, while there is food aplenty that we are able to provide, and yet don’t. Either through the interference of local government, the lack of action from our governments, lack of action from the general populous, etc. You are blaming God for, mostly, the problems we create ourselves.
Seems to me that if there were no God all these things could easily be explained as natural occurrences due to the world we live in.**
If God does exist then they are explained as the natural occurrence of a fallen world filled with sinful people.
What you are dealing with is known as the problem of evil. It is probably the strongest argument against God’s existence; but it cannot circumvent the fact that our existence necessitates a creator. It also doesn’t address the fact that you see these things as wrong, but in order for them to be wrong there must be an objective criteria for what is write. In order for it to be
wrong for a loved one to die, there must be the understanding that it is
right for them to live. But then, where does this understanding come from?