assuming that in the far future we have computers powerful enough to perfectly simulate human brains, all the (name removed by moderator)uts and outputs then if we start a simulated brain with a given starting condition we will inevitably receive the same output because computers execute code the same every time and because the computer perfectly simulated the brain then it must be coherent with reality so if the brain in the computer is just reacting to stimuli without accuracy choosing the output then the brain in the real world must like the computer brain must be just reacting to things without choosing it
but just for a moment lets assume that there is some true randomness (which we have observed at the quantum level) then we wouldn’t always receive the same output… but that version of free will would be the same as a pair of dice claiming that it chose to roll whatever number it landed on.
Nothing in the physical world is random. Quantum physics isn’t entirely understood but it deals in probability of outcomes.
Free will is an article of faith that is associated with the spiritual realm, the same as, for example, belief in the existence of Heaven & hell, or of the angels, or of the Real Presence of the Eucharist. None of those things are observable or knowable, except on extreme occasions when they are seen miraculously.
The physical world operates through the laws of physics & chemistry & biology. You can’t observe a soul through physical instruments or methods, otherwise it wouldn’t - by definition - be a soul. It would then be a physical component of the body, such as the brain or liver or lungs or skin, all of which are organs of the body that serve various functions and they can be observed and manipulated. In this respect, mapping the brain isn’t any different from mapping a fingernail, except of course that it is a lot more work and a lot more complicated.
The angels, for example, are purely spiritual and possess no brain cells or brain, yet their intellect far surpasses human intellect. God is purely spiritual, yet His intellect is infinite. There is a spiritual reality that overlaps the physical reality.