I understand it’s about big money we’re talking about, they won’t just give up their $$$ easily, I suppose.
There will be people who are angry and insist porn be served to them.
“Why church coerce people, and so on”.
But this is not about the church against porn.
This is about obscenity to public exposure, is it not? And to prove it, just the same way we prove obscenity in public places in real life. Is there any difference that can separate these two? (the media as public exposure as compared to public places in real life)? Is this valid arguement? What’s the downside of this argument?
If there isn’t any, then
they’re being bigots for the sake of their $$$, these people selling our dignity as human being.
There will be people who are angry and insist porn be served to them.
“Why church coerce people, and so on”.
But this is not about the church against porn.
This is about obscenity to public exposure, is it not? And to prove it, just the same way we prove obscenity in public places in real life. Is there any difference that can separate these two? (the media as public exposure as compared to public places in real life)? Is this valid arguement? What’s the downside of this argument?
If there isn’t any, then
they’re being bigots for the sake of their $$$, these people selling our dignity as human being.