If you could have any exotic animal in the world...What would you choose?

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They have been known to take down full grown elephants when their kittens are threatened. Be sure to stay on their good side.
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I have decided to go with Elephants, Octupesses and/or Squid, my Orcas, of course, and some Bottleneck Dolphins. Obviously this is going to be challenging, but I’m sure something can be worked out logistically. I do like the Red Pandas. Thanks for the idea. I will take on a red panda into the house and back yard and see how that goes. Obviously, creatures you raise from babies are going to be much tamer, so that is a given. And if the red panda does not work out for one reason or another, I will go with a timber wolf, but they are somewhat high maintenance. I suppose they all are, and that’s why we humans love our cats and dogs.

Most people don’t know that Octupuses and Squid are pretty intelligent.

Orangutans now claim the prize for being the most intelligent of all the animals over chimpanzees, but I’m not sure I want one just yet. I will hold off for now to see what other orangutan owners have to tell me. They don’t get hgh marks for their good looks but I think they are more attractive than chimps.
We’ve had ferrets as pets,they loved playing games and chattering,jumping and playing when we did…so long as you didn’t upset them …then they’d remind you of some kind of link with a skunk.
They were always outdoor pets and we used them for netting rabbits. So cheeky standing in the entrance burrow chattering and looking like they were laughing and we couldn’t catch them:)
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Hmmmm…well, be careful next time you dip your big toe in the water, buster, even if it’s just your bathtub. 🤨
That sounds like a plot for a low budget scary movie. “Tentacles in in the Bathtub” 😆
I had a phobia of giant squid since I was little. I think I’ve mostly outgrown it but if I was in the open ocean by myself I’m sure my imagination would be in 3rd gear.

It’s the visual obscurity that gets me. You can’t see anything.

Dolphins and orcas are of course an actual danger as opposed to an imaginary one.

And I 2nd: squid and octopus are yummy 😄
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Orcas are very smart. Additionally, they will not attack humans. They do not see us as a food source. So you don’t need to worry.

Orcas that are not in the wild on the other hand have caused some injuries and a few deaths paradoxically.
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Maybe you got your phobia from “2000 leagues under the sea” or “the octopus that ate Manhattan.”
I think I watched a documentary about them on TV at some point.

That and I already had a general unease with water that I can’t see in.
Visibility varies I think depending on various factors. I’ll get you a good source of light for your birthday when you decide to go diving.
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Well, it’s probably a good survival trait…
I’m not going to swim in the big dam here, even though I’m tempted to on the hot days…we used to and it was great.
I don’t mind the yabbies swimming around in there, but it’s the knowledge
of the big leaches we saw recently 😱
Leaches, scorpions and big centipedes I just can’t come to love…

Aren’t you an Aussie?

I wouldn’t swim in the dam either without a heavy machine gun to penetrate the carapace of the insects. 🙀 😛 Or I guess long-sleeves.

Of course there are tarantulas and scorpions and desert snakes in the part of the country I am now living in, so I guess I shouldn’t complain. Haven’t seen any yet though.
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I am …and I’m just a wee bit scared of the sea,it does strange things like rips and belts you over the head with waves and hides Ray’s and sharks.
Well, I just don’t know it very well 🙂
I do like most spiders now. Id be interested in looking at a tarantula 🙂
Just not scorpions…
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Close…I’m an Aussssstrian. 😃 …but actually I’m mainly an American. Lived in the U.S. most of my life.
Only animal that has tried to do me serious harm so far was a moose- imagine 1600 pounds of muscle and hormones at 35 mph hour aimed squarely at you. It gives one pause, but one had better not pause for too long. That is the long and short of the matter. 🤭
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Truly disappointing, Greenie. One day you will be attacked in your own home by a giant house spider. 😮 Providentially, St. Francis will save you at the last moment.

Maybe. My favorite would have to be this chap,the Huntsman as no.1 they go around indoors and eat any other spider and 2. they arnt poison.
Oh! And 3 🙂 they herald rain coming the next day…my mum calls them the Rainspider .Funny,we used to nickname the visiting ones Harry or Fred, then found out many people call them the same 🙂

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Ohhhh…how precious. 🙂

Mine sleeps on my pillow each night, be we have had some close calls in our day.
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