Technically we have a dishwasher, one of those portable units that you fill with dishes, roll up to the sink, and hook up to the faucet. Came with the house along with the stove and fridge. Seemed like a good idea in theory. We made the mistake of waiting to test it until we had dirtied most of our dishes when having guests for dinner and dessert. We rolled the thing over, hooked up the hose, turned on the faucet, and watched in horror as water sprayed all over the kitchen from the broken valve. There were enough dirty dishes in the thing that we had to handwash them in three batches. Needless to say, it is sitting in our garage now, collecting dust. 
Since it’s just the two of us and a few pets, we (usually I) handwash all of our dishes. I haven’t been sick in over a year and DH has only been sick once, so I’m not concerned about sanitation. I work in a molecular biology lab, am trained in sterile cell culture technique, and have never had a contamination issue in four years, so I think I can manage the dinner plates. Besides, I can wash a sinkful of dishes as fast as my MIL can rinse and load them into her dishwasher- got to prove this at Chrismas to a shocked and amazed MIL, who now asks for my help with dishes whenever we visit.

Since it’s just the two of us and a few pets, we (usually I) handwash all of our dishes. I haven’t been sick in over a year and DH has only been sick once, so I’m not concerned about sanitation. I work in a molecular biology lab, am trained in sterile cell culture technique, and have never had a contamination issue in four years, so I think I can manage the dinner plates. Besides, I can wash a sinkful of dishes as fast as my MIL can rinse and load them into her dishwasher- got to prove this at Chrismas to a shocked and amazed MIL, who now asks for my help with dishes whenever we visit.