If you want to travel next year, you may need a vaccine passport

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Even hospital workers are restricted by “need to know”. When HIPPA was first defined and being implemented, our lab techs had to really put up a fight to be able to know patient statuses and diagnosis. Our critical values are often determined by knowing what medications a patient was on. The normal ranges for clotting greatly depend on knowing if they are on clot thinners, for example.

Eventually our Pathologists got involved and solved the problem. One that took the longest was knowing the HIV status of patients for performing phlebotomy. Yes, we are always to assume they may be positive and use safe measures at all times but we also need to know for double gloving and extra measures. Eventually, it all got sorted but new situations still crop up. Who needs to know if a female is really female? The doctor obviously does but who else has a true “need to know”? The lab does! Medical privacy is messy.
None of which I want to tell anyone.
In the general case, I don’t think you have to tell anyone. This would ofcourse mean not travelling to countries where certification of vaccination is required.
Even hospital workers are restricted by “need to know”.
I worked on a device for in-store placement that did nothing more than recommend a line of foot or ankle support products based on how customers answered certain questions. With that, we specifically designed the device to retain no data. Because keeping data that someone’s foot was hurting along side their email address was considered personal medical data. Instead, for those that opted in, their email was added to a marketing list and the list had to have no markings that any set of addresses came from the device.

Were we to retain anything more, satisfying HIPPA requirements would have made the device more complex (need for encryption, monitoring for physical compromise, so on…).
HIPAA laws regarding whether or not you received the vaccination could be a mute point:
  1. The safety of the general public at large is considered paramount.
  2. Any HIPAA statute can probably be suspended by Executive Order.
  3. The Covid-19 Vaccination is currently being paid for the United States Government.
If you actually could force the one’s applying the vaccination to accept payment for the vaccination, you might have a tippy toe to stand on.
In the USA we treat personal health and public health as mutually exclusive things. That is not a stance I myself agree with, as public health is the aggregate of personal health.
In the USA we treat personal health and public health as mutually exclusive things. That is not a stance I myself agree with, as public health is the aggregate of personal health.
As I would agree as well.

What are your thoughts concerning about whether or not you are an “Organ Donor” as depicted on your driver’s license ( at least it is denoted on mine in my state ).
What are your thoughts concerning about whether or not you are an “Organ Donor” as depicted on your driver’s license
I’m an organ donor. I thought about it long and hard some years ago and decided that if I don’t need it, I am willing to let someone else have it to save their their life.

On the other hand, people’s bodies are sacred to them and their loved ones. Processing someone’s body to harvest their organs (using wording here that I think may embody the feelings of another) may come across as defiling their body.

These are contradicting positions. I don’t know how to get to the middle ground, of leaving it up to personal autonomy while maximizing the number of people willing to donate their organs.
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